Browse Definitions :

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In this IT encyclopedia, we provide writers with the opportunity to contribute up-and-coming technology definitions by explaining what it is, what it does, how it works, who uses it and why it's important.

To discuss your ideas for contributing or updating a term, please send an email to [email protected].

General Submission Guidelines

What topics can I write about?
When coming up with definition ideas, ask yourself: Would an explanation of this term be beneficial to a wide audience? Is this term still relevant or heavily used? Do I understand the term well enough to translate it into plain English? Are there enough external resources for me to gather information about the term? It also helps to check if the definition already exists on, or any of the TechTarget websites, and whether it needs to be written from scratch or simply updated.

Can I contribute to a definition that is already published on the site?

Of course! If you see a definition that needs updating or you have important information that would make our readers more informed about the topic, please share it with us.

Are there any guidelines to writing a definition?

The main goal about writing a definition is to answer the six crucial questions:

  1. What is it?
  2. What does it do?
  3. How does it work?
  4. Who uses it?
  5. Why is it important?
  6. Is there anything else I need to know in order to be knowledgeable on the subject?

A more in-depth list of guidelines and tips can be given upon request.

Can I reuse the articles I write for TechTarget ?
Content must be previously unpublished and contributors must agree not to republish the content, except as part of a longer book written primarily by the contributor.

How long should my content be?
While there is no limit to the length of content, we encourage a minimum of 500 words. We have found 500 - 1000 words to be the sweet spot for both readability and searchability. If we agree to publish your article, we will send you a writer's agreement that defines our required criteria in more detail. 

What do I get when I write for TechTarget?
If your content is accepted for publication, you will be listed as the contributor for the definition and the opportunity to provide a link. Links can be direct to a LinkedIn profile, company website or a dedicated TechTarget contributor page.

Can I link to my company or organization's website in the content I write?
Links to company-related information and products can be added to your contributor tag.

Can I include links in my article?
As a contributor, you can suggest links but TechTarget editors will have the last call. 

What visibility will I receive?
Your work will be eligible to be featured in a newsletter and promoted across social media.

Can I link to my TechTarget article from other websites?
Links on social media and blogs are a great way to stir up readership and increase visibility. 

Can I respond to comments?
You bet, interaction is always welcome; comments and discussion are indications of great content. 

Can I include photos or videos?
Photos and videos are welcome, but please be sure you have the right to use the material and that you credit your sources.

  • What is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

    A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the internet.

  • What is FTP?

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol for transmitting files between computers over TCP/IP connections.

  • What is a VPN?

    A virtual private network (VPN) is a service that creates a safe, encrypted online connection.

  • What is demand shaping?

    Demand shaping is an operational supply chain management (SCM) strategy where a company uses tactics such as price incentives, ...

  • What is data monetization?

    Data monetization is the process of measuring the economic benefit of corporate data.

  • What is C-level (C-suite)?

    C-level, also called the C-suite, is a term used to describe high-ranking executive titles in an organization.

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