Browse Definitions :

Software development

Definitions related to software development, including tech terms about programming and words and phrases about Scrum, Agile and waterfall methodologies.

Agile software development

Definitions related to agile software development, including terms about Scrum and words and phrases about user stories, extreme programming (XP), Crystal, feature-driven development and Adaptive.

  • test-driven development (TDD)

    Test-driven development (TDD), also called test-driven design, is a software programming method that interlaces unit testing, programming and refactoring on source code.

  • 12-factor app

    Twelve-factor app is a methodology for building distributed applications that run in the cloud and are delivered as a service.

  • feature-driven development (FDD)

    Feature-driven development (FDD) is an Agile software development framework that organizes work around product features.

View All Agile software development Definitions


Definitions about software applications and development including operating system vocabulary, programming terminology, words about Internet applications and terms used in app/dev.

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This glossary contains definitions related to the DevOps movement. Some definitions explain the meaning of words used to describe how a DevOps culture breaks down silos between software development and operations teams. Other definitions are related to the software tools that DevOps engineers use to lower costs, achieve higher productivity and automate tasks.

  • test-driven development (TDD)

    Test-driven development (TDD), also called test-driven design, is a software programming method that interlaces unit testing, programming and refactoring on source code.

  • boot loader (boot manager)

    A boot loader (boot manager) is a small program that places the operating system (OS) of a computer into memory.

  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

    Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming interface (API) that allows application programmers to easily access data stored in a database.

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Definitions related to software programming, including tech terms about programming languages and words and phrases about software design, coding, testing and debugging.

  • test-driven development (TDD)

    Test-driven development (TDD), also called test-driven design, is a software programming method that interlaces unit testing, programming and refactoring on source code.

  • software patch

    A software patch or fix is a quick-repair job for a piece of programming designed to resolve functionality issues, improve security or add new features.

  • reactive programming

    Reactive programming is a programming paradigm, or model, that centers around the concept of reacting to changes in data and events as opposed to waiting for an event to happen.

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  • subnet (subnetwork)

    A subnet, or subnetwork, is a segmented piece of a larger network. More specifically, subnets are a logical partition of an IP ...

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard protocol on the internet that ensures the reliable transmission of data between...

  • secure access service edge (SASE)

    Secure access service edge (SASE), pronounced sassy, is a cloud architecture model that bundles together network and cloud-native...

  • intrusion detection system (IDS)

    An intrusion detection system monitors (IDS) network traffic for suspicious activity and sends alerts when such activity is ...

  • cyber attack

    A cyber attack is any malicious attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system or computer network with the ...

  • digital signature

    A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a digital document, message or...

  • product development (new product development)

    Product development -- also called new product management -- is a series of steps that includes the conceptualization, design, ...

  • innovation culture

    Innovation culture is the work environment that leaders cultivate to nurture unorthodox thinking and its application.

  • technology addiction

    Technology addiction is an impulse control disorder that involves the obsessive use of mobile devices, the internet or video ...

  • organizational network analysis (ONA)

    Organizational network analysis (ONA) is a quantitative method for modeling and analyzing how communications, information, ...

  • HireVue

    HireVue is an enterprise video interviewing technology provider of a platform that lets recruiters and hiring managers screen ...

  • Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI)

    Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) is a U.S.-based credentialing organization offering certifications to HR ...

Customer Experience
  • contact center burnout

    Contact center burnout refers to physical, emotional and mental exhaustion experienced by contact center employees.

  • contact center agent (call center agent)

    A contact center agent is a person who handles incoming or outgoing customer communications for an organization.

  • contact center management

    Contact center management is the process of overseeing contact center operations with the goal of providing an outstanding ...
