Software development
Definitions related to software development, including tech terms about programming and words and phrases about Scrum, Agile and waterfall methodologies.

Agile software development
Definitions related to agile software development, including terms about Scrum and words and phrases about user stories, extreme programming (XP), Crystal, feature-driven development and Adaptive.
What is the Agile test automation pyramid?
The Agile test automation pyramid is a graphical strategy guide for implementing automated software testing.
What is application lifecycle management?
Application lifecycle management (ALM) is the process of managing a software lifecycle from creation to its end of life.
What is Jira?
Jira is an application lifecycle management (ALM) and Agile project management tool from Atlassian.
Definitions about software applications and development including operating system vocabulary, programming terminology, words about Internet applications and terms used in app/dev.
What is root cause analysis?
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method for understanding the underlying cause of an observed or experienced incident.
What is replatforming and how does it work?
Replatforming is the process of migrating an application or system from one platform to another.
What is a test case?
A test case is a set of actions performed on a system to determine if it satisfies software requirements and functions correctly.
This glossary contains definitions related to the DevOps movement. Some definitions explain the meaning of words used to describe how a DevOps culture breaks down silos between software development and operations teams. Other definitions are related to the software tools that DevOps engineers use to lower costs, achieve higher productivity and automate tasks.
What is a cloud IDE?
A cloud IDE is a web-based integrated development platform.
What is IT automation? A complete guide for IT teams
IT automation is the use of instructions to create a clear, consistent and repeatable process that replaces an IT professional's manual work in data centers and cloud deployments.
What is application release automation (ARA)?
Application release automation (ARA) is a process that automatically packages and deploys an application, or application updates, through the stages of development to production.
Definitions related to software programming, including tech terms about programming languages and words and phrases about software design, coding, testing and debugging.
What is security by design?
Security by design is an approach to software and hardware development that seeks to make systems as free of vulnerabilities and impervious to attack as possible through such measures as continuous testing, authentication safeguards and adherence to best programming practices.
What is data preprocessing? Key steps and techniques
Data preprocessing, a component of data preparation, describes any type of processing performed on raw data to prepare it for another data processing procedure.
What is a word in computing architecture?
In computing architecture, a word is a fixed unit of data containing a specific number of bits that can be addressed and moved between storage and the computer processor.