
Definitions about networking including routing and switching vocabulary, telecom terminology and words about email, messaging and mobile.

High-speed networks

Terms related to high-speed communication networks, including network and end-system architecture definitions and words and phrases about high-bandwidth and low-latency communication.

  • What are managed network services?

    Managed network services are networking applications, functions and services that a managed service provider (MSP) remotely operates, monitors and maintains for an enterprise.

  • What is throughput?

    Throughput is a measure of how many units of information a system can process in a given amount of time.

  • What is network configuration management (NCM)?

    Network configuration management (NCM) is the process of organizing and maintaining information about all the components in a computer network.

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Network Admin

Terms related to managing computer networks, including definitions about LANS or WANS and words and phrases about network design, troubleshooting, security and backups.

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Network hardware

Terms related to network hardware, including definitions about cables or file servers and words and phrases about routers and switches.

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Networking and communications

Terms related to networking and communications, including definitions about network protocols and words and phrases about data transmission.

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Wireless and mobile

Terms related to wireless and mobile technology, including definitions about consumer mobile technology devices and communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, WiMAX and LTE.

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