Database management

Terms related to databases, including definitions about relational databases and words and phrases about database management.
  • 99.999 (Five nines or Five 9s) - In computers, 99.
  • active directory - Active Directory (AD) is Microsoft's proprietary directory service.
  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) - Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • artifact (software development) - An artifact is a byproduct of software development that helps describe the architecture, design and function of software.
  • Azure Data Studio (formerly SQL Operations Studio) - Azure Data Studio is a Microsoft tool, originally named SQL Operations Studio, for managing SQL Server databases and cloud-based Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse systems.
  • Basic Assembler Language (BAL) - BAL (Basic Assembler Language) is a version of IBM's assembler language (sometimes called assembly language) for its System/360 and System/370 mainframe operating system.
  • C++ - C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that is viewed by many as the best language for creating large-scale applications.
  • CICS (Customer Information Control System) - CICS (Customer Information Control System) is middleware that sits between the z/OS IBM mainframe operating system and business applications.
  • cold backup (offline backup) - A cold backup is a backup of an offline database.
  • columnar database - A columnar database (column-oriented) is a database management system (DBMS) that stores data on disk in columns instead of rows.
  • conformed dimension - In data warehousing, a conformed dimension is a dimension that has the same meaning to every fact with which it relates.
  • CRM (customer relationship management) analytics - CRM (customer relationship management) analytics comprises all of the programming that analyzes data about customers and presents it to an organization to help facilitate and streamline better business decisions.
  • cryptographic nonce - A nonce is a random or semi-random number that is generated for a specific use.
  • customer data integration (CDI) - Customer data integration (CDI) is the process of defining, consolidating and managing customer information across an organization's business units and systems to achieve a "single version of the truth" for customer data.
  • data abstraction - Data abstraction is the reduction of a particular body of data to a simplified representation of the whole.
  • data analytics (DA) - Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets to find trends and draw conclusions about the information they contain.
  • data availability - Data availability is a term used by computer storage manufacturers and storage service providers to describe how data should be available at a required level of performance in situations ranging from normal through disastrous.
  • Data Definition Language (DDL) - Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to create and modify the structure of objects in a database using predefined commands and a specific syntax.
  • data engineer - A data engineer is an IT professional whose primary job is to prepare data for analytical or operational uses.
  • data integrity - Data integrity is the assurance that digital information is uncorrupted and can only be accessed or modified by those authorized to do so.
  • data mining - Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and relationships that can help solve business problems through data analysis.
  • data modeling - Data modeling is the process of creating a simplified visual diagram of a software system and the data elements it contains, using text and symbols to represent the data and how it flows.
  • data profiling - Data profiling refers to the process of examining, analyzing, reviewing and summarizing data sets to gain insight into the quality of data.
  • data quality - Data quality is a measure of a data set's condition based on factors such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, reliability and validity.
  • data set - A data set, also spelled 'dataset,' is a collection of related data that's usually organized in a standardized format.
  • data source name (DSN) - A data source name (DSN) is a data structure containing information about a specific database to which an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver needs to connect.
  • data splitting - Data splitting is when data is divided into two or more subsets.
  • data structure - A data structure is a specialized format for organizing, processing, retrieving and storing data.
  • data warehouse - A data warehouse is a repository of data from an organization's operational systems and other sources that supports analytics applications to help drive business decision-making.
  • database (DB) - A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.
  • database as a service (DBaaS) - Database as a service (DBaaS) is a cloud computing managed service offering that provides access to a database without requiring the setup of physical hardware, the installation of software or the need to configure the database.
  • database automation - Database automation is the use of unattended processes and self-updating procedures for administrative tasks in a database.
  • database management system (DBMS) - A database management system (DBMS) is a software system for creating and managing databases.
  • database marketing - Database marketing is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation and processing of consumer data.
  • database replication - Database replication is the frequent electronic copying of data from a database in one computer or server to a database in another -- so that all users share the same level of information.
  • Db2 - Db2 is a family of database management system (DBMS) products from IBM that serve a number of different operating system (OS) platforms.
  • deep analytics - Deep analytics is the application of sophisticated data processing techniques to yield information from large and typically multi-source data sets comprised of both unstructured and semi-structured data.
  • dimension - In data warehousing, a dimension is a collection of reference information that supports a measurable event, such as a customer transaction.
  • distributed database - A distributed database is a database that consists of two or more files located in different sites either on the same network or on entirely different networks.
  • distributed ledger technology (DLT) - Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is a digital system for recording the transaction of assets in which the transactions and their details are recorded in multiple places at the same time.
  • document-oriented database - A document-oriented database is a type of NoSQL database in which data is stored in binary document files.
  • Dublin Core - Dublin Core is an international metadata standard formally known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and includes 15 metadata (data that describes data) terms.
  • ebXML (Electronic Business XML) - EbXML (Electronic Business XML or e-business XML) is a project to use the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to standardize the secure exchange of business data.
  • Eclipse (Eclipse Foundation) - Eclipse is a free, Java-based development platform known for its plugins that allow developers to develop and test code written in other programming languages.
  • encoding and decoding - Encoding and decoding are used in many forms of communications, including computing, data communications, programming, digital electronics and human communications.
  • encryption key management - Encryption key management is the practice of generating, organizing, protecting, storing, backing up and distributing encryption keys.
  • ensemble modeling - Ensemble modeling is the process of running two or more related but different analytical models and then synthesizing the results into a single score or spread.
  • entity relationship diagram (ERD) - An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an 'entity relationship model,' is a graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects, places, concepts or events in an information technology (IT) system.
  • Excel - Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and a component of its Office product group for business applications.
  • extension - An extension typically refers to a file name extension.
  • failover - Failover is a backup operational mode in which the functions of a system component are assumed by a secondary component when the primary becomes unavailable.
  • field - A field is an area in a fixed or known location in a unit of data such as a record, message header, or computer instruction that has a purpose and usually a fixed size.
  • file extension (file format) - In computing, a file extension is a suffix added to the name of a file to indicate the file's layout, in terms of how the data within the file is organized.
  • flat file - A flat file is a collection of data stored in a two-dimensional database in which similar yet discrete strings of information are stored as records in a table.
  • foreign key - A foreign key is a column or columns of data in one table that refers to the unique data values -- often the primary key data -- in another table.
  • Google BigQuery - Google BigQuery is a cloud-based big data analytics web service for processing very large read-only data sets.
  • Google Bigtable - Google Bigtable is a distributed, column-oriented data store created by Google Inc.
  • graph analytics - Graph analytics is a category of software tools and data mining techniques that help an analyst understand the relationship between entries in a graph database.
  • graph database - A graph database, also referred to as a semantic database, is a software application designed to store, query and modify network graphs.
  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) - The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the primary data storage system Hadoop applications use.
  • hashing - Hashing is the process of transforming any given key or a string of characters into another value.
  • IBM IMS (Information Management System) - IBM IMS (Information Management System) is a database and transaction management system that was first introduced by IBM in 1968.
  • in-database analytics - In-database analytics is a scheme for processing data within the database, avoiding the data movement that slows response time.
  • in-memory database - An in-memory database is a type of analytic database designed to streamline the work involved in processing queries.
  • information - Information is the output that results from analyzing, contextualizing, structuring, interpreting or in other ways processing data.
  • ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) - ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) is a file management system developed at IBM that enables records to be accessed either sequentially, in the order they were entered or randomly with an index.
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) - Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an API packaged with the Java SE edition that makes it possible to connect from a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to external, relational database systems.
  • job scheduler - A job scheduler is a computer program that enables an enterprise to schedule and, in some cases, monitor computer 'batch' jobs (units of work).
  • job step - In certain computer operating systems, a job step is part of a job, a unit of work that a computer operator (or a program called a job scheduler) gives to the operating system.
  • JOLAP (Java Online Analytical Processing) - JOLAP (Java Online Analytical Processing) is a Java application-programming interface (API) for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment that supports the creation, storage, access, and management of data in an online analytical processing (OLAP) application.
  • key-value pair (KVP) - A key-value pair (KVP) is a set of two linked data items: a key, which is a unique identifier for some item of data, and the value, which is either the data that is identified or a pointer to the location of that data.
  • knowledge base - In general, a knowledge base is a centralized repository of information.
  • knowledge management (KM) - Knowledge management is the process an enterprise uses to gather, organize, share and analyze its knowledge in a way that's easily accessible to employees.
  • Lisp (programming language) - Lisp, an acronym for list processing, is a functional programming language that was designed for easy manipulation of data strings.
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) - Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) is the full version of a portal-based platform for collaboratively creating, managing and sharing documents and Web services.
  • Microsoft SQL Server - Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that supports a wide variety of transaction processing, business intelligence (BI) and data analytics applications in corporate IT environments.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment to manage a SQL Server infrastructure.
  • Microsoft SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) - Microsoft SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) is an enterprise data integration, data transformation and data migration tool built into Microsoft's SQL Server database.
  • middleware - Middleware is software that bridges the gap between applications and operating systems by providing a method for communication and data management.
  • MongoDB - MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management program.
  • MPP database (massively parallel processing database) - An MPP database is a database that is optimized to be processed in parallel for many operations to be performed by many processing units at a time.
  • multidimensional database (MDB) - A multidimensional database (MDB) is a type of database that is optimized for data warehouse and online analytical processing (OLAP) applications.
  • national identity card - A national identity card is a portable document, typically a plasticized card with digitally embedded information, that is used to verify aspects of a person's identity.
  • object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes shortened to ODBMS for object database management system, is a database management system (DBMS) that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects.
  • OLAP (online analytical processing) - OLAP (online analytical processing) is a computing method that enables users to easily and selectively extract and query data in order to analyze it from different points of view.
  • OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) - Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming interface (API) that allows application programmers to easily access data stored in a database.
  • operational data store (ODS) - An operational data store (ODS) is a type of database that's often used as an interim logical area for a data warehouse.
  • Oracle RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager) - Oracle RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager) is a utility built into Oracle databases to automate backup and recovery; it includes features not available in third-party backup tools.
  • personal health record (PHR) - A personal health record (PHR) is an electronic summary of health information that a patient maintains control of themselves, as opposed to their healthcare provider.
  • PL/SQL (procedural language extension to Structured Query Language) - In Oracle database management, PL/SQL is a procedural language extension to Structured Query Language (SQL).
  • predictive modeling - Predictive modeling is a mathematical process used to predict future events or outcomes by analyzing patterns in a given set of input data.
  • primary key (primary keyword) - A primary key, also called a primary keyword, is a column in a relational database table that's distinctive for each record.
  • query - A query is a question or a request for information expressed in a formal manner.
  • raw data (source data or atomic data) - Raw data is the data originally generated by a system, device or operation, and has not been processed or changed in any way.
  • RDBMS (relational database management system) - A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a collection of programs and capabilities that enable IT teams and others to create, update, administer and otherwise interact with a relational database.
  • read-only - Read-only is a file attribute which only allows a user to view a file, restricting any writing to the file.
  • record - In computer data processing, a record is a collection of data items arranged for processing by a program.
  • refactoring - Refactoring is the process of restructuring code, while not changing its original functionality.
  • relational database - A relational database is a type of database that organizes data points with defined relationships for easy access.