Data centers

Definitions used in data center management, including hardware, virtualization and cloud computing.

Data backup and disaster recovery

Terms related to backup and recovery, including definitions about making copies of data and words and phrases about restoring original data after a data loss event.

View All Data backup and disaster recovery Definitions

Data center management

Terms related to data centers, including definitions about network operations centers (NOCs) and words and phrases about the storage, management and the transmission of data.

  • What is IT automation? A complete guide for IT teams

    IT automation is the use of instructions to create a clear, consistent and repeatable process that replaces an IT professional's manual work in data centers and cloud deployments.

  • What is a green data center?

    A green data center is a repository for the storage, processing, management and dissemination of data in which the physical space and the mechanical and electrical subsystems are designed to maximize energy efficiency and minimize the environmental impact.

  • What is root cause analysis?

    Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method for understanding the underlying cause of an observed or experienced incident.

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Definitions related to Linux, including tech terms about open source and words and phrases about Linux distributions and software development.

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Operating systems

Definitions related to operating systems, including tech terms about open source and proprietary operating systems and words and phrases about system programs, boot mechanisms, kernels, command interpreters, DLL libraries and drivers.

  • What is a word in computing architecture?

    In computing architecture, a word is a fixed unit of data containing a specific number of bits that can be addressed and moved between storage and the computer processor.

  • What is Active Directory Domain (AD Domain)?

    An Active Directory domain (AD domain) is a collection of objects within a Microsoft Active Directory network. An object can be a single user or a group, or it can be a hardware component, such as a computer or printer. Each domain holds a database containing object identity information.

  • What is Microsoft?

    Microsoft is the world's largest vendor of computer software and a leading provider of cloud computing services, video games, computer and gaming hardware, search and other online services.

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Storage Admin

Terms related to data storage management, including definitions about enterprise storage and words and phrases about storage infrastructure, storage capacity and hierarchical storage management (HSM).

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Storage and Data Mgmt

Definitions about storage and data management including backup/recovery vocabulary, business intelligence terminology, storage area networks and database management.

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Terms related to virtualization, including definitions about virtualization technologies and words and phrases about server virtualization, desktop virtualization and storage virtualization.

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