Browse Definitions by Alphabet

  • VMware Horizon Client - VMware Horizon Client is software that establishes a connection between endpoint devices and Horizon View virtual desktops and applications.
  • VMware Lab Manager - VMware Lab Manager is a software development and testing tool that enables designers and engineers to pool network and storage resources .
  • VMware NSX - VMware NSX is a virtual networking and security software product family created from VMware's vCloud Networking and Security (vCNS) and Nicira's Network Virtualization Platform (NVP) intellectual property.
  • VMware Partner Network - The VMware Partner Network is a global channel partner program with benefits and support to provide VMware's virtualization and cloud technology.
  • VMware resource pool - A VMware resource pool is the aggregated physical compute hardware -- CPU and memory, as well as other components -- allocated to virtual machines (VMs) in a VMware virtual infrastructure.
  • VMware snapshot - A VMware snapshot is a copy of a virtual machine (VM) in a VMware environment taken at a specific point in time.
  • VMware template - A VMware template is a perfect, model copy of a virtual machine from which you can clone, convert or deploy more virtual machines.
  • VMware VADP (VMware vStorage API for Data Protection) - VMware VADP is a VMware vStorage API that backs up and restores vSphere virtual machines (VMs).
  • VMware vApp - A VMware vApp is a collection of virtual machines (VMs) and sometimes other vApps that host a multi-tier application, its policies and service levels.
  • VMware vCenter Mobile Access (VMware vCMA) - VMware vCenter Mobile Access (VMware vCMA) is a virtual appliance used by admins to manage a data center from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
  • VMware vCenter Server Heartbeat (vCSHB) - VMware vCenter Server Heartbeat (vCSHB) is VMware's OEM version of NeverFail, which is designed to ensure the high availability and disaster recovery of vCenter Server whether on a LAN or a Wireless Wide Area Network.
  • VMware View Persona Management - VMware View Persona Management is a feature of Horizon View that stores and delivers user-specific data from a remote storage repository to virtual or physical desktops.
  • VMware VMCI (VMware Virtual Machine Communication Interface) - VMware VMCI (Virtual Machine Communication Interface) is a high-speed interface that virtual machines (VMs) on the same host use to communicate with each other and the host kernel modules.
  • VMware vRealize Log Insight (formerly vCenter Log Insight) - VRealize Log Insight is a log collection and analytics virtual appliance that enables administrators to collect, view, manage and analyze syslog data.
  • VMware vSAN - VMware vSAN is an enterprise storage virtualization software that supports hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI).
  • VMware vSphere App HA - VMware vSphere App HA is virtual appliance introduced with vSphere 5.
  • VMware vSphere Client - The VMware vSphere Client is a web-based application that connects to the vCenter Server so IT administrators can manage installations and handle inventory objects in a vSphere deployment.
  • VMware vSphere Web Client plug-in - VMware vSphere Web Client plug-ins are programs that either come from VMware itself or from third-party developers and partners to extend the vSphere Web Client with custom menu selections and toolbar icons that provide access to custom capabilities and external functionality.
  • VMware Workspace ONE - VMware Workspace ONE is a management platform that allows IT administrators to centrally control end users' mobile devices and cloud-hosted virtual desktops and applications from the cloud or from an on-premises deployment.
  • VMware Workstation Pro - VMware Workstation Pro is a 64-bit hosted hypervisor intended to implement virtualization on Microsoft Windows and Linux endpoint computers, such as desktop systems.
  • voice over LTE (VoLTE) - Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is a digital packet technology that uses 4G LTE networks to route voice traffic and transmit data.
  • voice SEO - Voice SEO is the optimization of keywords and keyword phrases for searches through voice assistants.
  • voice squatting - Voice squatting is an attack vector for voice user interfaces, or VUIs, that exploits homonyms -- words that sound the same, but are spelled differently -- and input errors -- words that are mispronounced.
  • VoIP caller ID (voice over Internet Protocol caller identification) - VoIP caller ID (voice over Internet Protocol caller identification) is a caller ID application for VoIP phones that works in the same way as caller ID on a conventional telephone line.
  • VoIP phone - A VoIP phone is a hardware- or software-based telephone designed to use voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to send and receive phone calls over an IP network.
  • volatile - In general, volatile (from the Latin "volatilis" meaning "to fly")is an adjective used to describe something unstable or changeable.
  • volatile memory - Volatile memory is a type of memory that maintains its data only while the device is powered.
  • volt per meter (V/m) - Volt per meter is the standard unit of electric field (E field) strength.
  • volt-ampere (VA) - A volt-ampere (VA) is a measurement of power in a direct current (DC) electrical circuit.
  • voltage - Voltage, also called electromotive force, is a quantitative expression of the potential difference in charge between two points in an electrical field.
  • voltage reference - A voltage reference is an electronic component or circuit that produces a constant DC (direct-current) output voltage regardless of variations in external conditions such as temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, current demand, or the passage of time.
  • volume manager - A volume manager is software within an operating system (OS) that controls capacity allocation for storage arrays.
  • voluntary benefits - Voluntary benefits are optional, employee-paid benefits.
  • von Neumann bottleneck - The von Neumann bottleneck is a limitation on throughput caused by the standard personal computer architecture.
  • VR locomotion (virtual reality locomotion) - VR locomotion is technology that enables movement from one place to another (locomotion) within a virtual reality environment.
  • VRAM (video RAM) - VRAM (video RAM) refers to any type of random access memory (RAM) specifically used to store image data for a computer display.
  • VSPEX - VSPEX is a platform specification from Dell EMC to guide the building of systems for converged and hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI).
  • vSphere HA (VMware High Availability) - VMware vSphere HA (High Availability) is a utility included in VMware's vSphere software that can restart failed virtual machines (VMs) on alternative host servers to reduce application downtime.
  • vSphere Replication - VSphere Replication is a feature of vSphere 5.
  • VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) - VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity -- qualities that make a situation or condition difficult to analyze, respond to or plan for.
  • vulnerability (information technology) - A vulnerability, in information technology (IT), is a flaw in code or design that creates a potential point of security compromise for an endpoint or network.
  • vulnerability and patch management - Vulnerability management is a pro-active approach to managing network security.
  • vulnerability assessment - A vulnerability assessment is the process of defining, identifying, classifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in computer systems, applications and network infrastructures.
  • vulnerability disclosure - Vulnerability disclosure is the practice of reporting security flaws in computer software or hardware.
  • vulnerability management - Vulnerability management is the process of identifying, assessing, remediating and mitigating security vulnerabilities in software and computer systems.
  • What are vector embeddings? - Vector embeddings are numerical representations that capture the relationships and meaning of words, phrases and other data types.
  • What are virtual agents and how are they being used? - A virtual agent -- sometimes called an intelligent virtual agent (IVA) -- is a software program or cloud service that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to provide automated services or guidance to humans.
  • What are vision language models (VLMs)? - Vision language models (VLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model that can understand and generate text about images.
  • What is a validation set? How is it different from test, train data sets? - A validation set is a set of data used to train artificial intelligence (AI) with the goal of finding and optimizing the best model to solve a given problem.
  • What is a variational autoencoder (VAE)? - A variational autoencoder (VAE) is one of several generative models that use deep learning to generate new content, detect anomalies and remove noise.
  • What is a vector database? - A vector database is a type of database technology that's used to store, manage and search vector embeddings, numerical representations of unstructured data that are also referred to simply as vectors.
  • What is a virtual contact center? - A virtual contact center (VCC) is a type of call center in which an organization's representatives are geographically dispersed, rather than situated at workstations in one location.
  • What is a virtual hard drive? - A virtual hard drive file is a container file that acts similar to a physical hard drive.
  • What is a voice user interface (VUI)? - A voice user interface (VUI) is a type of interface that relies on speech recognition technology to enable users to interact with an application or device through voice commands.
  • What is a VPN? - A virtual private network (VPN) is a service that creates a safe, encrypted online connection.
  • What is an AI assistant? - An AI assistant, or digital assistant, is software that uses artificial intelligence to understand natural language voice commands and complete tasks for the user.
  • What is value-sensitive design? - Value-sensitive design is a concept that advocates the consideration of human principles and standards when planning technology.
  • What is virtual desktop infrastructure? VDI explained - Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a desktop virtualization technology wherein a desktop operating system, typically Microsoft Windows, runs and is managed in a data center.
  • What is virtual reality? How it's used and how it will evolve - Virtual reality, or VR, is a simulated three-dimensional (3D) environment that lets users explore and interact with a virtual surrounding in a way that approximates reality, as it's perceived through the users' senses.
  • What is VMware Aria Suite (formerly vRealize Suite)? - VMware Aria Suite, formerly called vRealize Suite, is a software platform designed to help IT administrators build and manage heterogeneous, hybrid cloud environments.
  • What is VMware Certified Professional (VCP)? - VMware Certified Professional (VCP) is a certification level designed to demonstrate technical competency with VMware vSphere and related technologies.
  • What is VMware Cloud Director (VCD)? - VMware Cloud Director (VCD), formerly vCloud Director (vCD), is a cloud services delivery platform that helps cloud service providers offer secure cloud resources to their enterprise customers.
  • What is VMware vCenter Server? - VMware vCenter Server is a centralized management platform for configuring, controlling and monitoring VMware vSphere virtual environments.
  • What is VMware vSphere? - VMware vSphere is a virtualization platform that includes a suite of products for deploying and managing virtual environments.
  • What is voice of the customer? A guide to VOC Strategy - Voice of the customer (VOC) is the component of customer experience (CX) that focuses on customer needs, wants, expectations and preferences.
  • What is voice recognition and how does it work? - Voice or speaker recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation or to understand and perform spoken commands.
  • What is VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol)? - VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) is the transmission of voice and multimedia content over an internet connection.
  • What is VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method)? - Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) is an access method for IBM's mainframe operating system, MVS, now called z/OS.