Browse Definitions by Alphabet

  • CompTIA Project+ - CompTIA Project+ is the Computing Technology Industry Association's certification program designed to demonstrate a person has a validated understanding of and skills in project management.
  • CompTIA Security+ - CompTIA Security+ is a certification that demonstrates a person's competency with core security practices and functions that are carried out in IT security roles.
  • computational creativity (artificial creativity) - Computational creativity (artificial creativity), is the application of computer technologies to emulate, study, stimulate and enhance human creativity.
  • computational storage - Computational storage is an IT architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that must move between the storage plane and the compute plane.
  • computer - A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.
  • computer assisted coding system (CACS) - A computer assisted coding system (CACS) is medical software that reviews healthcare forms, including electronic health records, and assigns appropriate medical codes to its findings.
  • computer cracker - A computer cracker is an outdated term used to describe someone who broke into computer systems, bypassed passwords or licenses in computer programs, or in other ways intentionally breached computer security.
  • Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) - A Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a group of information security experts responsible for the protection against, detection of and response to an organization’s cybersecurity incidents.
  • computer forensics (cyber forensics) - Computer forensics is the application of investigation and analysis techniques to gather and preserve evidence from a particular computing device in a way that is suitable for presentation in a court of law.
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) - The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) of 1986 is United States legislation that imposes criminal penalties on individuals who intentionally access a protected computer without proper authorization or whose access exceeds their authorization.
  • computer hardware - Computer hardware is a collective term used to describe any of the physical components of an analog or digital computer.
  • computer instruction - A computer instruction is an order given to a computer processor by a computer program.
  • computer network - A computer network is a group of interconnected nodes or computing devices that exchange data and resources with each other.
  • computer numerical control (CNC) - Computer numerical control (CNC) is a manufacturing method that automates the control, movement and precision of machine tools through the use of preprogrammed computer software, which is embedded inside the tools.
  • computer room air conditioning (CRAC) unit - A computer room air conditioning (CRAC) unit is a device that monitors and maintains the temperature, air distribution and humidity in a data center, network or server room.
  • computer room air handler (CRAH) - A computer room air handler (CRAH) is a device used frequently in data centers to deal with the heat produced by equipment.
  • computer security incident response team (CSIRT) - A computer security incident response team, or CSIRT, is a group of IT professionals that provides an organization with services and support surrounding the assessment, management and prevention of cybersecurity-related emergencies, as well as coordination of incident response efforts.
  • computer worm - A computer worm is a type of malware whose primary function is to self-replicate and infect other computers while remaining active on infected systems.
  • computer-generated imagery (CGI) - Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the creation of still or animated visual content using imaging software.
  • computerized physician order entry (CPOE) - Computerized physician order entry (CPOE), also known as computerized provider order entry or computerized practitioner order entry, refers to the process of a medical professional entering and sending medication orders and treatment instructions electronically via a computer application instead of on paper charts.
  • Concurrent Versions System (CVS) - CVS also is an abbreviation for Computer Vision Syndrome.
  • conduct risk - Conduct risk refers to the potential for a company's actions or behavior to harm its customers, stakeholders or broader market integrity.
  • conductance - Conductance is an expression of the ease with which electric current flows through materials like metals and nonmetals.
  • conductor - A conductor, or electrical conductor, is a substance or material that allows electricity to flow through it.
  • Conficker - Conficker is a fast-spreading worm that targets a vulnerability (MS08-067) in Windows operating systems.
  • confidential computing - Confidential computing is a concept in which encrypted data can be processed in memory to limit access to protect data in use.
  • CONFIG.SYS - CONFIG.SYS is a text file containing disk operating system (DOS) commands that tell the operating system (OS) how the computer is initially set up.
  • configuration - Generally, a configuration is the arrangement - or the process of making the arrangement - of the parts that make up a whole.
  • configuration management database (CMDB) - A configuration management database (CMDB) is a file -- usually in the form of a standardized database -- that contains all relevant information about the hardware and software components used in an organization's IT services and the relationships among those components.
  • configuration service provider (CSP) - A configuration service provider (CSP) is a component of Windows client operating systems that shows IT professionals device configuration choices and allows them to apply the settings across multiple Windows OSes.
  • confirmation bias - Confirmation bias is a cognitive error in which information that supports a pre-existing belief is assigned more value than other information.
  • conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) - A conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) is a data structure that lets multiple people or applications make changes to the same piece of data.
  • conformed dimension - In data warehousing, a conformed dimension is a dimension that has the same meaning to every fact with which it relates.
  • connection - In telecommunication and computing in general, a connection is the successful completion of necessary arrangements so that two or more parties (for example, people or programs) can communicate at a long distance.
  • connectionless - In telecommunications, connectionless describes communication between two network endpoints in which a message can be sent from one endpoint to another without prior arrangement.
  • conservation of angular momentum - Conservation of angular momentum is a physical property of a spinning system such that its spin remains constant unless it is acted upon by an external torque; put another way, the speed of rotation is constant as long as net torque is zero.
  • consignment inventory - Consignment inventory is a supply chain model where the supplier retains ownership of the products until they are sold by the retailer, reducing the financial risk for retailers and allowing suppliers to access broader markets.
  • const - Const (constant) in programming is a keyword that defines a variable or pointer as unchangeable.
  • consumer data - Consumer data is the information that organizations collect from individuals who use internet-connected platforms, including websites, social media networks, mobile apps, text messaging apps or email systems.
  • consumer privacy (customer privacy) - Consumer privacy, also known as customer privacy, involves the handling and protection of the sensitive personal information provided by customers in the course of everyday transactions.
  • consumerization of IT - The consumerization of IT refers to how software and hardware products designed for personal use migrated into the enterprise and were used for work purposes.
  • consumption-based pricing model - A consumption-based pricing model is a service provision and payment scheme in which customers pay according to the resources they use.
  • contact center agent (call center agent) - A contact center agent is a person who handles incoming or outgoing customer communications for an organization.
  • contact center burnout - Contact center burnout refers to physical, emotional and mental exhaustion experienced by contact center employees.
  • contact center management - Contact center management is the process of overseeing contact center operations with the goal of providing an outstanding customer experience in an effective and efficient manner.
  • contact center schedule adherence - Contact center schedule adherence is a standard metric used in business contact centers to determine whether contact center agents are working the amount of time they are scheduled to work.
  • contactless payment - A contactless payment is a wireless financial transaction in which the customer makes a purchase by moving a security token in close proximity to the vendor's point of sale (POS) reader.
  • container (disambiguation) - This page explains how the term container is used in software development, storage, data center management and mobile device management.
  • container image - A container image is an unchangeable, static file that includes executable code so it can run an isolated process on IT infrastructure.
  • container registry - A container registry is a collection of repositories made to store container images.
  • container repository - A container repository is a collection of related container images that provide different versions of an application.
  • containers (container-based virtualization or containerization) - Containers are a type of software that can virtually package and isolate applications for deployment.
  • containers as a service (CaaS) - Containers as a service (CaaS) is a cloud-based service that provides a secure environment for running containerized applications.
  • content aggregator - A content aggregator is an individual, organization or tool that gathers web content and applications from different online sources for reuse.
  • content analytics - Content analytics, also known as content intelligence, is the process of measuring and analyzing how users interact and engage with digital content.
  • content delivery (content distribution, content distribution delivery, or content caching) - On the Internet, content delivery (sometimes called content distribution, content distribution delivery, or content caching) is the service of copying the pages of a Web site to geographically dispersed servers and, when a page is requested, dynamically identifying and serving page content from the closest server to the user, enabling faster delivery.
  • content filtering - Content filtering is a process involving the use of software or hardware to screen and/or restrict access to objectionable email, webpages, executables and other suspicious items.
  • content management (CM) - Content management (CM) is the process for collection, delivery, retrieval, governance and overall management of information in any format.
  • content marketing platform (CMP) - A content marketing platform (CMP) is a software solution that helps content marketing teams plan, envision, collaborate and create materials that successfully raise brand awareness, improve lead generation and increase revenue.
  • content personalization - Content personalization is a branding and marketing strategy in which webpages, email and other forms of content are tailored to match the characteristics, preferences or behaviors of individual users.
  • content services platform - A content services platform is cloud-based SaaS software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content.
  • content sprawl - Content sprawl is a condition of an organization's content assets in which proliferation and unmanaged growth have led to an unwieldy mass that is difficult to manage.
  • content-addressed storage (CAS) - Content-addressed storage (CAS) -- also called content-addressable storage -- is a method for storing fixed content as objects and providing fast access to that content.
  • context menu (right-click menu) - A context menu is a pop-up menu that provides shortcuts for actions the software developer anticipates the user might want to take.
  • context switch - A context switch is an operation that a computer's central processing unit (CPU) carries out when alternating between processes or threads while ensuring that the processes do not conflict.
  • context window - A context window is a textual range around a target token that a large language model (LLM) can process at the time the information is generated.
  • contextual marketing - Contextual marketing is an online marketing strategy model in which people are served with targeted advertising based on their search terms or their recent browsing behavior.
  • contingency budget (cost contingency) - Contingency, in the context of project management, is an amount of money that is included to cover potential events that are not specifically accounted for in a cost estimate.
  • contingency plan - A contingency plan is a course of action designed to help an organization respond effectively to a significant future incident, event or situation that may or may not happen.
  • contingent workforce - A contingent workforce is a labor pool whose members are hired by an organization on an on-demand basis.
  • continual service improvement - Continual service improvement (CSI) is a method to identify and execute opportunities to improve IT processes and services, and to objectively measure the effects of these efforts over time.
  • Continuity of Care Document (CCD) - A Continuity of Care Document (CCD) is an electronic, patient-specific document detailing a patient's medical history.
  • Continuity of Care Record (CCR) - The Continuity of Care Record, or CCR, provides a standardized way to create electronic snapshots about a patient's health information.
  • continuous authentication - Continuous authentication is a method of verification aimed at providing identity confirmation and cybersecurity protection on an ongoing basis.
  • continuous delivery (CD) - Continuous delivery (CD) is an approach for software delivery in which development teams produce and test code in short but continuous cycles to improve software quality.
  • continuous performance management - Continuous performance management, in a human resource (HR) management context, is the supervision of an employee's performance through one-on-one discussions and ongoing feedback from supervisors during regularly scheduled check-ins.
  • control framework - A control framework is a data structure that organizes and categorizes an organization’s internal controls, which are practices and procedures established to create business value and minimize risk.
  • control loop - A control loop is a system made up of all the hardware components and software control functions needed for the measurement and adjustment of a variable that controls an individual process.
  • control plane (CP) - The control plane is the part of a network that carries signaling traffic and is responsible for network routing.
  • control system - A control system is a set of mechanical or electronic devices that regulates other devices or systems by way of control loops.
  • controller (computing) - A controller, in a computing context, is a hardware device or a software program that manages or directs the flow of data between two entities.
  • ControlUp - ControlUp is a monitoring software company that sells tools IT professionals can use to manage, monitor and analyze virtual desktop and application performance.
  • converged infrastructure - Converged infrastructure, sometimes called 'converged architecture,' is an approach to data center management that packages compute, networking, servers, storage and virtualization tools into a prequalified set of IT hardware.
  • converged network adapter (CNA) - A converged network adapter (CNA) is a single network interface device that provides the functionality of both a Fibre Channel (FC) host bus adapter (HBA) and a TCP/IP Ethernet network interface card (NIC).
  • conversational marketing - Conversational marketing is marketing that engages customers through dialogue.
  • conversion rate optimization - In online marketing, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a strategic approach to increasing the percentage of website visitors who follow a desired call to action.
  • cookie - A cookie is information that a website puts on a user's computer.
  • cookie poisoning - Cookie poisoning is a type of cyber attack in which a bad actor hijacks, forges, alters or manipulates a cookie to gain unauthorized access to a user's account, open a new account in the user's name or steal the user's information for purposes such as identity theft.
  • cooperative games - Cooperative games are games where players work with one and other in order to achieve a common objective.
  • coopetition (co-opetition) - Coopetition is a business strategy that uses insights gained from game theory to understand when it is better for competitors to work together.
  • COPE (corporate-owned, personally enabled) - COPE (corporate-owned personally-enabled) is a business model in which an organization provides its employees with mobile computing devices and allows the employees to use them as if they were personally-owned notebook computers, tablets or smartphones.
  • COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ) - The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) is a federal law that imposes specific requirements on operators of websites and online services to protect the privacy of children under 13.
  • copy data management (CDM) - Copy data management (CDM) is an approach to reducing storage consumption that involves eliminating the unnecessary duplication of production data.
  • copypasta - Copypasta is a chunk of text that is repeatedly copied and pasted until it proliferates across the Web, gaining meme status.
  • copyright - Copyright is a legal term describing ownership of control of the rights to the use and distribution of certain works of creative expression, including books, video, motion pictures, musical compositions and computer programs.
  • core banking system - A core banking system is the software that banks use to manage their most critical processes, such as customer accounts, transactions and risk management.
  • Core competencies: What they are and how they lead to success - For any organization, its core competencies refer to the capabilities, knowledge, skills and resources that constitute its 'defining strengths.
  • core HR (core human resources) - Core HR (core human resources) is an umbrella term that refers to the basic tasks and functions of an HR department as it manages the employee lifecycle.
  • corollary - A corollary is a statement that follows naturally from some other statement that has either been proven or is generally accepted as true.
  • corporate culture - Corporate culture is the collection of values, beliefs, ethics and attitudes that characterize an organization and guide its practices.