Browse Definitions :

Browse Definitions by Alphabet

  • business intelligence competency center (BICC) - A business intelligence competency center (BICC) is a team of people that, in its most fully realized form, is responsible for managing all aspects of an organization's BI strategy, projects and systems.
  • business intelligence dashboard - A business intelligence dashboard, or BI dashboard, is a data visualization and analysis tool that displays on one screen the status of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other important business metrics and data points for an organization, department, team or process.
  • business logic - In programming, business logic is the part of a software program responsible for implementing the business rules that define how data should be created, modified, transformed, communicated and in other ways managed and controlled.
  • business metric - A business metric is a quantifiable measure businesses use to track, monitor and assess the success or failure of various business processes.
  • business plan - A business plan is a formal document that outlines a company's objectives, strategies and financial forecasts, serving as a comprehensive roadmap for business growth and development.
  • business process - A business process is an activity or set of activities that accomplish a specific organizational goal.
  • business process automation (BPA) - Business process automation (BPA) is the use of advanced technology to complete business processes with minimal human intervention.
  • business process improvement (BPI) - Business process improvement (BPI) is a practice in which enterprise leaders analyze their business processes to identify areas where they can improve accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency and then make changes within the processes to realize these improvements.
  • Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) - Established in August 2000, the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) is a nonprofit organization that promotes the standardization of common business processes, as a means of furthering e-business and B2B development.
  • business process management software (BPMS) - Business process management software (BPMS) helps companies design, model, execute, automate and improve a set of activities and tasks that, when completed, achieve an organizational goal.
  • business process mapping - Business process mapping is the visual display of the steps within a business process showing how it's done from start to finish.
  • Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) - Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), also called Business Process Model and Notation, is an open standard to diagram a business process.
  • business process modeling - Business process modeling, often called process modeling, is the graphical representation or illustration of an organization's business processes.
  • Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) - Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is an XML standard metalanguage used to outline business processes in an easy-to-understand way.
  • business process outsourcing (BPO) - Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a business practice in which an organization contracts with an external service provider to perform an essential business function or task.
  • business process reengineering (BPR) - Business process reengineering (BPR) is a management practice in which business processes used are radically redesigned to improve efficiency, effectiveness and performance.
  • business resilience - Business resilience is the ability an organization has to quickly adapt to disruptions while maintaining continuous business operations and safeguarding people, assets and overall brand equity.
  • business rules engine (BRE) - A business rules engine (BRE) is a software component that allows non-programmers to add or change business logic in a business process management (BPM) system.
  • business services - Business services refer to all services that support a company.
  • business structure - A business structure is a category of organization that is legally recognized in a given jurisdiction and characterized by the legal definition of that particular category.
  • business sustainability - Business sustainability, also known as corporate sustainability, is the management of environmental, social and financial concerns by a company to ensure responsible, ethical and ongoing success.
  • business transformation - Business transformation is a term used to describe what happens when a company makes fundamental changes to how it operates.
  • busy lamp field (BLF) - A busy lamp field (BLF) is a light on a VoIP phone -- also known as an IP phone -- that tells end users when another extension within the system is in use by displaying a clear status on the phone's display.
  • buyer persona - A buyer persona is a composite representation of a specific type of customer in a market segment.
  • buzz marketing - Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a campaign or product.
  • BYOD (bring your own device) - BYOD (bring your own device) is a policy that enables employees in an organization to use their personally owned devices for work-related activities.
  • BYOI (bring your own identity) - BYOI (bring your own identity) is an approach to digital authentication in which an end user's username and password are managed by a third party.
  • byte - In most computer systems, a byte is a unit of data that is eight binary digits long.
  • bytecode - Bytecode is computer object code that an interpreter converts into binary machine code so it can be read by a computer's hardware processor.
  • decentralized application (DApp) - A decentralized application (DApp) is a type of distributed, open source software application that runs on a peer-to-peer (P2P) blockchain network rather than on a single computer.
  • SAP BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) - SAP BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a standard interface to the business object models in SAP products.
  • SAP BW (Business Warehouse) - SAP Business Warehouse (BW) is a model-driven data warehousing product based on the SAP NetWeaver ABAP platform.
  • The Boomi Platform - The Boomi Platform, previously known as Boomi AtomSphere, is a low-code and cloud-native integrated Platform as a Service (iPaaS).
  • What is BCDR? Business continuity and disaster recovery guide - Business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) are closely related practices that support an organization's ability to remain operational after an adverse event.
  • What is business process management? A guide to BPM - Business process management (BPM) is a structured approach to improving the processes organizations use to get work done, serve their customers and generate business value.
  • subnet (subnetwork)

    A subnet, or subnetwork, is a segmented piece of a larger network. More specifically, subnets are a logical partition of an IP ...

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard protocol on the internet that ensures the reliable transmission of data between...

  • secure access service edge (SASE)

    Secure access service edge (SASE), pronounced sassy, is a cloud architecture model that bundles together network and cloud-native...

  • cyber attack

    A cyber attack is any malicious attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, computing system or computer network with the ...

  • digital signature

    A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a digital document, message or...

  • What is security information and event management (SIEM)?

    Security information and event management (SIEM) is an approach to security management that combines security information ...

  • product development (new product development)

    Product development -- also called new product management -- is a series of steps that includes the conceptualization, design, ...

  • innovation culture

    Innovation culture is the work environment that leaders cultivate to nurture unorthodox thinking and its application.

  • technology addiction

    Technology addiction is an impulse control disorder that involves the obsessive use of mobile devices, the internet or video ...

  • organizational network analysis (ONA)

    Organizational network analysis (ONA) is a quantitative method for modeling and analyzing how communications, information, ...

  • HireVue

    HireVue is an enterprise video interviewing technology provider of a platform that lets recruiters and hiring managers screen ...

  • Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI)

    Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) is a U.S.-based credentialing organization offering certifications to HR ...

Customer Experience
  • contact center agent (call center agent)

    A contact center agent is a person who handles incoming or outgoing customer communications for an organization.

  • contact center management

    Contact center management is the process of overseeing contact center operations with the goal of providing an outstanding ...

  • digital marketing

    Digital marketing is the promotion and marketing of goods and services to consumers through digital channels and electronic ...
