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SODOTO (See One, Do One, Teach One)

SODOTO (See One, Do One, Teach One) is a methodology of teaching and learning skills and best practices through direct observation of a task, hands-on practical experience performing the task and teaching the task to another person.

Often utilized for apprenticeships, SODOTO is an effective means to teach an in-demand technical skill or task to large volumes of students. The method is used to teach new procedures to engineers, law enforcement officers, medical students and practitioners. SODOTO is used also used frequently in field exercises in preparation for crisis situations and combat zones.

While SODOTO seems to indicate watching a solitary example, the “See One” phase may include lessons from experts, texts and interactive media. This step is done when the student has thoroughly completed the lesson as preparation for practical experience.

In the “Do One” phase, the student applies the theoretical lessons learned into practical applications. The student performs the task, often under supervision. Learning is developed through experience, real world variables and testing by mentors.

In the “Teach One” phase, the student uses gained cumulative learning and experience and transfers it by teaching another student. Teaching the skill or task helps reinforce the knowledge learned and helps the student develop even further toward mastery.

Technology has changed how students learn technical tasks, which has seen the use of SODOTO change over time. For example, medical students spend less time in the classroom and more time in clinical situations. While there is plenty of information and written material that medical students and residents must absorb, it’s now delivered via the Internet or loaded on tablets and smartphones. Simulations through virtual reality (VR) have also increased in popularity. While aspects of the method are still helpful and important, the traditional and methodical use of SOTODO has decreased as technology has increased the speed and ability to multitask while learning.

This was last updated in November 2018

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