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Data Transfer Project (DTP)

Data Transfer Project (DTP) is an Open Source initiative to facilitate customer-controlled bulk data transfers between two online services. The project is an emerging collaborative effort run by Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google and Microsoft.

DTP transfers content between services without requiring an intermediate step where the data must be downloaded, stored and re-uploaded. Instead, the content is converted by platform-specific adapters into a format that can used by the new platform’s application program interface (API). Automating data transfers between providers means that the user doesn’t have to worry about having enough storage space or accidentally corrupting the data they want to transfer.

Purpose of the Data Transfer Project

DTP was developed to make the bulk data transfer process easier by and reducing the number of requirements that currently make it difficult to move data from one cloud provider to another. Today, if a business or individual wants to move content from one online platform to another, they have to download and save content from the first platform and then upload it to the second platform.

Once a cloud provider belongs to the Data Transfer Project, however, the end user can authenticate data transfers for cloud service migration with one click. To lower the compliance burden for business customers and protect personally identifiable information (PII), the project has built in controls to protect users’ rights to choice, privacy and security.

History of the Data Transfer Project

The Google Data Liberation Front started DTP in 2017 and offered it as a service in July 2018. The project is a software fork of Download Your Data (also known as Takeout), which allows Google members to download a machine-readable copy of their personal data from across Google services.

The Data Transfer Project is still young and its future depends on the project's ability to build a successfully build a network of participants. New providers can join the DTP using the set of interfaces described in the Provider Integration Guide on GitHub.

It's expected that in most cases, transfer approvals will be branded and managed by the receiving provider. The image below shows how an end user could use a DTP interface to transfer data from Google to Microsoft cloud services.

Are you a Know-IT-All? Test Yourself!

1. A __________ is a business network whose members remain financially independent but work closely together to ensure each other’s success.
a. keiretsu
b. colo

2. Cloud ________ describes the capacity of data to be moved from one cloud computing environment to another with minimal disruption.
a. transmogrify
b. portability

3. ____________ is tech lingo for transferring data by personally carrying it from one place to another in removable storage media.
a. Sneakernet
b. Kanban

4. Cloud ___________ is the removal of applications and data from a cloud provider's platform.
a. repatriation
b. washing

5. GitHub facilitates ____________ by providing members with a web interface to the Git code repository as well as management tools for collaboration.
a. social coding
b. cowboy coding

This was last updated in August 2020

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