

2015 Stories

  • October 05, 2015 05Oct2015 Definição

    Alphabet, Inc.

    Alphabet, Inc. is a conglomerate founded by Google to serve as its parent company; Google will continue to exist as a fully-owned subsidiary of Alphabet, as will Calico, Google Ventures, Google Capital, Google X, and Nest Labs. Continue Reading

  • July 28, 2015 28Jul2015 Definição

    security by design

    Security by design is an approach to software and hardware development that seeks to make systems as free of vulnerabilities and impervious to attack as possible through such measures as continuous testing, authentication safeguards and adherence to... Continue Reading

  • July 24, 2015 24Jul2015 Definição

    security through obscurity

    Security through obscurity (STO) is reliance upon secrecy in software development to minimize the chance that weaknesses may be detected and targeted. Continue Reading

  • June 04, 2015 04Jun2015 Definição

    in-app purchase (IAP)

    An in-app purchase (IAP) is something bought from within an application, typically a mobile app running on a smartphone or other mobile device. In games, for example, users can buy characters, upgrade abilities and spend real money on in-game ... Continue Reading

  • May 29, 2015 29May2015 Definição

    SIGINT (signals intelligence)

    SIGINT (signals intelligence) is information gained by the collection and analysis of the electronic signals and communications of a given target. Continue Reading

  • May 26, 2015 26May2015 Definição


    A holacracy is a governance structure characterized by a distribution of power among self-organizing groups, rather than the typical top-down hierarchical corporate culture model. Continue Reading

  • May 11, 2015 11May2015 Definição

    electric grid

    An electric grid is a network of synchronized power providers and consumers that are connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers. Continue Reading

  • May 06, 2015 06May2015 Definição

    de-anonymization (deanonymization)

    De-anonymization is a method used to detect the original data that was subjected to processes to make it impossible -- or at least harder -- to identify the personally identifiable information (PII). De-anonymization typically cross-references ... Continue Reading

  • May 05, 2015 05May2015 Definição

    battery memory effect

    The battery memory effect is a reduction in the longevity of a rechargeable battery's charge, due to incomplete discharge in previous uses. Continue Reading

  • April 27, 2015 27Apr2015 Definição

    Microsoft Project (Microsoft Office Project)

    Microsoft Office Project is the company's project and portfolio management software. The product is also referred to simply as Microsoft Project. Continue Reading

  • March 31, 2015 31Mar2015 Definição


    A vendor is an individual or company that sells goods or services to somone else in the economic production chain. Learn about different types of vendors. Continue Reading

  • February 16, 2015 16Feb2015 Definição

    object recognition

    Object recognition is at the convergence points of robotics, machine vision, neural networks and AI. Google and Microsoft are among the companies working in the area -- Google’s driverless car and Microsoft’s Kinect system both use object ... Continue Reading

  • February 12, 2015 12Feb2015 Definição

    strong authentication

    Although it is not a standardized term, with set criteria, strong authentication can be said to be any method of verifying the identity of a user or device that is intrinsically stringent enough to ensure the security of the system it protects by ... Continue Reading

  • February 09, 2015 09Feb2015 Definição

    capacitor (capacitance)

    In its simplest form, a capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulating material called thedielectric. Continue Reading

  • January 29, 2015 29Jan2015 Definição

    theory of relativity

    Albert Einstein's theory of relativity is actually two separate theories: his special theory of relativity, postulated in the 1905 paper, The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies and his theory of general relativity, an expansion of the earlier theory, ... Continue Reading

  • January 23, 2015 23Jan2015 Definição

    Faraday constant

    Faraday's constant, symbolized by the italic uppercase letter F, is the physical constant representing the electric charge in a mole. The unit is named for Michael Faraday, an early 19th century inventor of the electrical motor. Continue Reading

  • January 15, 2015 15Jan2015 Definição

    70 percent rule for productivity

    According to the 70 percent rule, which has its roots in athletics, employees are most productive when a majority of their time is spent working at a less intense pace. That way, when work demands increase temporarily, employees have the reserve ... Continue Reading