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Digital Therapeutics Provide Many Benefits, But Threats, Challenges Remain
Research shows that the growth of digital therapeutics provides many benefits and opportunities for patient care, but organizations must consider the potential drawbacks.
While examining digital therapeutics (DTx) and their effect on healthcare, researchers from Forrester released a report that identified various benefits and risks associated with this type of technology.
DTx is essentially a set of software and devices that organizations often use to deliver care for various conditions, including substance use disorders and diabetes.
While recognizing the growth of DTx use, the researchers noted several strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that need to be considered. The report, which was shared with mHealthIntelligence via email, is based on interviews with numerous DTx companies.
The strengths of DTx highlighted in the report were ease of use, high levels of accessibility and delivery, and data collection.
DTx use supports a patient-centered experience with limited side effects, according to the report. For example, chronic pain patients may be able to use DTx instead of opioids that can be addictive.
These digitally enabled treatments can also help patients navigate the issues surrounding physician access and alleviate the frequent burnout experienced by providers. A study from the American Psychological Association in 2021 indicated that 46 percent of psychologists experienced burnout, and 41 percent could not keep up with the demand for treatment, the report states. But DTx shows potential for expanding access to cognitive behavioral therapy without increasing the burden on physicians.
Further, DTx use is linked to high levels of patient engagement, leading to large amounts of data collected.
On the other hand, the weaknesses associated with DTx use include a lack of clarity regarding reimbursement, use, and differentiation.
Digitally, it can often be challenging to prove the efficiency of real-world data (RWD) related DTx, which can lead to reimbursement complications. This often leads to barriers between providers and the use of DTx, resulting in a discrepancy between the treatments being labeled as a novelty and generating excitement and the actual use of DTx. The large, and loosely regulated, digital wellness ecosystem also complicates selecting DTx solutions, as the differentiation between the clinical validity of various applications can be difficult to discern.
DTx does, however, provide many opportunities for success, including augmentation of the clinician workforce and supporting care in an increasingly digital landscape. DTx can be a way to manage physician burnout through digital tools and simultaneously expand patient options. DTx can also help enhance predictive analytics, which can ultimately decrease costs and save time for providers, the report states.
But despite these opportunities, expanding DTx involves many potential threats that organizations must consider.
Security threats can be highly prevalent when using digital solutions, particularly when collecting real-world data, according to the report. The COVID-19 pandemic also exacerbated the presence of endpoint attacks within healthcare organizations.
In addition, lengthy development timelines for therapeutics and a potential lack of organizational commitment to DTx may pose challenges.
Organizations should consider the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) elements surrounding DTx before implementing them, according to the report.
The DTx landscape is evolving quickly, with several companies focusing their efforts on confirming clinical validity and gearing up for expanded use.