Customers and Prospective Customers

Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Services

General Terms and Conditions of April 1, 2022

Service Specific Terms: Brand Advertising

eff. 06-14-2024

Service Specific Terms: BrightTALK Managed Services

eff. 04-01-2022

Service Specific Terms: Contact Data Services

eff. 04-01-2022

Service Specific Terms: Custom Content Creation

eff. 04-01-2022

Service Specific Terms: ESG Professional Services

eff. 04-01-2022

Service Specific Terms: Lead and Demand Generation

eff. 04-01-2022

Service Specific Terms: List Rental

eff. 04-01-2022

Service Specific Terms: Priority Engine

eff. 04-01-2022

As specified on your Order Form, the above General Terms and Conditions apply to all purchases and the applicable Service Specific Terms apply based on the services listed on the Order Form.

Service Policies and Procedures

Maintenance and Support Policy for Priority Engine

Terms and Conditions Archive

Members and Website Visitors

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For Other Questions related to privacy, click here.

Trademarks and Copyright Notice

“TechTarget”, “BrightTALK”, and the TechTarget and BrightTALK logos are registered trademarks of TechTarget, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere. Other marks used on this website for TechTarget and its subsidiaries and affiliates products and services are trademarks of TechTarget, Inc. Other trademarks or service marks used on this website may be the intellectual property of their respective owners. TechTarget, Inc. provides marketing materials for informational purposes only, and such information should not be construed as legal advice or opinions. Please consult with an attorney for advice regarding compliance with laws and regulations applicable to you, your use of content provided hereunder, and your business, as applicable.

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