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Azure Bastion brings convenience, security to VM management
This cloud service gets around the problem associated with jump servers and cloaks the identity of your VMs to avoid potential security issues. Continue Reading
Cloud adoption a catalyst for IT modernization in many orgs
Sloppy and insecure IT procedures that had been overlooked before the cloud arrived must evolve with the times to prevent data exposure and system breaches. Continue Reading
The future of PowerShell begins to sharpen in focus
PowerShell's promise as a cross-platform management tool has come a long way, but much work still needs to be done for both Linux and Windows admins to pick up adoption. Continue Reading
How to work with the WSUS PowerShell module
The PoshWSUS module automates the process to synchronize and approve Windows updates. You can also use it to perform essential maintenance on the WSUS server. Continue Reading
Implement automated employee onboarding with PowerShell
Your time is precious and you shouldn't waste it by clicking through menus to set up a new user. Look at these code examples to put together your own provisioning script. Continue Reading
What is Group Policy Object (GPO) and why is it important?
Microsoft’s Group Policy Object (GPO) is a collection of Group Policy settings that defines what a system will look like and how it will behave for a defined group of users.Continue Reading
Learn to set up and use PowerShell SSH remoting
Remoting over SSH in PowerShell Core has some advantages over the traditional Windows PowerShell remoting method, but it will require a fair amount of manual configuration work.Continue Reading
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Internet Information Services (IIS) is a flexible, general-purpose web server from Microsoft that runs on Windows systems to serve requested HTML pages or files.Continue Reading
How to automate patch management in Windows
Automating Windows updates with PowerShell will ease some of the labor associated with the routine patch deployment process.Continue Reading
Using the Sysinternals Sysmon tool to check DNS queries
A recent update to the Sysinternals Sysmon utility adds DNS query logging to give deeper insights into the connections made by your Windows machines.Continue Reading
Pester tests help pinpoint infrastructure issues
The Pester testing framework gives IT pros a way to develop sophisticated and consistent testing routines that monitoring tools just can't duplicate.Continue Reading
Check Office 365 usage reports for user adoption insights
Microsoft gives administrators access to many Office 365 reports to pinpoint ways to improve user adoption rates and tighten up potential security leaks.Continue Reading
Use PowerShell printer management for quicker setups
Don't fiddle with printer configurations and tiresome upkeep work from the GUI when you can automate a lot of the tediousness with PowerShell.Continue Reading
What's new in hybrid Azure services in Windows Admin Center?
Trying to get the most out of Azure hybrid services? Discover Microsoft's latest developments to further centralize management in Windows Admin Center.Continue Reading
3 steps to prepare for Exchange updates
If you dread the process of updating Exchange and the possibility that patches will break the servers, you can take control by putting best practices in place with three steps.Continue Reading
Windows and Linux: What systems administrators need to know
The lines between Windows Server and Linux continue to blur. Discover what Windows administrators need to know to get up to speed with these new Linux features.Continue Reading
Tech communities offer more than just a quick fix
IT professionals who join tech meetups and online communities might find there's more than just troubleshooting help available when they invest their time in a group.Continue Reading
Can you ace this quiz on Windows Server 2019 HCI?
With each new server release, Microsoft gives administrators a whole new slew of features to learn. Challenge yourself on how well you know the Windows Server HCI features.Continue Reading
Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute
Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute is a service that provides a private connection between an organization's on-premises infrastructure and Microsoft Azure data centers.Continue Reading
System administrator resources you'll actually use
The learning resources available for IT administrators are more plentiful than the technology that admins manage. How do they sift through the inundation of information?Continue Reading
How to add the App Compatibility Feature on Demand to Server Core
Microsoft closed the functionality gap between Server Core and full desktop deployments with the App Compatibility feature, but will it entice admins to the GUI-less server?Continue Reading
System administrator skills you need to succeed in the cloud
Cloud technology gives IT administrators more tools to manage enterprise resources than ever before, but the expanding technology also requires admins to develop a new skill set.Continue Reading
Painlessly deploy Azure File Sync with PowerShell
Have you ever run low on file server capacity or struggled to access files? Setting up Azure File Sync can give your organization centralized file shares with local accessibility.Continue Reading
A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.Continue Reading
How to successfully migrate Exchange Servers
Admins have a few options to upgrade their servers, but whether they choose cloud or on premises, the update process involves the same steps to transition old servers and avoid issues.Continue Reading
How to uninstall Exchange 2013 after a cutover migration
Don't throw a retirement party for that Exchange 2013 server and pull the plug prematurely without going through this checklist to avoid any issues.Continue Reading
Windows Server cluster sets add more protection to workloads
Microsoft stepped up its high availability game with its cluster sets technology in Windows Server 2019 to give on-premises workloads more cloudlike resiliency.Continue Reading
Understand Azure Update Management basics
Microsoft provides a variety of tools that IT administrators can use to simplify update deployment, including Azure Update Management. Find out if the service will work with your systems.Continue Reading
How do you build Windows Server 2019 cluster sets?
Microsoft debuted cluster sets in its Windows Server 2019 release. Here's a rundown on how to deploy this high availability feature in your organization.Continue Reading
What Windows Server 2019 SDN features should I know about?
Administrators in highly virtualized environments can tap into enhanced Windows Server 2019 SDN functionality to run Hyper-V VMs more efficiently.Continue Reading
What features make up Windows Server 2019 cluster sets?
Windows Server 2019 takes clustering to a new level with the cluster sets feature that wraps another layer of high availability around critical VMs.Continue Reading
Windows Server 2019 features admins should explore
This slideshow of Windows Server 2019 features highlights some of its key additions built to bring more flexibility and reliability to the enterprise.Continue Reading
IT pros must adapt to Azure certification path changes
Microsoft reworked its Azure certifications recently and offers an upgrade path for IT pros with older credentials, but there is little time before the transition tests expire.Continue Reading
What advantages do Windows Server cluster sets offer?
Administrators don't need to stress about workload uptime with a new Windows Server 2019 clustering feature, which makes sharing resources and moving VMs easier.Continue Reading
Server Core vs. GUI: Is Server Core ready for prime time?
IT Director Christopher Rivers says the Windows Admin Center is a step in the right direction to boost adoption of Server Core, but administrators will still encounter challenges.Continue Reading
What are some common Windows Server 2019 SDN errors?
The complexity of setting up and managing Microsoft SDN can increase the risk of administrators facing common networking errors that are difficult to troubleshoot.Continue Reading
What key SDN features are in Windows Server 2019?
Microsoft SDN capabilities got a boost in Windows Server 2019 to wrap more security around VMs and make networking tasks less painful to execute.Continue Reading
How much does Azure Update Management cost?
The Azure Update Management cost is free, but organizations that require the tool's advanced features might have to contend with additional fees.Continue Reading
How to configure SSL on IIS with PowerShell
SSL encryption is a necessary component when building an IIS website that communicates with the outside world. Use this PowerShell tutorial to streamline the deployment process.Continue Reading
How well do you know open source PowerShell Core?
Do you know how PowerShell Core differs from Windows PowerShell? Find out with this quiz on the open source PowerShell management utility.Continue Reading
What are some Microsoft SDN features in Windows Server?
SDN functionality helps administrators shape network traffic to reduce congestion and boost security. Discover what other SDN features Microsoft added to its Windows Server offerings.Continue Reading
Q&A: Will Microsoft artificial intelligence change your job?
Technical architect Jason Wynn says the data center is already on the path to a more autonomous future due to the acceleration of Microsoft artificial intelligence efforts.Continue Reading
How does Azure Update Management handle integration?
Azure Update Management works with other Microsoft administrative tools to give IT pros a more complete offering to patch operating systems.Continue Reading
How to set up and enforce Azure multifactor authentication
Azure Active Directory offers multifactor authentication to further secure login credentials. Get started with these instructions to set up this Microsoft cloud service.Continue Reading
What OSes does Azure Update Management handle?
Azure Update Management supports a large number of Windows and Linux systems on premises and in the cloud, but there are certain requirements to meet to utilize the service.Continue Reading
Compliance with GDPR in Exchange requires extra effort
Exchange administrators outside of the European Union might not think that GDPR affects them, but they should work toward compliance to avoid a stiff penalty if a violation occurs.Continue Reading
System Insights
System Insights is a feature that debuted in Windows Server 2019 that processes data and uses predictive analytics to warn administrators of potential issues with Windows Server deployments.Continue Reading
How does Azure Update Management handle patching?
Microsoft built Azure Update Management for administrators who require a centralized tool to automate patches for systems both on premises and in the cloud.Continue Reading
Working with PowerShell module downloads from the gallery
Learn how to get the most out of the PowerShell Gallery with some distinctions for administrators who use Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core.Continue Reading
Windows Admin Center lures IT pros with Azure integration
If System Center is overkill for your needs and the older tools aren't up to task, then the Windows Admin Center just might be the tool to manage your data center.Continue Reading
Exchange Online
Exchange Online is the hosted version of Microsoft's Exchange Server messaging platform that organizations can obtain as a stand-alone service or via an Office 365 subscription.Continue Reading
Stay in control with these Active Directory basics
Administrators have an ever-increasing number of resources to handle and permissions to track, but they can cut this seemingly impossible task down to size with Active Directory.Continue Reading
Unlock storage savings with Windows Server deduplication
Windows Server comes with a data deduplication feature to reduce the organization's storage crunch, but it's important to plan around some potential drawbacks.Continue Reading
Hyper-convergence forms core of Windows Server 2019 features
The latest server OS release from Microsoft upgrades many of its software-defined features to make it easier to use a hybrid cloud model.Continue Reading
Hunt down zombie VMs to trim Windows Server licensing costs
Temporary workloads can cause organizations to buy more Windows Server licenses than they need, but admins can track down zombie servers to consolidate workloads and keep costs down.Continue Reading
Use this Microsoft deployment tool for easier setups
It's not new, but the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit tends to be overlooked when administrators need a way to set up Windows in an automated fashion. See why MDT is worth using.Continue Reading
Monad Manifesto
The Monad Manifesto is a document written by Jeffrey Snover in 2002 that outlined his idea for a new Windows systems administration tool named Monad, which was changed to Windows PowerShell.Continue Reading
PowerShell Core 6.1 offers many small improvements
New PowerShell Core functionality includes the addition of Windows PowerShell 5.1 modules, making this version worth a closer look for administrators.Continue Reading
Why do admins need both powershell.exe and pwsh.exe?
While the PowerShell development team wants IT to move on to the newer PowerShell version, the powershell.exe executable will remain to avoid breaking changes.Continue Reading
How to use PowerShell JEA for task delegation
System administrators don't have to do every mundane task themselves anymore with help from Just Enough Administration. Get started with these instructions using PowerShell.Continue Reading
Can this Active Directory quiz stump you?
How much do you know about Active Directory? Find out with this Active Directory quiz on the service's basics, structure and capabilities.Continue Reading
Make IT infrastructure documentation a regular task
Even though documenting IT processes might not be at the top of an admin's to-do list, they should not let it fall by the wayside. Learn documentation best practices here.Continue Reading
Getting started with AWS Tools for PowerShell
Want to make a move from on-premises systems? The AWS Tools for PowerShell module builds on your knowledge of handling Windows machines and carries it into the Amazon cloud.Continue Reading
Explore the Cubic congestion control provider for Windows
Microsoft made Cubic the default congestion control provider for Windows 10 and plans to do the same for Windows Server 2019. Learn what this means for your organization.Continue Reading
How does AD DS differ from Microsoft Azure Active Directory?
On-premises Active Directory or Azure AD? It doesn't have to be an either/or situation, as more cloud services are making their way into traditional data center environments.Continue Reading
Learn the tricks for using Microsoft Teams with Exchange
As Microsoft Teams gains prominence for business collaboration, administrators should investigate the integration options with their Exchange Online or on-premises Exchange setup.Continue Reading
Understand Active Directory basics for enterprise success
You can't get the most out of a tool unless you understand its features. This tip explains the basics of Active Directory and how it controls access and maintains order.Continue Reading
Set up Office 365 alerts to keep threats at bay
Office 365 offers administrators integrated tools to warn the IT staff about potential attacks or breaches of conduct. Find out what the options are and how to configure them.Continue Reading
How a bastion forest limits exposure of admin privileges
A Windows Server 2016 feature called a bastion forest is the centerpiece of Microsoft's privileged access management model that limits the exposure of admin rights.Continue Reading
What are the Microsoft IRM requirements for Exchange 2016?
Before a company can take advantage of information rights management on the Exchange 2016 platform, administrators must ensure the server setup meets the technical requirements.Continue Reading
How do you use Outlook IRM to protect email content?
The information rights management feature in Exchange prevents unauthorized parties from viewing sensitive content. Admins can tailor the settings to fit the company's needs.Continue Reading
What are the Windows Defender management tools?
If you're using Windows Defender AV to protect your company, it's imperative to configure the malware protection properly. This tip lays out the management options for admins.Continue Reading
Taking stock of Windows Server management tools
Microsoft provides a mix of server management tools that administrators can choose from to control the machines that run the business. This comparison can help steer your decision.Continue Reading
How is the future of PowerShell shaping up?
Microsoft no longer develops PowerShell behind closed doors. While there are perks to the tool's move to open source, users must cope with the consequences of the shift.Continue Reading
How to build a Packer image for Azure
Packer is an open source tool that automates the Windows Server image building process to give administrators a consistent approach to create new VMs.Continue Reading
How do I get access to Office 365 preview versions?
Your power users will want to be the first in line to try out upcoming features through the Office 365 targeted release program. Set up early access with this step-by-step guide.Continue Reading
What is the future for Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging?
As its cloud services have matured, Microsoft has adjusted the unified messaging features in Exchange Server. What will unified messaging look like on Exchange Server 2019?Continue Reading
Kubernetes in Azure eases container deployment duties
Using containers in the cloud will require an orchestration tool. Azure Kubernetes Service helps create and manage the clusters when running containers on the Azure platform.Continue Reading
The top 5 unheralded Windows Server 2016 features
Windows Server 2016 is still a novel operating system for many administrators. Check out some of its new and enhanced features that might have slipped under the radar.Continue Reading
Will Exchange Server 2019 address admin issues?
As Exchange Server 2019 draws closer, one administrator hopes Microsoft will incorporate some of the feature requests from the Exchange technicians in the field.Continue Reading
How to protect PowerShell credentials in task automation
When administrators use unencrypted credentials in PowerShell scripts, they expose sensitive information. Find out the ways to secure credential use with automated tasks.Continue Reading
How do I avoid Windows Defender compatibility issues?
Microsoft offers a free antimalware tool for client and server systems, but administrators need to tune the layers of protection to avoid problems.Continue Reading
Exchange Online security setup requires joint effort
A company that moves to Exchange Online must coordinate the efforts of its email administrators and its security team to maximize protections and meet compliance requirements.Continue Reading
How do admins check the Exchange IRM setup?
Testing Exchange information rights management functionality can be tedious, but Microsoft offers a dedicated cmdlet for Exchange 2016 administrators that streamlines the process.Continue Reading
What are System Center DPM 2016 limitations?
Not every tool is right for the job of backing up data. Find out what limits System Center DPM 2016 protection and which alternatives cover what it lacks.Continue Reading
Microsoft Outlook on the web (formerly Outlook Web App, OWA)
Outlook on the web is the browser-based email client for users to access email, calendars, tasks and contacts from Microsoft's on-premises Exchange Server and cloud-based Exchange Online.Continue Reading
How do I keep Windows Defender definitions current?
Administrators in charge of keeping antivirus software up to date have a few options to protect their servers. Learn about the methods and services to use with Windows Defender Antivirus.Continue Reading
How does the Office Insider program work?
The Office Insider program can benefit organizations that want as much lead time as possible to see what new features Microsoft plans to release for its Office 365 platform.Continue Reading
How does Windows Defender Antivirus protect against malware?
Microsoft offers Windows Defender Antivirus as its native tool to prevent malware attacks. Discover how it works and what advanced protections it provides.Continue Reading
Microsoft Project Honolulu shows promise but needs work
Microsoft Project Honolulu is still in the technical preview stage, but it needs to resolve a number of issues before it's a viable alternative to manage production machines.Continue Reading
Cloud-based email security tools barricade entry to Exchange
The pressure is on Exchange administrators to avoid a ransomware outbreak that cripples the on-premises email system. Cloud-based security tools can help blunt trending attacks.Continue Reading
Azure AD B2B offers a secure way to grant external access
Organizations that open up their resources to external users can restrict access using the Azure AD B2B service with minimal effort on the part of the administrators.Continue Reading
PowerShell 6 expands reach but lags behind Windows version
Cross-platform PowerShell arrived without all the functionality that's available in Windows PowerShell -- but it brings the ability to manage Linux and macOS systems.Continue Reading
Using Microsoft Exchange certificates requires planning
Exchange certificates typically require minimal management effort after they have been set up, and they offer a secure means of communication between different organizations.Continue Reading
Windows Defender Credential Guard secures login data
Windows Defender Credential Guard uses virtualization to isolate access to domain credentials and diminish the threat of attacks based inside the data center.Continue Reading
CLI vs. GUI: Find the right admin tool for various scenarios
Standard Windows and Linux command-line utilities oftentimes have niche, yet important functionality not available in GUI tools that require IT workers to make custom workflows.Continue Reading
These PowerShell script examples help tidy up code
Even the most grizzled scripting veterans might learn some new PowerShell tips and tricks to tighten their automation code or produce clearer error messages.Continue Reading
What DPM monitoring options are there?
Administrators tasked with checking the status of System Center Data Protection Manager have a few choices, some of which are better suited for larger DPM deployments.Continue Reading
Future of Windows might involve significant weight loss
The influence of containerized applications could sway Microsoft to introduce more far-reaching refinements to Windows Server and reduce the OS to the bare necessities.Continue Reading
Five system administrator skills Windows admins should hone
IT workers need to learn how to ride the wave of innovation and master these five technologies related to Windows Server that can ease their workload and help the business.Continue Reading