
Microsoft Windows Features on Demand

Microsoft Windows Features on Demand is a feature that allows system administrators to add or remove roles and features in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, and later versions of the client and server operating system to alter the file size of those operating systems.

 With Windows Server 2012 and later, administrators can add or remove roles and features either through the Server Manager console or with Windows PowerShell cmdlets. Administrators can use these tools to alter local servers, remote servers and offline VHD files.

Administrators can use Windows Features on Demand to remove unwanted roles and features from Windows instances that are running, whether physical or virtual. Administrators can install roles and features to Windows OS instances from remote locations rather than from local systems, allowing for better remote management of those systems. Administrators can also use Features on Demand with the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool to tailor Windows image files or offline virtual hard disks, which can be used for future deployment needs.

This was last updated in November 2016

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