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How well do you know PowerCLI cmdlets?
Take this eight-question quiz to determine how much you know about PowerCLI and its cmdlets -- the short scripts that enable you to automate nearly anything.
PowerCLI is a useful tool for automating operations in your data center with a single line of code. It's a command-line interface tool designed for vSphere that "snaps into" the PowerShell framework and executes commands through cmdlets -- short command scripts that perform a single function.
PowerCLI has more than 500 such commands, with an ever-growing list. Each command is made up of a function, which defines an action to take, and a cmdlet, which defines the object on which to perform that action.
You can modify cmdlets with various parameters to make them more detailed or specific. PowerCLI cmdlets enable you to do nearly anything you can do through a GUI, but in a faster and more efficient manner.
To ensure you're getting the most out of PowerCLI, quiz yourself on the functions of some of the most common -- and powerful -- cmdlets you can use.