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The top 10 PowerCLI scripts for vSphere administrators


Alert the owners of VM snapshots

Source:  iStock

Snapshot sprawl is another area that requires a lot of manual work to manage. After getting a report on the snapshots in the system, I often find myself emailing the application owners of the VMs to ask why they have a particular snapshot and whether they have any plans for it. In most cases, it turns out the person who took the snapshot can't remember making it. If you have enough snapshots, they can add up to serious system clutter.

We all know the dangers that snapshots can cause. That is why I love this script called SnapReminder, by Alan Renouf, that can act as a little cue to the application owners. First, it searches through your inventory for snapshots. When the script finds one, it sends a gentle email to those that created it.

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