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Optimizing the Benefits of Digital Learning

Digital Learning for the Digital Generation
Education is being profoundly impacted by digital technology. Not only has digital technology fundamentally changed how information is acquired, but next-generation digital solutions are dramatically enhancing how students learn as well.

Next-generation educational technology is expanding the art of the possible for digital learning. As such, educational institutions must do all they can to ensure their students don’t suffer from a digital gap caused by out-of-date technology. Digital gaps are eliminated when educational institutions employ innovative digital solutions, but too many hesitate because such efforts sound like an expensive proposition. In reality, though, huge spending levels are not needed; smart spending on key solutions will get you where you need to be.

New Solutions Provide the Best Support for Digital Learning
Educational organizations need to recognize how upgrades and enhancements to both software and devices can create new opportunities to enhance the learning process.

For example, such upgrades can foster more effective collaboration. Team-based learning activities and group tasks have become a common part of many curriculums, and students today expect to collaborate whenever they want, without jumping through hoops to do so. Facilitating always-on and real-time collaboration is one of the important new feature sets that are now available. With this kind of functionality, learning is not limited to the classroom and teachers can collaborate one on one or with small groups of students.

Another consideration is that students today want to move well beyond traditional keyboard/mouse combinations and utilize touchscreen, on-screen drawing, and whiteboard functionality that lets them interact with information and coursework in new and exciting ways. Students want to switch seamlessly across any style of interaction, with no interruptions that draw focus from the task at hand.

As digital natives, today’s students also want to work with technology that works the way they do. Older products have only one way of interfacing, interacting, and using devices and software. This was acceptable in the past, but today, students want their own workstyles, to better fit the way they think and learn. These new workstyle and interface options help students focus on their work and learning, as their devices become more aligned with their personal preferences for how they interact with them.

One of the most fundamental aspects of digital learning is that the old stationary learning experience is replaced by support for complete freedom and mobility. Students want to work anywhere, at any time, but mobility is more than simply a portable form factor. For true mobility, next-generation solutions eliminate the complexities of connecting to networks and ensuring they are secure. Plus, the old trade-off between battery life and performance has been eliminated, and now students and educators can have both.

Finally, substantial improvements in cybersecurity have been made in the latest devices and software. Students and educators will find that they are far less at risk and that the burden of cybersecurity is no longer on their shoulders. Automated and built-in security changes the game. With better intrinsic and ongoing security built in, the load on an educational institution’s IT team is greatly reduced.

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Lenovo and Intel Deliver Best-In-Class, Next-Generation Solutions for Education
Lenovo and Intel collaborate to develop a wide range of devices that combine power, performance, cost efficiency and energy savings required in modern digital learning environments. Lenovo devices powered by Intel® processors give students and educators alike complete mobility and multiple data input formats, allowing them to work in the manner they prefer.

The partnership of Lenovo and Intel has resulted in powerful, yet affordable, computing solutions that open up a wide range of applications and use cases for students, teachers, administrators and staff, from distance learning to cross-campus collaboration.

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