Tech Accelerators
TechTarget's Tech Accelerator packages help enterprise leaders understand the vital role IT technologies play in their companies' success. Each Tech Accelerator covers a major technology, from basic principles to the latest trends. Woven into each Tech Accelerator is a selection of our exclusive content: Readers can access in-depth features, news, technical tips and infographics that explain what the technology or service is, how to buy it, how to manage it and how to troubleshoot problems that may arise.
Complete crisis management guide and free template
This guide to crisis management and free template can help your business respond to an unplanned emergency, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Continue Reading
Ultimate guide to RPA (robotic process automation)
This comprehensive guide to robotic process automation explains what RPA is, where it's being deployed and how this disruptive technology is changing how work gets done. Continue Reading
What is data management and why is it important? Full guide
Data management is the process of ingesting, storing, organizing and maintaining the data created and collected by an organization, as explained in this in-depth guide. Continue Reading
What is cloud backup and how does it work?
Cloud backup, also known as online backup or remote backup, is a strategy for sending a copy of a physical or virtual file or database to a secondary, off-site location for preservation in case of equipment failure, site catastrophe or human malfeasance. Continue Reading