Test your knowledge of speech technology applications

Speech technology applications are integrated into everything, from contact centers to email platforms. Take our quiz to find out how much you know about this growing technology segment.

As communications vendors look to stand out in a crowded market, many are integrating new technology that can boost productivity.

Speech technology applications are one way vendors are differentiating themselves. Speech technology has made its way into contact centers, collaboration platforms and, with personal assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa, it's even made its way into our homes.

With the addition of AI, the capabilities and use cases for speech technology have rapidly expanded to include natural language processing, speech recognition and speech analyses. It can be difficult to keep up with advancements in the technology as new use cases continue to arise, but knowing what is available and how it can improve your business is important.

This quiz will help you brush up on the types of speech technology available and the capabilities AI can bring to speech technology applications.

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