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Benefits of artificial intelligence in communication

This article is part of the Network Evolution issue of June 2018, Vol. 9, No. 3
Enterprises are beginning to pay attention to the potential benefits of artificial intelligence in communication and collaboration applications. As an emerging technology, AI can transform the way people work with data and with each other. For unified communications, that potential means improved access to information and better control of UC applications and endpoints. Artificial intelligence describes computer programs' ability to learn based on observation and past experience through machine learning. Thanks to the rapid advancement of computer processing power, AI has gone from concept to practical technology and is now being developed to improve decision-making across industries. Nearly 41% of enterprises to use AI in their UC applications by the end of 2019, according to Nemertes' 2018 Unified Communications and Collaboration report. The research also found a direct correlation between AI adoption and overall UC success. In addition, AI is a bellwether technology as companies seek to use it to gain competitive advantage, ...
Features in this issue
DevOps for networking evolves with software
Enterprises have yet to fully integrate a collaborative approach to DevOps for networking, but that's changing as networks become more automated and software-driven.
Enterprises use network security in the cloud to combat threats
The market for network security in the cloud is growing as enterprises shift workloads to the cloud to combat potential data breaches and system threats.
Columns in this issue
Software-based networks lay foundation of networking's future
Software-based networks are evolving, reshaping how companies do business and blending into legacy networking. Enterprises will have to sort out which approaches work best.
Benefits of artificial intelligence in communication
Enterprises that want to enhance their UC strategies can see several benefits of artificial intelligence in communication, collaboration, information access and UC endpoint control.