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Why is live enterprise video streaming use expanding?
Live enterprise video use is growing. Learn how changes in culture and technology are encouraging organizations to embrace more livestreaming use cases.
Until now, live enterprise video streaming has seen limited use. Livestreaming video was something many organizations said they could, and should, do more. When asked, most organizations said they only used streaming for special events or only a few people in the organization used it.
People are visual communicators, and livestreaming is simply a form of remote visual communications. The limited use of streaming, therefore, was not because of a lack of need. Organizations already used plenty of recorded enterprise video. After all, not everything can be expressed in a companywide email.
Today, most well-known organizations have a public-facing YouTube channel with regularly updated content. Additionally, many organizations often create internal videos for private use. Yet, mainstream acceptance of recorded enterprise video didn't carry over to live enterprise video streaming until recently.
Certain barriers prevented widespread use
The sudden availability and affordability of recorded video content drove massive adoption of the technology. In other words, uploading a video to YouTube, or another similar business platform, became easy, so everyone started doing it.
Live enterprise video streaming, however, remained complicated, expensive and stressful. Even hosting a simple PowerPoint webinar could involve hiring a webinar hosting company and paying it to run the event. DIY live video options weren't easily available or affordable.
Today, livestreaming is affordable and as easy as making a video call. In fact, most leading video conferencing vendors are adding features to support livestreaming video calls. This approach benefits users, as they don't need to learn a new service or interface. Instead, users make a desktop video call using their regular service with whatever feature that sends out the livestream.
Shifting attitudes increase live video use
Today's enterprise video streaming services offer more than the traditional private registration URL hosting of your stream. Many enterprise video streaming services enable you to push your stream to public social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter.
As a result, new creative formats and uses for livestreaming continue to emerge. Livestreaming is changing its reputation from the boring voice-over PowerPoint to a fun and engaging way to share messages with a large remote audience in real time.
As long as people have needed to share visual messages with a large remote group, enterprises have needed live videostreaming. What changed is the availability, affordability and ease of use of livestreaming services.
Increased cultural readiness to accept video as a communications tool also contributes to live video adoption. We share our lives via video on social media. By extension, we want to share our work messaging just as easily and effectively.
This confluence of factors will continue to move live enterprise video streaming from a capability for special events to a commonly used communication tool. Video vendors are aware of this trend and are working to expand streaming services. This space will be interesting to watch over the next few years.