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What role does UC mobility play in digital transformation?
Organizations that value employee engagement, innovation and customer experience are more likely to focus on mobile UC as part of their digital transformation road map.
How organizations define digital transformation will depend on the business priorities driving the transformation strategy. In cases where legacy technology remains prevalent, and the business is in a mature market, digital transformation priorities tend to center around operations and cost reduction. Innovation, employee engagement and customer experience become secondary priorities, and unified communications (UC) mobility won't get much attention.
Legacy technology may still dominate, but other priorities are becoming increasingly important, especially in cases where management has embraced digital transformation. In this context, management is less interested in the technologies behind digital transformation and more focused on innovation, employee engagement and customer experience.
The key with digital transformation is to improve processes and outcomes -- that's the transformative part -- rather than simply bringing more automation to make things faster and cheaper. When viewed through the lens of improvement, the IT-centric benefits of digital transformation become secondary. Instead, the focus of digital transformation is on applications and workflows. For those needs, the strategy should be both user-centric and mobile-first.
This model is different from an IT-centric strategy, but it's one where UC mobility plays a key role. When thinking about employee engagement, mobility is central to how today's employees work. UC mobility allows the enterprise to extend the desktop experience to wireless settings, enabling workers to be productive anywhere and anytime. Compared to legacy models of working, mobile UC can transform the collaboration experience, making it well aligned with a digital transformation strategy.