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What areas should hybrid cloud video security address?
Hybrid cloud provides several benefits to a business. But hybrid cloud video security shouldn't be taken for granted. Learn what four areas should be considered.
When the cloud revolution hit a few years ago, it changed the workplace and provided many benefits. The ability to effectively rent storage space for data in the cloud, rather than continuously buying increasingly expensive hardware to store data, is an immediate draw. Perhaps an even bigger benefit of cloud is the ability to outsource entire services. For example, organizations can deploy cloud video services rather than purchasing expensive servers to host video calls and hiring and training internal support to manage the video environment.
The major pushback in the rush to migrate to cloud services is the inherent security concerns associated with the cloud. If data on a physical network is firewalled off from the public internet, it should be easy to tell how the data is being maintained and who has access. Trusting a cloud service is literally putting your data into someone else's hands.
Some organizations have sought to get the best of both worlds by deploying hybrid platforms. In the video world, hybrid deployments allow local video calls to stay on the local network, while using the cloud for overage or to connect with external callers. On its face, hybrid cloud video security is stronger than using a pure cloud offering, but it also creates potential vulnerabilities that don't exist in a pure on-premises environment. There are four areas to keep in mind when addressing hybrid cloud video security.
1. Management and administration
A new generation of network and video ecosystem management tools is available for IT and audiovisual support teams today. Using these tools can provide a better understanding of everything on a network, how everything is connected and where the vulnerabilities may lie.
2. Legal
Some industries, such as healthcare and finance, may have regulatory and compliance requirements in regards to data storage. If this is the case, the organization needs to work with its cloud vendor to ensure that any hybrid data management meets industry requirements.
3. Encryption
It may get taken for granted today, but encryption is an important element of any security plan. Some vendors will offer end-to-end encryption, but that isn't always the case. It is worth verifying that all data, in transit and at rest, is fully encrypted.
4. Vendor evaluation
Don't assume that every cloud vendor handles hybrid cloud video security in the same way using a universal set of guidelines. Part of researching a vendor should include understanding what safeguards are available and whether they meet the needs of a business.
No option is completely safe, but understanding the nature of hybrid environments and asking the right questions can maximize your hybrid cloud video security.