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Does an API deployment only involve developers?
API development requires not only programmers and developers, but the business insight of legacy IT. Learn why employees with legacy backgrounds are vital to an API strategy.
While developers might create and access APIs, they are not the only important people in an enterprise API deployment.
APIs are technically a way for one module to interact with another. They dictate what the interface for interaction looks like and what the interface is capable of doing. Ordinarily, you need developers to create or use that interface directly. However, the decision of which APIs to create or how to use them does not fall under the role of the developer.
Product managers, and other people in the enterprise, need to be API-literate. They need to understand the concepts of API development so they can talk with their developers and create the right strategies.
People with legacy backgrounds in the enterprise clearly understand how the enterprise operates today. They know, for instance, where data is stored and what business processes are involved. Creating an API deployment strategy without these people ignores the existing knowledge and understanding of the business, adding to the risk of these initiatives.
A better approach would be to educate people with legacy backgrounds on the world of APIs. This usually requires taking them out of their comfort zone and looking externally at the industry to see how they are used. This education can be coupled with the enterprise's objectives and its API deployment strategy.
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