Navigating cloud-based data storage requires some caution
Cloud services are economical and easy to use -- if you know the ropes. Approach cloud computing issues with caution; you just might run into familiar on-premises storage problems. Continue Reading
Secondary data storage: A massively scalable transformation
Capitalize on flash with interactive, online secondary data storage architectures that make a lot more data available for business while maximizing flash investment. Continue Reading
A long hot summer for the enterprise storage market
Use of magnetic tape in enterprise storage is set to break out, even as the cloud market slows and software-defined storage and hyper-converged infrastructure stumble. Continue Reading
Your enterprise data management strategy needs a superhero
Data management products are the Superman, not the Batman, of storage. They have built-in superpowers that provide the innate power needed to manage data. Continue Reading
The power and benefits of encouraging IT disruption
IT can't remain a reactive cost center and cheerful help desk, but must become a competitive, cutthroat service provider and powerful champion of emerging disruptive technology. Continue Reading
Forget all-flash arrays, aim for flash-optimized storage first
Look for simple, cost-effective products that are optimized for flash and meet your needs rather than focusing on the all-flash array storage that vendors are pushing. Continue Reading
Software-defined storage products don't negate hardware's importance
Software-defined storage, positioned as the cure-all for vendor lock-in, suggests that hardware may not be as important to IT infrastructure as it once was. Continue Reading
Making the case for an all-flash data center
Companies should ditch hard disk drives and outfit their data centers entirely with flash storage; vendors have solved old solid-state problems, such as wear time and cost. Continue Reading
Object storage use cases coming to a data service near you
Object storage, unlike traditional file and block storage, is well-suited to manage vast amounts of unstructured data. Continue Reading
IT infrastructure transformation: Backbone of the digital revolution
Maximizing the value of incoming and outgoing data as a core business strategy demands transforming your IT infrastructure into a more agile and flexible entity. Continue Reading
ECX 2.6 includes intelligent data management
Catalogic Software's approach to snapshot creation and management delivers pragmatic features to DevOps and more with the release of ECX 2.6. Continue Reading
Wanna laugh? Data protection techniques give ransomware the boot
Done right, data protection such as cloud-based disaster recovery is the best countermeasure organizations have against insidious ransomware attacks. Continue Reading
Three approaches to strategic data management: Good, better and best
It's time organizations take a more mature and sophisticated approach to data management techniques and make the most of the data they generate and consume. Continue Reading
Price of cloud storage may be fuzzy
Cloud storage services offer convenience and can cut IT spending, but not in every case. Make sure to do the math before you commit to putting your critical data in the cloud. Continue Reading
Private cloud technology presents promising prospects
The benefits of a private cloud implementation are becoming increasingly obvious as costs continue to decline and interoperability with its public relatives continues to improve. Continue Reading
Why the NAND flash shortage exists and what to do about it
The current NAND flash market product shortage means SSD prices won't dip below hard disk drives any time soon. Make sure to ask your vendors about their supply situations. Continue Reading
Data center storage architecture gets smarter with AI
Trends, such as event-triggered computing, as exemplified by Lambda Architectures, converge on data center storage to hasten data center intelligence evolution. Continue Reading
Symbolic IO IRIS a breakthrough in server, storage architecture
Intensified RAM Intelligent Server from newcomer Symbolic IO questions fundamental and often unstated foundations of contemporary server and storage design. Continue Reading
Evolution of storage technology ending one-size-fits-all approach
Some storage vendors want you to think that one type of storage will work for all scenarios and enterprises. Thanks to changes in storage technology that's not always the case. Continue Reading
Tier 0 storage moves to NVMe to meet demand for speed
Tier 0 has been fast and proprietary, but nonvolatile memory express is changing that second part as a standard programming interface for PCIe SSDs. Continue Reading
Scale-out software-defined storage market menaces traditional storage
Scale-out software-defined storage is on the rise to the detriment and decline of traditional storage products and arrays. Continue Reading
Essential elements of copy data management
The next chapter written in the book of computer science should be all about management of copy data, the core function of IT. Continue Reading
Secondary data storage takes center stage
Once considered a necessary evil, secondary storage systems are now providing much more than just backup protection. Continue Reading
A cure for secondary data storage services blues
Effective user-centric data storage management eases copy data management and object storage uptake while enabling secondary storage services to evolve. Continue Reading
Infrastructure provisioning made easier with hybrid cloud storage
Storage provisioning delays slow down IT initiatives and negatively impact both revenue and the bottom line, which make hybrid clouds a realistic and attractive option. Continue Reading
Data storage infrastructure starts with science-fiction inspiration
Find out what happens when you take a cue from an old science-fiction movie and build an 'interocitor' that becomes its own storage infrastructure. Continue Reading
Classification of data can solve your data storage problems
Having a data classification process in place can make your data smart enough to know what to do with itself, allowing you to attain the holy grail of enterprise data storage. Continue Reading
The data storage industry will turn upside down in 2017, or will it?
Rich Castagna reviews the prognostications offered by data storage vendors on the future of data storage technology in 2017. Continue Reading
Hyper-convergence: It's for more than primary data storage
The lines between primary and secondary storage and applications such as hyper-convergence remain blurry. But they are a starting point for further discussion. Continue Reading
'Holistic' data protection tools, a marketing meme on the rise
Though vendors are calling their data protection products 'holistic,' they should blend security and disaster recovery services to improve their functionality. Continue Reading
Showback the value of your data storage expertise
To demonstrate value, IT must provide an easy-to-understand cost model to its business leaders. This has fostered IT showback projects. Yet showback isn't easy to achieve. Continue Reading
All-flash array market advances outpace demand, create opportunities
Scott Sinclair says high-density, high-capacity all-flash storage arrays are a disruptive technology ahead of customer demand for now, but businesses will realize they need it. Continue Reading
Focus attention on a cognitive data management system
Jon Toigo advises paying less attention to storage component stories and more to system-focused narratives such as a cognitive data management process. Continue Reading
Hyper-convergence meets private cloud platform requirements
Infrastructure choice and integration are fundamental to capitalizing on all that a private cloud environment has to offer your organization. Continue Reading
With on-premises storage, storage administrators must adapt or perish
Storage admins show increased interest in and adoption of on-premises storage technologies such as software-defined storage and hybrid clouds. Continue Reading
Atomic storage offers speed and capacity, lacks intelligence
Dutch scientists studying atomic data storage claim that 500 TB of data can be stored on one square inch, but data management remains elusive. Continue Reading
Simplifying data storage technologies is hard
All-flash arrays and hyper-converged storage are two technologies that make it tough to simplify data storage technology. Continue Reading
NAND flash technology is just the beginning
NAND flash adoption has been as fast as the speed it offers, but faster storage techs such as 3D XPoint and phase-change memory are on their way. Continue Reading
Servers and storage become inextricably linked
The rise of flash storage and convergence technologies makes it tougher to see storage and servers as separate entities in a software-defined world. Continue Reading
Get the most from cloud-based storage services
Enterprise data storage managers are in position to help their companies get more from cloud storage services. Continue Reading
Vendors, analysts guess future of data storage in 2016
After Rich Castagna offered his look at the future of data storage in 2016, vendors and analysts shared their guesses on what will happen this year. Continue Reading
Enterprise file sharing, shadow IT require swift action
File sync-and-share has vexed enterprises, but it's time to fight back and get those files out of the clouds and off employees' personal devices. Continue Reading
Cost savings for virtualizing servers not yet reality
Though you've heard for years that virtualizing servers will save money, Jon Toigo argues that the cost of virtualization hasn't lowered. Continue Reading
Commodity hardware is a myth
Software-defined storage vendors preach the concept of commodity storage hardware, but beware: the hardware is just as important as the apps. Continue Reading
Taking stock of the cloud storage market
Rich Castagna takes a closer look at the impact of cloud storage, what's preventing more widespread adoption, and the potential of the technology. Continue Reading
Vendors predict the future of data storage 2015
The future of data storage isn’t easy to predict. While some vendors see it clearly, others prove that, going into 2015, their crystal balls may be a little hazy. Continue Reading
It's time to redefine the enterprise file sync-and-share market
Today's enterprise file sync-and-share products do so much more than synchronizing data that it might be time to re-think the moniker. Continue Reading
The need for application-aware storage
Server virtualization leads to unpredictable workloads. Application-aware storage could be the answer. Continue Reading
Deconstructing the storage algorithm
Jon Toigo examines the four steps of the storage algorithm, and concludes that the current storage equation just doesn't add up. Continue Reading
External storage might make sense for Hadoop
Using Hadoop to drive big data analytics doesn't necessarily mean building clusters of distributed storage; a good old array might be a better choice. Continue Reading
Security top concern in online file sharing and collaboration
As the online file-sharing and collaboration market grows, so does the opportunity for users and hackers to damage the data and reputation of firms. Continue Reading
MRAM technology likely choice as post-flash solid-state storage
NAND flash-based storage is becoming a common alternative, but NAND flash could soon be replaced by newer forms of non-volatile memory like MRAM technology. Continue Reading