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Public cloud workload success requires IT leadership

This article is part of the Storage issue of November 2018, Vol. 17, No. 8
Few innovations have redefined IT as much as the public cloud. According to Enterprise Strategy Group research, 85% of IT organizations now use public cloud services, using either IaaS or software as a service, and 81% of public cloud infrastructure users work with more than one cloud service provider. Multi-cloud is our modern-day IT reality. Amidst this mass adoption of public cloud services, an interesting phenomenon is occurring: Of IaaS users, 41% have brought at least one public cloud workload back to run on premises. While this may seem like an indictment on the use of public cloud services, it isn't, quite the contrary. At ESG, we recently conducted an extensive investigation into the decisions that led to migrating workloads back on premises. When looking for insights into the factors driving and influencing these migration activities, one theme stuck out. Often in the enthusiasm to benefit from public cloud infrastructure, companies commit workloads en masse without applying necessary due diligence. Only later do they ...
Features in this issue
Information storage on the cloud is often the way to go nowadays
Base your decision on where to park your business's critical data and apps on where they can be most effectively accessed and used. For enterprises today, that's frequently the cloud.
Successful IT resiliency strategy based on high availability and DR
Stringent yet realistic RTOs and RPOs are crucial to resiliency plans aiming to minimize interruptions to businesses operations should disaster or disruptions strike IT resources.
News in this issue
Predictive storage analytics can watch your storage for you
Don't ask if your next storage array or software will have predictive analytics. Ask what those analytics can do for your specific systems and applications.
Columns in this issue
Automated data management is a crucial part of IT's future
Automating data management will play an important role in helping us cope with the coming zettabyte apocalypse, a time when the amount of data generated will overwhelm storage resources.
Public cloud workload success requires IT leadership
IT must change with the times and adapt to the reality that others within the organization can now procure and provision cloud resources without their input.