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February 2022, Vol. 20, No. 1

Cut down on containerized environment complexity

IT organizations have been given a new charter: Move even faster. Simply ensuring availability and providing reliable technology services are no longer good enough; accelerating operations has quickly risen to the top of the IT prioritization list. According to new research from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), 67% of IT decision-makers said they are under pressure to accelerate IT infrastructure provisioning and deployment to support developers and line-of-business teams. That direct connection between IT operations and revenue creation is fueling acceleration demands. For organizations that seek to achieve this faster access to technology and infrastructure resources, public cloud services have delivered transformative results. But opportunities for competitive differentiation may be diminishing. We are in an era in which digital initiatives can create a competitive advantage -- but because cloud adoption is now ubiquitous, just using the public cloud is no longer enough to get a leg up on the competition. Not only are the ...

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