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Pay-per-use pricing model can boost digital initiatives

This article is part of the Storage issue of Vol. 19, No. 1
Businesses of all shapes and sizes -- and across multiple industries -- are ramping up their digital business initiatives and IT services roadmaps. Even prior to COVID-19, these initiatives were high on the IT priority list, but in a soon-to-be post-coronavirus era (vaccine distribution permitting), businesses will succeed or fail based on their ability to use technology to better understand and engage with customers. For some businesses, COVID-19 has reaffirmed their existing roadmaps and plans. For others, the pandemic has been a painful wake-up call. As businesses seek to add to or accelerate their digital initiatives, some would say transformations, personnel and budget constraints will present major hurdles to success. Some IT organizations have turned to a pay-per-use or as-a-service model for infrastructure as a means of speeding up digital initiatives by accelerating investments without significantly impacting near-term budgets. Enterprise Strategy Group found in a recent study, for example, that IT organizations were ...
Features in this issue
Efficient data storage tips to achieve a green data center
This illustrated guide to energy-efficient data storage offers tips on offloading data to the cloud and areas to review when estimating storage costs.
Enterprise technology trends for 2021 shaped by COVID-19
Explore IT infrastructure and storage-related software, hardware and services that will likely be embraced in the coming year, and how the pandemic has influenced their use.
News in this issue
These 5 IT buzzwords for 2021 reflect data storage priorities
As a mature IT discipline, the pace of change in storage has slowed, but there is still plenty of buzz about underlying technologies you'll need to know about in 2021.
The best enterprise storage systems and products of 2020
Nearly 100 products and services competed for top honors in the 'Storage' magazine and SearchStorage annual Products of the Year awards. Find out which won gold, silver and bronze.
Columns in this issue
Pay-per-use pricing model can boost digital initiatives
Consumption IT shifts the burden of infrastructure support to vendors and expenditures from Capex to Opex. Can pay-per-use pricing keep pace with your digital business roadmap?
Cost-effective snapshot management tips and strategies
Snapshots may be an optimal way to copy and protect data, but they can lead to some unexpected consequences. Find out what those are and how to avoid them.