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Peering into the future of enterprise storage for 2018

This article is part of the Storage issue of December 2017, Vol. 16, No. 10
As the end of the year approaches, analysts, vendors, consultants and anybody else who has some time on their hands are turning their attention to that age-old annual rite of making predictions about what tech to expect in the coming year. Although I've ridiculed these prognostications in the past, I am not above making predictions of my own about the future of enterprise storage. Hopefully, you'll find my prophecies a bit more fun, even if they do skimp on the facts. But, you know what, those of us who are bold enough to look into the future and tell the world what we see -- no matter how silly or creepy that vision may be -- can hardly be encumbered by the limitations of truth, reality and, well, sanity. So, here it goes ... Toshiba enters a new dimension As I peer into my SAN-attached crystal ball, I see Toshiba stumbling over a nuclear power plant to, almost literally, cause billions of IT dollars to atomize into thin air, leaving the company no choice but to sell off its most profitable, and least scary, business -- it's ...
Features in this issue
Trends in data storage 2018: Five hot techs to watch
Our hot data storage technology trends for 2018 include predictive storage analytics, ransomware protection, converged secondary storage, multi-cloud and NVMe over Fabrics.
Columns in this issue
Peering into the future of enterprise storage for 2018
Rich Castagna takes a crack at the annual rite of prognostication with a bold look -- unfettered by truth, reality and sanity -- at data storage trends in the coming year.
Is Caringo leading the next wave in object-level storage?
Caringo facilitates and simplifies cross-platform data movement by bridging its proprietary object storage system to Microsoft Azure object storage service.
NVMe-oF and storage class memory set to disrupt storage
NVM Express over Fabrics and storage class memory may disrupt traditional storage over the next half decade in much the same way NAND flash did over the last five years.