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Future of data storage technology: Transformational trends for 2018

This article is part of the Storage issue of January 2018, Vol. 16, No. 11
Sometimes big changes sneak up on you, especially when you're talking about the future of data storage technology. For example, when exactly did full-on cloud adoption become fully accepted by all those risk-averse organizations, understaffed IT shops and disbelieving business executives? I'm not complaining, but the needle of cloud acceptance tilted over sometime in the recent past without much ado. It seems everyone has let go of their fear of cloud and hybrid operations as risky propositions. Instead, we've all come to accept the cloud as something that's just done. Sure, cloud was inevitable, but I'd still like to know why it finally happened now. Maybe it's because IT consumers expect information technology will provide whatever they want on demand. Or maybe it's because everything IT implements on premises now comes labeled as private cloud. Influential companies, such as IBM, Microsoft and Oracle, are happy to help ease folks formerly committed to private infrastructure toward hybrid architectures that happen to use their...
Features in this issue
Eight data storage startup vendors to watch in 2018
Even as other storage startup companies fail, newcomers have appeared to take on established enterprise vendors. Can they ride the momentum for flash, hybrid cloud and SDS?
Data backup tools: Users want to handle more data more easily
Businesses want data backup that handles more data than ever, but with software and hardware that's easier to implement and manage than what they're already using.
Persistent storage-class memory to revolutionize data centers
Since it doesn't lose data during power outages, persistent memory will revolutionize direct-attached storage in particular and the cost/performance ratio of computing overall.
Columns in this issue
SDS, HCI and CDP are key to dream enterprise storage system
Easy to implement and manage may be the buzzwords of the day for enterprise data storage systems, but too often daily experiences of IT professionals belie that rosy scenario.
NVMe flash storage doesn't mean tape and disk are dying
The advent of NVMe, software-defined storage and other newer storage technologies doesn't mean we'll be looking at all-silicon-based storage any time soon.
Future of data storage technology: Transformational trends for 2018
Risk-averse enterprises finally accepted the cloud in 2017, and we didn't even notice. Expect the same for these data storage technology trends in the new year.