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ECX 2.6 includes intelligent data management

This article is part of the Storage issue of July 2017, Vol. 16, No. 5
When talking about snapshots, I usually focus on the application or the data replication method of addressing the shortcomings of traditional backup in data protection and disaster recovery planning. Depending on who you ask, however, snapshots are either a boon or a bane. We cheer snaps when they simplify backup, replacing the time-consuming process of replicating data on a file-by-file or row-by-row basis to a target volume. Creating snapshots has certainly become faster and more flexible, with the latest evolution of the technology -- Symbolic IO's BLINK, for example -- snapshotting at the speed of a dynamic RAM write. Snapshots and snapshot management are also the bane of many operators' existence. They can get out of control, piling up on storage targets until they consume more space than RAID 1 ever did. Simply put, snapshots are so easy to create -- at the application, file system and bare-metal levels -- that users make a lot of them and forget to delete older ones. Solving the backlog issue was Catalogic Software's ...
Features in this issue
Chief concerns when buying cloud storage include cost and capacity
Enterprises look for the best deal from the vendor with the best reputation when turning to the cloud to tame growing data volumes for archiving, backup and more.
Object-level storage poised to replace NAS in the enterprise
Many vendors offer highly scalable object storage-based products with file interfaces, making the technology more accessible than ever as an alternative to NAS.
Columns in this issue
Wanna laugh? Data protection techniques give ransomware the boot
Done right, data protection such as cloud-based disaster recovery is the best countermeasure organizations have against insidious ransomware attacks.
ECX 2.6 includes intelligent data management
Catalogic Software's approach to snapshot creation and management delivers pragmatic features to DevOps and more with the release of ECX 2.6.
Object storage use cases coming to a data service near you
Object storage, unlike traditional file and block storage, is well-suited to manage vast amounts of unstructured data.