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Secondary data storage: A massively scalable transformation

This article is part of the Storage issue of October 2017, Vol. 16, No. 8
We all know flash storage is fast, increasingly affordable and quickly beating out traditional spinning disk for primary storage needs. It's like all our key business applications have been magically upgraded to perform 10 times faster! In the data center, modern primary storage arrays now come with massive flash caching, large flash tiers or are all flash through and through. Old worries about flash wearing out have been largely forgotten. And there are some new takes on storage designs, such as Datrium's, that make great use of less-expensive server-side flash. Clearly, spending money on some kind of flash, if not all flash, can be a great IT investment. Yet, as everyone builds primary storage with flash, there is less differentiation among those flashy designs. At some point, "really fast" is fast enough for now, assuming you aren't in financial trading. Rather than argue whose flash is faster, more reliable, more scalable or even cheaper, the major enterprise IT storage concern is shifting toward getting the most out of ...
Features in this issue
A year later: Pros and cons of the Dell and EMC merger
Our experts take measure of the Dell EMC acquisition, the storage and technology merger of the century, a little more than 12 months after the deal closed.
Buying NAS: Do you want performance and scalability?
Although SANs still rule the modern the data center, the NAS array maintains a position high up on tech buyers' shopping lists for new primary storage.
Open source technology promises to alter enterprise storage
Open source storage software could alter the face of the industry by cutting costs and delivering greater flexibility over existing storage infrastructure.
Columns in this issue
A long hot summer for the enterprise storage market
Use of magnetic tape in enterprise storage is set to break out, even as the cloud market slows and software-defined storage and hyper-converged infrastructure stumble.
Secondary data storage: A massively scalable transformation
Capitalize on flash with interactive, online secondary data storage architectures that make a lot more data available for business while maximizing flash investment.