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The data storage industry will turn upside down in 2017, or will it?

This article is part of the Storage issue of February 2017, Vol. 15, No. 12
I predict ... that the Chicago Cubs will win at least one more World Series over the next 108 years. If you don't think I'm going out on a limb with that prognostication, think about how someone making the same prediction back in 1908 would've been laughed into Lake Michigan -- after all, those Cubbies had Tinker to Evers to Chance and Mordecai "Three Finger" Brown on the mound. We can meet up in a North Side Starbucks in 2124 to see how that prediction fared. Meanwhile, we have our hands full with a steady stream of 2017 predictions and self-serving surveys from data storage industry vendors that are just begging for some attention. It's an annual thing, as vendors try for a vox populi approach to marketing to persuade you that your peers -- and you -- are yearning for their technologies. Here are some of my favorite vendor-generated divinations on the data storage industry, along with my probably much-less biased take on their predictions. As usual, to protect the not-so-innocent, no vendor names are revealed. Disaster ...
Features in this issue
Businesses use enterprise file sync-and-share market to collaborate
Enterprise file sync and share solves numerous business problems by offering organizations a way to provide more secure document sharing and collaboration.
Columns in this issue
The data storage industry will turn upside down in 2017, or will it?
Rich Castagna reviews the prognostications offered by data storage vendors on the future of data storage technology in 2017.
Hyper-convergence: It's for more than primary data storage
The lines between primary and secondary storage and applications such as hyper-convergence remain blurry. But they are a starting point for further discussion.