Automated and autonomous testing
Automated testing helps quality assurance with scripted checks against application code and features. Autonomous testing takes control completely, assessing a system or app without any human intervention at all. Put together an effective test automation strategy with these pointers and warnings from experts, and evaluate the tools available.
Top Stories
10 Feb 2022
AI/ML in software testing, cross-platform testing benefits
AI-powered cross-platform and cross-browser testing has both benefits and complications. Learn more about the role machine learning technologies can play in these QA processes. Continue Reading
16 Jun 2021
Harness baits CI/CD set with feature flags, cloud auto-stop
New modules from Harness may entice customers to buy more of its CI/CD software, but unseating DevOps pipeline tools from larger vendors remains a daunting challenge. Continue Reading
By- Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer
16 Feb 2016
How to use Bugzilla bug tracking tool in software testing projects
The Bugzilla bug tracking tool allows DevOps teams to collaborate and report on defects present in apps and software projects in one interactive location. Continue Reading
By -
07 Nov 2014
Five mobile testing tools for developers to consider
This review of five mobile testing tools, Appium, Selendroid, ios-driver, Sauce Labs and Perfecto Mobile, will kick-start your research in a growing software market. Continue Reading
By- Matthew Heusser and Justin Rohrman
17 Sep 2013
Guiding principles for an automated software test
An expert in automated software testing offers guiding principles for succeeding at this most challenging of QA projects. Continue Reading
26 Mar 2012
Exploring integration testing in the Agile development lifecycle
Agile expert Lisa Crispin explores the various meanings and offers tips to testers on how to work integration testing into the Agile development lifecycle. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
23 Sep 2011
Exploratory testing and regression testing in continuous integration
Expert Lisa Crispin explains how and when to implement exploratory testing, automated regression testing and manual regression tests in an Agile development environment. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
13 Sep 2011
The whole-team approach to Agile development: Examples and benefits
Lisa Crispin continues in this second tip in the series by giving real-life examples and benefits gained from practicing the whole-team approach on Agile development teams. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
22 Feb 2011
Embedded software testing: Five messaging event styles
In testing embedded systems, timing can often cause trouble. In this tip, consultant Scott Allman describes the five different types of event styles that can occur when two events are executed. A good test plan will cover each of those event styles by executing the conditions to create the different styles and then checking for appropriate messaging. Continue Reading
By -
17 Feb 2011
Manual testing vs. automated testing: A decision point
Automation in a test environment can be expensive and doesn’t always yield a high return. In fact, a high percentage of automation efforts fail. In this tip, Vasudeva Naidu gives advice on key factors that will lead to success in your automation initiative. Naidu describes the history of automation in test, including reasons leading to failure. Done well, and augmented by manual tests, automation can prove instrumental to a successful test effort. Continue Reading
13 Jul 2010
Coverity/Armorize partnership marries defect management and security defect seeking software
Coverity, a static analysis tool vendor and Armorize, a software security provider, announced a partnership today that will yield a new "best of both worlds tool" by the end of the year. Continue Reading
01 Jun 2010
The importance of critical thinking in software test
Even though there are numerous definitions for the term "software testing," there is common ground. Testers need to use critical thinking skills when diving into the testing of a software application. In this tip, expert Chris McMahon explains ways for testers to increase test coverage, use proven approaches and determine which aspects of testing fit in and where. Continue Reading
By- Chris McMahon
27 Jan 2010
Nine ways to evaluate automated software testing tools
Evaluate automated software testing tools more thoroughly with these tips for analyzing cost, support, total cost of ownership, usability and more. This tip suggests questions to ask about each attribute of a tool and a vendor's support for it. Continue Reading
By- John Scarpino, MSA
12 Jan 2010
Why you don't need to buy a testing tool, except when you do
Software application testing expert explains proper software testing tool selection, what to look for in tools, vendors and customer service, when you need a tool and when you can get by without one. Continue Reading
15 Sep 2009
Calculating mean time to failure in performance testing
Calculating MTTF (mean time to failure) can be a difficult for testers in order to develop a performance test pass as there are multiple steps. This expert tip will guide you through process, Continue Reading
By- John Overbaugh, Caliber Security Partners