Agile, DevOps and software development methodologies
Agile software development, and popular variations such as Scrum, underpin the work of many developers and testers. Regardless of the team or methodology you currently use, read expert advice on process, structure and skills for Lean, Agile, DevOps, Waterfall and more to make it work in your enterprise.
Top Stories
05 Mar 2025
Top 5 Agile estimation techniques
Stakeholders want development teams to stick to rigid timelines, which doesn't align with Agile development. These five Agile estimation techniques can help bridge the divide. Continue Reading
By- Darcy DeClute, Scrumtuous Inc.
25 Feb 2025
New Relic takes partnership tack for agentic AI
New Relic users say its collaborative approach to agentic AI, revamped AIOps tools and pricing model will make it easier to explore fresh forms of automation. Continue Reading
By- Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer
17 Jan 2018
What skills do Agile testers need?
The Agile team collaborates closely and makes a lot of changes. What does the ideal Agile tester possess in technical and people skills? Continue Reading
By- Gerie Owen, Roobrik
03 Jan 2018
What breakthroughs we won't (and will) see in DevOps 2018
Will 2018 be the best of times for DevOps? Perhaps. But there's no doubt sweeping changes on the developer and operations sides are coming. Here's what to prepare for. Continue Reading
Conference Coverage
06 Nov 2017
Guide to DevOps Enterprise Summit 2017
Industry giants are coming together once again for the annual DevOps Enterprise Summit. Learn what is trending in DevOps, IT ops, AI and machine learning. Continue Reading
23 Aug 2017
Making the Agile development model current again
From test automation to software design and empowering leadership, discussions at Agile2017 focused on how to move forward in the current state of the Agile development model. Continue Reading
31 Jul 2017
David vs. Goliath no more, Agile adoption is the new standard
As Agile adoption grows, companies should not be looking to specialists to support agility, says Joseph Flahiff. Make Agile coaching a standard job requirement for team managers. Continue Reading
By- Joseph Flahiff, Whitewater Projects Inc.
27 Mar 2017
Five ways to reduce technical debt, rework costs in Agile, DevOps
Learn five ways to reduce technical debt and the high cost of rework in Agile and DevOps software development. Five software pros share their best practices. Continue Reading
By- Jan Stafford, Features Writer
30 Nov 2016
Why -- and how -- BizDevOps is going to change everything
BizDevOps is the latest in software development approaches and is considered a next-gen DevOps. Find all there is to know about this trend and why businesses are racing after it. Continue Reading
22 Sep 2016
Comparing development methodologies: Agile vs. DevOps vs. Lean Startup
It's a confusing, jargon-filled world out there. Expert Christopher Ward brings clarity in part one of a series of articles on the differences between Lean, Agile and DevOps. Continue Reading
By- Christopher Ward, Consultant
26 Aug 2016
When DevOps and requirements gathering techniques collide
Moving from Agile to DevOps? Requirements gathering is a great place to start rethinking and incorporating a high level of collaboration. Expert Christopher Ward explains. Continue Reading
By- Christopher Ward, Consultant
02 May 2016
Overcome inherent bottlenecks in app lifecycle management
The software development world is simply too busy to have inefficient ALM. Expert Gerie Owen reimagines app lifecycle management as something streamlined and totally painless. Continue Reading
14 Mar 2016
What is the DevOps role for operations people?
In a DevOps world, it can be hard to know where Dev ends and Ops starts. Expert Tim Western explains what the various DevOps roles can and should be. Continue Reading
By- Tim Western
22 Oct 2015
Three traits of a mature Agile team
What it takes to have successful mobile project development might surprise you. Expert Jennifer Lent shares the secrets around creating a mature Agile team. Continue Reading
29 Sep 2015
Kony Studio: A mobile app development platform
Kony Studio is a mobile app development platform that allows developers to build native or cross-platform apps using a single JavaScript codebase. Continue Reading
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28 Sep 2015
Rally Software the go-to ALM tool for Agile developers
Rally Software gives Agile developers an ALM tool that, along with customizable dashboards, offers SAFe training and certification. Continue Reading
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08 Sep 2015
Product owners don't have time to write Agile user stories? You write them.
If the product owner won't or can't write the vital Agile user stories, expert Ben Linders explains how to take on this project yourself. Continue Reading
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14 Aug 2015
What is collaboration and why is it important to Agile methodologies?
Agile methodologies stress the benefits of collaboration, working with cross-functional teams to encourage communication between business owners and IT. Continue Reading
01 Jul 2015
What you need to know about the ALM methodology
Gerie Owen provides an overview of ALM methodology, covering its requirements, development and maintenance phases and its core components. Continue Reading
By- Gerie Owen, Roobrik
09 Mar 2015
Agile Manifesto: Both timeless and outdated?
The Agile Manifesto changed the way we look at the software development process. Today, the Manifesto is outdated in some ways and timeless in others. Continue Reading
27 Feb 2015
Three traits of continuous software development
What is 'continuous' in software development? Combining iterative development with automation produces code so quickly it is now thought of as continuous. Continue Reading
04 Feb 2015
Four principles for staying true to real Agile
Over time, software teams develop their own variants of Agile. Here's how to make sure your practice remains aligned with the spirit of Agile. Continue Reading
22 Dec 2014
How do requirements relate to acceptance criteria?
Requirements and acceptance criteria often seem to be essentially the same thing, but that's not quite true. Continue Reading
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06 Oct 2014
Is Agile requirement gathering that different from waterfall?
Does moving to Agile development eliminate up-front requirements gathering? Does it mean the development team takes responsibility for requirements instead of the business side? Continue Reading
By- Robin F. Goldsmith, Go Pro Management, Inc.
23 Sep 2014
Agile testing methods for multiple teams
Learn the latest Agile testing methods for converting multiple teams from a traditional process to Agile. Continue Reading
By- Matt Heusser, Excelon Development
18 Jul 2014
CI success depends on quality acceptance criteria
Successful continuous integration requires testable acceptance criteria that help to guide developers. Continue Reading
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24 Mar 2014
Agile application lifecycle management is not an oxymoron
Learn how Agile application lifecycle management supports the development process for better software and business needs. Continue Reading
By- Howard Deiner, Big Visible
24 Feb 2014
All about Agile and ALM
When it comes to deployment strategies, mobile app capabilities, cloud computing issues and security, there's a lot to learn about Agile ALM. Continue Reading
14 Feb 2014
Agile project management: Increasing business agility with Agile ALM
Increase business agility capabilities with Agile project management. Find tips and tools for Agile ALM best practices. Continue Reading
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31 Jan 2014
Agile and ALM: A marriage made in heaven?
Learn why developing Agile and ALM can benefit organizational processes. Continue Reading
By- Gerie Owen, Roobrik
28 Jan 2014
How Agile ALM tools shape business agility
Learn how Agile ALM tools can increase agility in businesses. Continue Reading
18 Sep 2013
The risks of Agile software development: Overcoming feature creep
Ellen Gottesdiener, founder of EBG Consulting offers insights on managing feature creep, the biggest pitfall of Agile software development. Continue Reading
By- Ellen Gottesdiener, EBG Consulting
18 Apr 2013
Scrum project management: Estimating with story points
Scrum project management expert Yvette Francino explains how teams use story points to estimate effort involved in developing a particular feature. Continue Reading
13 Jul 2012
Agile project management using the Cynefin framework
Learn how the Cynefin framework facilitates problem solving, Agile project management and teamwork. Continue Reading
26 Mar 2012
Exploring integration testing in the Agile development lifecycle
Agile expert Lisa Crispin explores the various meanings and offers tips to testers on how to work integration testing into the Agile development lifecycle. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
30 Jan 2012
Streamlining user acceptance testing (UAT) with Agile
Organizations that implement successful user acceptance testing can greatly reduce errors and business risks. Continue Reading
By- Ravindra Kambhampati and Srinivas Yeluripaty
13 Jan 2012
Agile testing quadrants: Guiding managers and teams in test strategies
Agile expert Lisa Crispin explains the four Agile testing quadrants and how they can guide managers and development teams in creating a test strategy. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
06 Dec 2011
Defect tracking: Lean principles for getting the right data at the right time
In this tip, author Paul E. McMahon describes how Lean principles can be used to help determine when defect tracking is appropriate for your organization and what type of data is important to collect. Continue Reading
By- Paul McMahon, PEM Systems
23 Sep 2011
Exploratory testing and regression testing in continuous integration
Expert Lisa Crispin explains how and when to implement exploratory testing, automated regression testing and manual regression tests in an Agile development environment. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
13 Sep 2011
The whole-team approach to Agile development: Examples and benefits
Lisa Crispin continues in this second tip in the series by giving real-life examples and benefits gained from practicing the whole-team approach on Agile development teams. Continue Reading
By- Lisa Crispin, Pivotal Labs
16 Aug 2011
Agile software development: Tips for writing testable user stories
Testing pressures are always high on Agile projects. In this article we explore some of the ways adding clarity to stories can help make testing easier for all parties involved. Continue Reading
By- Mike Kelly, DeveloperTown
23 Mar 2011
Tracking changes to requirements in Agile development
All development teams need to track requirements changes, but depending on the software development lifecycle and overall ALM process, the best approach to change tracking may not be the same across the board. In this response, expert Mike Jones explains how Agile teams can best integrate change tracking into their development process. Continue Reading
By- Mike Jones, Contributor
14 Feb 2011
Waterfall vs. Agile development: A case study
Two projects very similar in scope were executed by the same project team for the same users. The first project used a waterfall methodology and resulted in missed deadlines and failure to deliver user requirements. The second used an Agile methodology, and while there were initial problems with the learning curve, the project was a resounding success. Read on to find out more about the projects, what worked and what didn't. Continue Reading
26 Jan 2011
Agile ALM tools: How they differ from traditional lifecycle management tools
Software consultant Nari Kannan describes the differences between agile application lifecycle management (ALM) tools and traditional lifecycle management software. Agile ALM tools are more tightly integrated, easier to use, supportive to distributed teams and seamlessly integrated into many of the traditional lifecycle management functions. Continue Reading
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14 Jan 2011
Specialized testing for your enterprise application
In this tip, Judith Myerson describes examples of five types of testing for your enterprise applications: cloud testing, user acceptance testing, modular testing, agile testing and incremental testing. Myerson gives a brief overview of each type of testing, explaining the appropriateness and benefits of these types of specialized testing efforts. Continue Reading
By- Judith M. Myerson
25 Aug 2010
Innovation games provide a new way of thinking
Participation in Innovation Games may be just the trick needed to turn dysfunctional teams trying to be agile into full-fledged agile machines. Continue Reading
12 Aug 2010
Elizabeth Woodward: Face-to-face communication is biggest challenge with distributed Scrum
From Agile 2010, Elizabeth Woodard of IBM describes the form and function of distributed agile teams. Woodard recently authored a self-help manual titled "A Practical Guide to Distributed Scrum" which is designed to tech how to manage remote agile teams. Continue Reading
12 Aug 2010
Lunching with the Agile Manifesto signatories at Agile 2010
At Agile 2010, Yvette Francino lunched with agile manifesto originators Brian Marick and Alistair Cockburn. The two described for their small audience how the manifesto was designed, written and signed. Continue Reading
10 Aug 2010
pigs and chickens
Pigs and chickens is an analogy used in the Scrum software development model to define the type of role an attendee can play at a daily scrum meeting. Continue Reading
13 Jul 2010
Differences in Agile and traditional software project management
In this expert response, some of the differences between project management in traditional environments and agile environments are explained. One of the biggest differences is the flexibility of scope changes that is welcomed in agile environments. Continue Reading
12 Jul 2010
Mike Cohn, an Agile enthusiast, describes what is implied by to Agile
Denver Agile-user group participant and frequent speaker Mike Cohn explains what is meant by the acronym to agile and the underlying principles behind agile. Continue Reading
15 Jun 2010
Waterfall destined for the guillotine as IBM appoints Agile its standard
Surprisingly, many IBM Innovate 2010 speakers, including Walker Royce, spoke out against waterfall and other "dated" methodologies and put their full support behind lean and agile approaches to software development. Continue Reading
15 Jun 2010
IBM chief methodologist speaks on scaling Agile projects at Innovate 2010
Agile expert, Scott Ambler, states that scalability should be a primary focus for agile development initiatives. To be effective in agile, teams must tailor efforts, tools and processes to reflect development situations, says Ambler Continue Reading
07 Jun 2010
Kanban, an agile ancestor, offers increased flexibility for development teams
Kanban is an up-and-coming derivative of agile development based on lean manufacturing techniques. Despite their close ancestry, Kanban is considered a far more adaptive methodology than agile and offers more freedom that is restricted in agile development. Continue Reading
04 Jun 2010
Scott Ambler says Agile occurs on both team level as well as on individual
Agile thought leader and IBM consultant Scott Ambler explains how to adjust agile practices to meet the needs of your organization. Continue Reading
24 May 2010
Agile is adoption is continuing but not without speed bumps
When it comes to agile transitioning, the teams that experience hardship are usually reluctant to allow the time and cultural shift needed to reach success, says Scott Ambler. Continue Reading
10 May 2010
How Agile, Scrum and Lean practices evolved
At an agile user group meeting in Colorado, Jeffrey Fredrick explained the ancestral roots of agile and scrum methodologies and lean practices. Continue Reading
29 Apr 2010
STAREast keynotes concentrate on continuous integration and Agile
Continuous integration, ensuring a high-level of quality and agile were just a handful of the "hot topics" STAREast conference keynoters raised. Read about other areas of software IT pros are buzzing about in this post. Continue Reading
14 Apr 2010
ALM vendors aggregate at Colorado-based Agile conference
Application lifecycle management tool vendors gathered to present an agile ALM experience at the Colorado Springs-based conference, "Agile Comes to You." Here are some of the highlights. Continue Reading
16 Mar 2010
How enhanced Agile skills can make your resume standout
With a large percentage of Americans out of work, the better your resume looks, the better your chances are for getting a job. Boost your employability by ramping up your Agile understanding--learn how in this post. Continue Reading
03 Mar 2010
Agilists share product owner stories on Scrum and Agile
At a Colorado-based Agile assembly, product owner stories came out as the group discussed Scrum Master priniciples and development team construction, along with victories and failures with the methodology. Continue Reading
03 Mar 2010
New fuel to the Agile ALM solution fire from Version One
Agile ALM provider Version One has launched Ultimate Edition, an upgrade to its line of ALM tools, which includes improvements such as customizable reporting features, better regression test functionality and more. Continue Reading
24 Feb 2010
The Agile way, who can do it and who can't?
Agile guru Lisa Crispin explains situations in which agile is the best developmental approach and when it isn't. The decision depends on management style as well as the team's learning curve and willingness to accept the cultural shift agile requires, says Crispin. Continue Reading
24 Feb 2010
Agile project estimation guided by expert Mike Cohn
Coach, author and Agile authority figure Mike Cohn recently explained software estimating to the Denver Java User Group. Yvette Francino spoke with Cohn about his seminar on how to plan a software project with agile and what to avoid. Continue Reading
24 Feb 2010
Scrum Master or Scrum project management, is there a difference?
A Scrum Master is commonly mistaken for a project manager who works in a Scrum environment. Learn what distinguishes a Scrum Master in this expert response. Continue Reading
17 Feb 2010
Using Fist of Five, Planning Poker to reach Agile team consensus
In these tips, consensus-building tools such as Fist of Five and Planning Poker are introduced. Even when these tools are used, the team must decide how they are going to handle a stale-mate condition and move forward on decisions. Continue Reading
12 Jan 2010
Top Agile development tips of 2009
This is a yearly recap of our top viewed Agile tips and tricks. Tips include how to accelerate testing and development through agile work environments to how to select free tools Continue Reading
17 Nov 2009
Flexibility and teamwork proven traits of Agile team maturity
In an Agile Development Practices session last week, Bob Galen an independent consultant and Agile coach, explained proven characteristics of mature Agile teams and how to make use of them. Continue Reading
13 Nov 2009
Using Agile, scaling back helps software projects in recession
Software project consultant defends proven Agile qualities to practice in a recession, what corporate attitudes testers and developers can expect from managers and how to improve their workflow. Continue Reading
09 Nov 2009
How testers can handle switching to Agile's short iterations
Software pro explains how to prioritize tasks through an agile mindset to optimize workflow productivity and turn-around iterations in shorter intervals. Continue Reading
23 Oct 2009
STPCon: How SocialText uses Agile, wikis and remote developers
Matt Heusser explains his contributions to his company, SocialText, a workplace social networking software developer, who has benefited greatly through an agile structure. Continue Reading
22 Oct 2009
First takes on Boston SPIN with Damon Poole and STPCon
Test pro Matt Heusser shares key points from "Do It Yourself Agile" author Damon Poole's talk at a Boston software user group meeting. Continue Reading
22 Oct 2009
Boston SPIN: A small group's big ideas about agile development
SPIN is a network of testers and QA pros that meet a few times a year to discuss the software industry, the group has grown to over 1,100 members in it's 17 year history. This year agile development was the major focus, here is what was said. Continue Reading
28 Jul 2009
Adaptation in project management through agile
Project managers often focus on following the test plan versus agile leaders who expect change and are prepared to adapt on the fly, learn how to transition quicly in this chapter from Agile Project Management by Jim Highsmith Continue Reading
18 Mar 2009
The challenges of test-driven development (TDD)
Out of all agile practices, many organizations struggle the most with adoption of test-driven development (TDD) -- but that doesn't mean they're giving up on the challenge. Continue Reading
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02 Mar 2009
How Covad made the switch to a distributed agile development process
Waterfall methodologies weren't working for Covad Communications, so the company switched its process to agile and cut costs while achieving faster project completions. Continue Reading
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18 Feb 2009
Can traditional project management and agile development coexist?
Are traditional project managers and agile practitioners fundamentally at odds? Or can they live together and even complement each other? Continue Reading
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10 Feb 2009
How teams transition to agile development methodologies
Organizations usually move to agile development methods for the same reasons -- scope creep, time to market -- but details of the transition can vary from team to team. Continue Reading
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27 Jan 2009
Big Blue dog learns new tricks: How IBM Software Group moved to agile
In this case study, Sue McKinney, vice president of IBM's development transformation, explains how and why the IBM Software Group made the transition to agile. Continue Reading
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09 Sep 2008
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, Chapter 1 -- What Is Clean Code?
Agile software development calls on developers to write clean code, according to Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin. This free chapter introduces the concepts and methods programmers can adopt to write truly clean code. Continue Reading
By- Robert C. Martin
27 Jun 2008
Survey: Agile interest high, but waterfall still used by many
While there's a strong interest in new software development techniques and processes,'s 2008 Agile Trends survey found that many people still follow waterfall practices. Continue Reading
By- Michelle Davidson, TechTarget
02 Jun 2008
Scrum and requirements gathering
Scrum, an agile methodology, offers great advantages for certain software project teams. Expert Betty Luedke explains the basic tenets of Scrum and how they affect requirements engineering. Continue Reading
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28 Nov 2007
Five steps for performing an effective software product review
Review or inspection is an important activity in any project implementation. Performing a good review of the developed product, along with capturing metrics, helps in building a quality product. In this member-submitted article, Murugan Srinivasa points out the significance of software metrics in guaranteeing an effective review of any software product. Continue Reading
By- srinivasa murugan doraiswamy
20 Sep 2006
application firewall
An application firewall is an enhanced firewall that limits access by applications to the operating system (OS) of a computer... (Continued) Continue Reading