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How to take advantage of Copilot for SharePoint

Copilot -- Microsoft's AI chatbot tool -- works in several other apps, including SharePoint. Together, Copilot and SharePoint can simplify site and content creation.

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4 information governance challenges and how to overcome them

Organizations often neglect information governance in favor of more revenue-generating initiatives. This leads to challenges with information growth and fragmented systems.


6 enterprise content management best practices for deployment

When implementing enterprise content management software, organizations should consider key factors such as developer input, ease of use and built-in security.

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How do electronic signatures vs. digital signatures differ?

Many people think e-signature and digital signature are interchangeable terms, but an electronic signature differs from a digital one in critical ways.

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Enterprise Content Management Basics

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    What is digital experience (DX)?

    Digital experience (DX), also known as 'digital user experience' (UX), is the take-away feeling an end user has after an experience in a digital environment or with a digital technology or device.

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    How to take advantage of Copilot for SharePoint

    Copilot -- Microsoft's AI chatbot tool -- works in several other apps, including SharePoint. Together, Copilot and SharePoint can simplify site and content creation.

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    4 information governance challenges and how to overcome them

    Organizations often neglect information governance in favor of more revenue-generating initiatives. This leads to challenges with information growth and fragmented systems.

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