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Test your cybersecurity knowledge with this quick ISM quiz
Read our August 2020 e-zine, and then take this short quiz to test your knowledge of cybersecurity awareness training and other issues -- from types of CISOs to talent recruitment.
New cybersecurity products and services constantly enter the market, designed to reflect the ever-changing threat landscape. But there is one constant in any organization's cybersecurity strategy, and that is the human element. The August 2020 issue of Information Security magazine focuses on how organizations can work to close their staffs' cybersecurity knowledge gaps. Human beings are on the front lines of the cyber-battle after all, they point out, and too often employees fall prey to hacker tactics to penetrate defenses, steal data, hack systems and worse. As long as the human factor remains a threat surface, cybersecurity awareness training will remain a crucial part of every CISO's job.
In addition to its focus on the essential role of cybersecurity awareness training today, the August issue covers several other timely topics. Our second feature brings into focus the variety of CISO roles and personas. Forrester Research recently identified six distinct CISO types and the kind of cybersecurity professional that thrives in each. A mismatch between CISOs and the companies that employ them is a top reason for CISO stress and burnout. But anyone who aspires to a fulfilling career as a CISO can up their odds in achieving that by understanding their personality type, their areas of expertise and the types of company that can best put those talents to use.
The issue also delves into some scary statistics that underscore the need for more cybersecurity knowledge in the workforce, plus one expert's guidance on how to locate the cybersecurity talent right under your nose. We round out with a look at the importance of building security into an application throughout its development lifecycle.
If you've read the August 2020 issue with care, then you're ready to ace the cybersecurity quiz below. So, put your cybersecurity knowledge to the test, and if you pass, you'll also be eligible for a CPE credit.