Test your cyber-smarts with this network security quiz
Show what you know about the topics covered in the May 2020 issue of Information Security magazine. If you get nine of 10 answers right, you'll also receive CPE credit!
If you've read the May 2020 issue of Information Security magazine, you're up to date on the most advanced methods and issues related to securing the network -- and prepared to ace this network security quiz.
The latest issue of Information Security magazine explains why network security basics are no longer enough to protect data. Companies now face attacks from sophisticated cyber-enemies that use AI and machine learning. It's up to CISOs and other security leaders to put the necessary controls in place, like stronger identification and verification methods to protect networking systems and the data they carry.
CISO burnout is another issue of concern explored in the May 2020 issue of ISM. Although the CISO role may come with a big paycheck and a seat in the C-suite, few remain in a CISO job for more than a couple years. We delve into the reasons for burnout and outline what reforms could make the role more sustainable.
The cybersecurity world never stops turning, and while you might feel you're forever playing catch-up, you can rely on each issue of our e-zine to keep you apprised of the new developments, emerging threats, and the skills and tools required to handle them.
Our latest issue -- and the quiz below -- cover other important cybersecurity issues beyond network security, including the pressing problems of CISO burnout, nation-state attacks and breach detection.
When you've finished the May 2020 issue of Information Security magazine, try your hand at these network security quiz questions to test your knowledge on the topics covered in the latest edition. If you answer nine questions correctly, you'll receive one CPE credit.