Zero-trust methodology's popularity a double-edged sword
The authors of 'Zero Trust Networks' discuss how the zero-trust methodology's popularity produces both vendor hype and renewed attention to critical areas of security weakness. Continue Reading
The Ghidra Book interview with co-author Kara Nance
Ghidra has had a huge impact on the reverse-engineering community. Kara Nance, co-author of The Ghidra Book, discusses this impact as the open source tool has evolved. Continue Reading
Blockchain or bust? Experts debate applications for elections
Blockchain has been proposed as a solution for security issues around e-voting. But some infosec experts are skeptical that the technology is the right fit for U.S. elections. Continue Reading
Cybersecurity budget relies on planning and negotiation
Experts from Gartner and Forrester discuss how successful cybersecurity budgeting during these uncertain times requires planning, research and negotiation. Continue Reading
Explore self-sovereign identity use cases and benefits
The future of digital identity may look a lot like how we identify ourselves in real life. Learn more about self-sovereign identity use cases and features in this excerpt. Continue Reading
How self-sovereign identity principles suit the modern world
There are several core self-sovereign identity principles to consider before the concept can benefit the enterprise. Learn about the implications of SSI advancements in this Q&A. Continue Reading
Oversee apps with these 3 application security testing tools
Unsecured applications can have dire consequences for enterprises. Discover how top app security testing tools on the market today protect apps and enhance developer productivity. Continue Reading
Inclusive job descriptions key for infosec hiring
When seeking candidates for infosec job roles, it helps to think outside the box. Inclusive job descriptions and cutting back on unnecessary requirements are good places to start. Continue Reading
Security for SaaS applications starts with collaboration
Following established best practices helps enterprises facilitate collaboration and communication through SaaS applications while simultaneously ensuing secure SaaS use. Continue Reading
An inside look at the CCSP cloud security cert
Get insights into the Certified Cloud Security Professional cert, cloud infrastructure and platform benefits and risks, and more from the author of a CCSP exam guide. Continue Reading
Inclusivity a crucial step beyond diversity in cybersecurity
Spurred on by the social justice movement around the world, cybersecurity experts want to see a move beyond diversity efforts to ensure inclusivity in organizations as well. Continue Reading
Cybersecurity new normal needs change in process, CISOs say
As CISOs face an increasingly remote workforce, they need to confront past security mistakes, while adjusting to cybersecurity's new normal. Continue Reading
'Secure by Design' principles include failures, exceptions
Using design principles with built-in security, along with properly defining exceptions, can help developers not only build safe code, but do so while meeting deadlines. Continue Reading
Exception handling best practices call for secure code design
Making software secure by design requires tremendous consideration about how failures are handled. Learn more from these exception handling examples. Continue Reading
Hands-on guide to S3 bucket penetration testing
Attention AWS pen testers: The trick to understanding the indicators of AWS S3 bucket vulnerabilities is setting up an insecure bucket. Learn how in this actionable guide. Continue Reading
How to handle Amazon S3 bucket pen testing complexity
Security researcher Benjamin Caudill shares details from his book, 'Hands-On AWS Penetration Testing with Kali Linux,' and advice on Amazon S3 bucket pen testing for ethical hackers. Continue Reading
Security team analyzes data breach costs for better metrics
Security researchers discuss their findings on misleading and incorrect data breach cost metrics and share how breach reporting and information sharing can help all organizations. Continue Reading
Security pros explain how to prevent cyber attacks
Even during pandemics, hackers use malware such as ransomware and phishing to exploit an organization's vulnerabilities. IT security pros discuss how they prevent cyber attacks. Continue Reading
Which type of CISO are you? Company fit matters
Incompatibility between CISOs and their companies can lead to stress, frustration, burnout and rapid turnover. Identify your CISO style to target the ideal role and environment for you. Continue Reading
10 tips for cybersecurity awareness programs in uncertain times
Explore the winning tactics and tools CISOs and other cybersecurity leaders are employing in their programs to raise employee security awareness -- and consider how they might work for you. Continue Reading
Security issues with working remotely (and how to fix them)
With companies continuing work from home for the foreseeable future, Rohit Dhamankar offers home security advice to help security teams and employees address security issues with working remotely. Continue Reading
How CISOs can deal with cybersecurity stress and burnout
Being a paramedic and working in cybersecurity taught CISO Rich Mogull how to avoid stress and burnout. Check out his advice to maintain mental health in high-stress roles. Continue Reading
The importance of security, data encryption for cloud
As more companies migrate to the cloud, they need to also invest in cybersecurity for their cloud computing, such as through better encryption and authentication tools. Continue Reading
Zero-trust framework ripe for modern security challenges
What is zero-trust security, and why deploy it now? Analysts explain its importance in the current IT era and how to get started with evaluation and implementation. Continue Reading
Minorities in cybersecurity face unique and lasting barriers
IT is facing renewed scrutiny into its lack of diversity. Explore the unique barriers minorities in cybersecurity face and why hiring approaches are ill equipped to address them. Continue Reading
Complexity exacerbates cloud cybersecurity threats
As cloud becomes intrinsic to IT, shifting roles have led to some risks being overlooked. But companies are getting smarter about alleviating cloud cybersecurity threats. Continue Reading
How to address and close the cloud security readiness gap
Cloud security readiness remains a shortcoming for companies despite the majority using cloud services. Here are three steps they can take to close the cloud security gap. Continue Reading
How cyber warfare laws limit risk on a digital battleground
Retired Navy cryptologist implores enterprises to build key cyber warfare laws into their infosec strategy to improve survivability on the digital battleground in his new book. Continue Reading
The future of cyber warfare requires infosec's attention
The future of cyber warfare places enterprise security and survivability in the crosshairs. Learn more about cyber warfare threats and capabilities and how infosec can prepare. Continue Reading
Why COVID-19 won't stop cybersecurity jobs and recruitment
The economy is struggling, and many careers are taking hits, but cybersecurity jobs and careers will likely stay in demand as companies need to keep data and customers safe. Continue Reading
5 PCI DSS best practices to improve compliance
Increased rates of PCI noncompliance are worth examining, as are PCI DSS best practices and tips for small and medium-sized companies. Read more in-depth compliance coverage here. Continue Reading
Interconnected critical infrastructure increases cybersecurity risk
Separately managed but interconnected critical infrastructure sectors are not all bound to security requirements and may be at risk of cascading attacks. Continue Reading
Invest in new security talent with cybersecurity mentorships
Cybersecurity mentorships provide a great opportunity for those just entering the industry who want a successful start. Having the right guidance is a must. Continue Reading
VPC security best practices and how to implement them in AWS
To best secure network access, AWS administrators need to create rules for network resources. Learn how to implement Amazon VPC security best practices in this book excerpt. Continue Reading
Overcome AWS security vulnerabilities with VPCs, IAM
Securing network access in AWS requires the right rules to be in place. Learn more about Virtual Private Clouds and how implementing them can prevent common cloud security attacks. Continue Reading
A case for both cybersecurity detection and prevention tools
Companies need both detection and prevention cybersecurity tools to effectively keep data and employees safe from attackers. Just one or the other isn't enough. Continue Reading
SASE adoption accelerating as workforce goes remote
Experts suggest enterprises should consider SASE adoption for network security as the remote workforce grows in order to reduce cost and complexity. Continue Reading
How security testing could change after COVID-19
As companies look to bring employees back into the office, security teams must consider how to handle security testing due to initial remote work deployments and shadow IT. Continue Reading
Top 3 advantages of smart cards -- and potential disadvantages
As smart card adoption increases, it is prudent to take a closer look at how this technology can improve data security. Here, read more about the benefits of smart cards. Continue Reading
IT and security teams collide as companies work from home
The new world of remote work has given rise to IT and security teams working more closely than ever before. They need to come together to provide excellent UX and security. Continue Reading
CCSK cert guide author's insights into cloud security credential
The author of a Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge exam guide offers insights into certifications, top considerations for those pursuing the CCSK and more. Continue Reading
Advance your security operations center with AI
Powering a security operations center with AI systems not only automates tasks, but also complements admins' efforts to more effectively combat threats and transform processes. Continue Reading
Compare the top cloud-based IoT security platforms to protect devices
IoT security tools can protect widely used computing devices that pose cybersecurity risks in the current remote work era. Explore the leading cloud-based options here. Continue Reading
How a security researcher spots a phishing email attempt
When security expert Steven Murdoch spotted a phishing email in his inbox, the researcher in him decided to investigate. Here's what he learned about criminal phishing tactics. Continue Reading
The what, why and how of the Spring Security architecture
Like any framework, Spring Security requires writing less code to implement the desired functionality. Learn how to implement the Spring Security architecture in this book excerpt. Continue Reading
Why developers need to know the Spring Security framework
The Spring Security framework is a reliable way for Java developers to secure applications. However, proper implementation is critical to prevent the most common vulnerabilities. Continue Reading
One security framework may be key to cyber effectiveness
The Mitre ATT&CK security framework could best enable effective cybersecurity, according to The Chertoff Group, as could joining information sharing and analysis organizations. Continue Reading
CISO stress and burnout cause high churn rate
The nature of the CISO role can take a toll, say industry vets, with frustration and stress contributing to high turnover rates and burnout. Learn how to make it work. Continue Reading
AI-powered cyberattacks force change to network security
Companies now face sophisticated enemies using AI and machine learning tools for their attacks. It's a world of new dangers for those defending network systems and data. Continue Reading
Words to go: Types of phishing scams
IT teams must take proactive measures to address security awareness when it comes to email. Learn about the types of phishing scams to mitigate risk. Continue Reading
Mitigating ransomware and phishing attacks during a pandemic
Where most see crisis, cybercriminals see opportunity. Learn how security leaders can meet the challenges of mitigating ransomware threats and phishing attacks during a pandemic. Continue Reading
Utilize SMB security tools to work from home safely
With the global pandemic forcing enterprise workers home, SMB security tools can provide necessary protection for newly built home offices in order to keep business moving. Continue Reading
Cybersecurity impact analysis template for pandemic planning
This template from IANS Research can help IT and security professionals document and prioritize essential processes, staffing and systems when faced with a pandemic event. Continue Reading
Securing a remote workforce amplifies common cybersecurity risks
Securing a remote workforce during the pandemic has not only created unforeseen cybersecurity risks, but also magnified old ones with more employees using home networks. Continue Reading
Coronavirus phishing threats force heightened user awareness
As coronavirus phishing threats ramp up, organizations must turn to user education, in addition to traditional network security, as their best defense. Continue Reading
Zero-trust management challenges outweighed by benefits
The zero-trust model's adoption, deployment and management challenges are easily outweighed by its ability to offset modern threats, IEEE senior member Jack Burbank advises. Continue Reading
With US ban, Huawei products put CISOs on notice
The U.S. federal government has enacted bans on equipment it deems a national security risk. The move should make CISOs wary of what products they bring into their organizations. Continue Reading
Skill building is key to furthering gender diversity in tech
Gender disparities imperil the threat intelligence community. Shannon Lietz, leader and director of DevSecOps at Intuit, discusses current efforts to attract female talent. Continue Reading
4 essential AI-enabled security concerns for buyers and vendors
Experts offer four concerns for enterprises and vendors to discuss in order to deploy and run AI-based cybersecurity tools. Continue Reading
Will nonprofit's evolution of zero trust secure consumer data?
An Australian nonprofit aims to deliver an improved security protocol through what it calls a 'true zero-trust custody layer.' Will the protocol improve consumer data protection? Continue Reading
AI Security Alliance urges clarity for buying AI security tools
Vendors and customers must be aware of potential gaps between expectations and reality in the sale or purchase of AI cybersecurity products, an AI security expert advises. Continue Reading
CISA exam preparation requires learning ethics, standards, new vocab
The CISA certification is proof of an auditor's knowledge and skills. However, the exam isn't easy and requires some heavy learning -- especially when it comes to vocabulary. Continue Reading
Explore 7 data loss prevention tools for utmost security
Explore how DLP products secure enterprise data and these seven specialized vendors that provide protection through varying installation, platforms and features. Continue Reading
Coronavirus phishing scams increase amid pandemic's spread
Organizations must account for a sharp uptick of coronavirus phishing scams in their pandemic and business continuity plans. Learn about the trend here, with steps for mitigation. Continue Reading
Experts say CIA security triad needs a DIE model upgrade
Using a distributed, immutable, ephemeral strategy instead of the traditional CIA triad could enable enterprises to encourage security by design and minimize risk, two experts say. Continue Reading
How privacy compliance rules will affect IT security
As companies scramble to comply with consumer data privacy compliance mandates, like GDPR, CCPA and others on the horizon, IT security will shoulder much of the process burden. Continue Reading
ITOps security requires attention to training
Becoming fluent about IT security is critically important for numerous aspects of ITOps, yet many organizations fail to train their ITOps staff in security. Continue Reading
Cyberinsurance coverage reflects a changing threat landscape
A constant deluge of data breach disclosures has prompted an increase in cybersecurity insurance coverage adoption. Learn how a policy can enhance an enterprise risk management program. Continue Reading
Windows IIS server hardening checklist
Use this handy Windows IIS server hardening checklist on the job to ensure your IIS server is deployed safely and stays secure in use. Continue Reading
Security testing web applications and systems in the modern enterprise
Security testing web apps with little budget and poor documentation is difficult. Ric Messier discusses building a security testing lab in the DevSecOps, cloud and automation age. Continue Reading
Software security testing and software stress testing basics
In this excerpt from Ric Messier's book, learn why software security testing and stress testing are critical components of an enterprise infosec program. Continue Reading
Zero-trust model case study: One CISO's experience
Adopting a zero-trust environment was the right move for GitLab, according to the company's former security chief, but it may not be well suited for all enterprises. Continue Reading
Fighting PCI non-compliance could require new frameworks, zero trust
Falling PCI DSS compliance rates could force the PCI Security Standards Council to be more open to other regulatory frameworks and make enterprises aim higher in terms of data security. Could zero trust be part of the solution? Continue Reading
Beat common types of cyberfraud with security awareness
Hackers are taking deception to a new level, but security awareness programs are instrumental in helping employees detect various types of cyberfraud. Continue Reading
Cisco CISO says today's enterprise must take chances
Cisco CISO Steve Martino talks about taking chances, threats, how the security leader's role is changing and what really works when it comes to keeping the company secure. Continue Reading
CISOs face a range of cybersecurity challenges in 2020
Every company is unique, of course, but certain challenges are widely shared. Learn what security concerns other CISOs and security leaders are focused on in 2020. Continue Reading
Threat intelligence offers promise, but limitations remain
Do you know how to use threat intelligence feeds to best effect in your company? Learn what this valuable yet often confusing resource can and can't do for cybersecurity. Continue Reading
Can IDaaS adoption improve enterprise security posture?
Experts suggest enterprises consider identity as a service as organizations' data management needs grow and access management becomes more complex. Continue Reading
How to implement a holistic approach to user data privacy
IoT devices flood the market with promises to make daily life more convenient. Learn how to embrace user consent to benefit your organization and enhance user data privacy. Continue Reading
'Computer Security Fundamentals:' Quantum security to certifications
New topics, from security engineering to quantum computing, are covered in 'Computer Security Fundamentals,' but the book's author suggests readers review some basic topics, too. Continue Reading
Understanding the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix and CSA CAIQ
Uncover how the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix and CSA CAIQ can be used to assess cloud providers' controls and risk models, ensure cloud compliance and more. Continue Reading
5 application security threats and how to prevent them
The most widely known application security threats are sometimes the most common exploits. Here is a list of the top app threats and their appropriate security responses. Continue Reading
The who, what, why -- and challenges -- of CISM certification
Think you're ready for the CISM certification exam? Peter Gregory, author of CISM: Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams, has some pointers for you. Continue Reading
Editor's picks: Most pressing cybersecurity stories in 2019
As the year comes to an end, SearchSecurity takes a bird's-eye view of the sophisticated cyberthreat landscape and how it has changed over the past 12 months. Continue Reading
ICS security challenges and how to overcome them
Security cannot be an afterthought in internet-connected industrial control systems. IEEE member Kayne McGladrey offers best practices to stay safe in a connected world. Continue Reading
Data breach risk factors, response model, reporting and more
Dig into five data breach risk factors, and learn how the DRAMA data breach response model can help enterprises counter breaches in a timely and efficient manner. Continue Reading
The ins and outs of cyber insurance coverage
Cyber insurance coverage can help companies successfully navigate the aftereffects of a data breach. However, choosing a policy in the first place can be confusing. Continue Reading
Ideal DevSecOps strategy requires the right staff and tools
Sometimes viewed as an obstacle to speedy software rollout, the DevSecOps model helps security teams drive innovation in development. Learn how to build a DevSecOps strategy. Continue Reading
Best practices to help CISOs prepare for CCPA
With the CCPA taking effect in 2020, check out security chiefs' best practices to get ahead and stay ahead of impending data privacy and protection compliance regulations. Continue Reading
Role of AI in cybersecurity and 6 possible product options
Cyberthreats loom large in this modern IT environment. Explore the six most common roles of AI in cybersecurity and the products synthesizing them. Continue Reading
Designing the future of cyber threat intelligence sharing
Attendees at the ACSC conference strategized about what ideal threat intelligence sharing looks like. Learn more about the future of collaborative cyberdefense. Continue Reading
Rise in ransomware attacks prompts new prevention priorities
Officials predict that already widespread ransomware attacks will only grow in scale and influence, while urging organizations to act now to guard against them. Continue Reading
Build new and old strategies into insider threat management
The risk of insider threat does not discriminate across industry lines. Learn how to build an insider threat management program that combines AI, zero-trust principles and a healthy security culture. Continue Reading
Benefits of using Azure Security Center for security assessments
Author Yuri Diogenes discusses how Azure Security Center helps admins achieve full cloud visibility, conduct security assessments and prevent potential breaches. Continue Reading
Use Azure Security Center to conduct a security posture assessment
In this excerpt from Chapter 4 of Microsoft Azure Security Center, the authors outline how to use the software to determine and improve your enterprise's cloud security posture. Continue Reading
Creating and managing a zero-trust security framework
IEEE senior member Kevin Curran outlines how enterprises should introduce a zero-trust security framework and discusses implementation challenges they are likely to face. Continue Reading
4 innovative ways to remedy the cybersecurity skills gap
Learn how companies should adapt to hire, recruit and retain top-notch employees during the current cybersecurity workforce shortage. Continue Reading
Assessing the value of personal data for class action lawsuits
Determining the value of consumers' personal data exposed in a breach can be a challenge. Security and legal experts discuss what factors are involved in the equation. Continue Reading
Report shows CISOs, IT unprepared for privacy regulations
Several data management principles are common across new and developing privacy regulations, but Internet Society reports that many U.S. organizations are falling behind. Continue Reading
A cybersecurity skills gap demands thinking outside the box
Today's security team shortages can't be filled using yesterday's thinking. Learn what other IT security leaders are doing to plug the skills gap and keep their organization safe. Continue Reading