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February 2020, Vol. 21, No. 1

2 components of detection and threat intelligence platforms

Several years ago, my company, Nemertes, flagged threat detection and threat intelligence platforms as one of the bellwether technologies that correlate with highly successful cybersecurity organizations, as measured by mean total time to contain. But the success correlation is a bit lower than anticipated, given how obvious the benefit of using such tools should be. It turns out there's a wide range of offerings when it comes to such products. Just because a vendor or service provider bills its offerings as "threat detection and intelligence" doesn't mean those offerings are delivering what cybersecurity professionals actually need. So the data got muddied by folks who said they were using "threat intelligence," but in fact were using little more than traditional list-based antimalware. So what's a threat intelligence platform, anyway? OK, what do we mean by threat detection and intelligence? And how can you be sure you're "doing it right" -- procuring the products and services that deliver actual value? First, be aware that ...

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