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Tom Van Vleck on the Multics operating system, security decisions

This article is part of the Information Security issue of August 2018, Vol. 20, No. 4
Tom Van Vleck is a computer security pioneer who spent years developing computer operating system architectures before there were PCs. While earning his bachelor of science in mathematics at MIT, he worked as a programmer for Project MAC, an MIT initiative funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency. Project MAC involved numerous efforts, including the creation of the Multics operating system for a modified General Electric mainframe. Built around time sharing, the multiplexed information and computing service was conceptualized as a utility to provide an interactive environment for multiple users. It was developed in collaboration with Bell Telephone Laboratories (now Nokia Bell Labs) and GE. The system was designed with security built in, according to proponents, and several concepts are relevant to today's operating systems. Bell Labs exited the project in 1969, and some of its former Multics programmers went on to create the Unix time-sharing system. In addition to his work as an undergraduate, Van Vleck spent nine years...
Features in this issue
Overwhelmed by security data? Science to the rescue
Security teams increasingly use large data sets from their networks to find hidden threats. Why companies should embark on their own data science and machine learning initiatives.
Not enough information security analysts, despite higher wages
Survey data on global skills shortages does not show significant changes, even as companies turn to strategies such as security automation to make security teams more efficient.
Columns in this issue
Why third-party access to data may come at a price
Google and other platform companies dangled not only APIs but access to user data from unwitting customers to attract third-party developers and other partners.
Fannie Mae CISO calls for more data on security incidents
Chris Porter's years as a lead analyst and author of Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report helped prepare him for the chief of security role at the primary housing lender.