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The role of network sandboxing and testing
Network sandboxing provides network teams with a risk-free environment to test changes and run potential threat scenarios. This helps prevent outages and other unexpected issues.
Network sandboxing is vital for maintaining network stability and security. As such, it's a critical component in network engineering, helping to prevent unexpected issues and ensure smoother network operations.
Network sandboxing creates isolated environments to enable testing and analysis of network traffic, configurations and applications without disrupting the production environment. This isolation is crucial in preventing network issues and improving operations.
Without the protective measures provided by sandboxing, networks are vulnerable to frequent and costly disruptions, such as outages. Network sandboxing and thorough testing can significantly minimize these risks.
The role of network sandboxing
Daily network outages occur worldwide. Network sandboxing offers network engineers a strategy to prevent them by creating a simulated, risk-free environment for testing.
Think of network sandboxing as a simulation tool, similar to those used by F1 drivers or pilots. F1 simulation tools enable drivers to safely test cars and practice strategies before racing. Similarly, by simulating production environments, network engineers can explore the outcomes of potential network changes and observe causes of network outages on a map, including the following:
- Security attacks.
- Human errors.
- Configuration mistakes.
- Software bugs.
- Problematic updates.
Engineers can refine configurations and security measures without causing real-world disruptions.
To enable network sandboxing, network engineers must isolate the sandbox network from the production network and replicate the production environment. Next, they must deploy monitoring and security tools, as well as provision or provide crucial resources. For successful implementation and use, develop sandbox processes and policies.
If the network is set up correctly and has processes in place, engineers can safely test configurations, applications and security measures, as well as analyze network traffic in a risk-free environment.
Simulate network traffic
Sandboxing technology accurately simulates network behavior under various conditions, such as peak usage or cyberattacks. This risk-free environment is crucial for identifying potential vulnerabilities and performance issues before they disrupt the live production network. Proactively addressing these challenges in a controlled setting enables engineers to optimize network performance and enhance security. This ensures a more resilient and reliable network infrastructure.
Evaluate security protocols
Sandboxing provides the opportunity to test security protocols and defenses against simulated cyberattacks without harming the live network. This process reveals vulnerabilities and demonstrates how well production environments can withstand real-world threats. By executing potentially harmful code or configurations, engineers can assess the security of network devices, such as routers and firewalls. Once the results are in, engineers can apply changes, ultimately strengthening network security.
Validate configuration changes
Configuration testing is essential for safely deploying changes. Configurations that aren't comprehensively tested can turn into misconfigurations that disprupt network operations. Sandboxing offers thorough configuration testing before configurations go live. Simulating real-world conditions minimizes outage risk and ensures seamless integration of new configurations into the production environment.
Training and continuous learning
Network engineers can continually hone their skills using sandbox technology. Some of these skills include the following:
- Testing and troubleshooting configurations, as well as configuring devices.
- Simulating network attacks and other disruptions.
- Mitigating security risks.
Sandboxing can also be a training for engineers as they test the many real-world scenarios that could affect production environments.
Network sandboxing tools
Many sandboxing tools are available for network teams to use. Some are available to purchase, while others are free. Each sandbox comes with unique features, each with a specific use. Network teams should evaluate their network requirements and find a sandbox that caters to their needs.
The following list of tools is nonexhaustive and lists them in alphabetical order. Tools were selected based on the author's experience with these tools and their quality of service.
- Cisco DevNet Sandbox. This free sandbox comes in two options -- Reservation and Always-On. Reservation sandboxes are private and enable network engineers and developers to reserve a particular sandbox to test specific technologies. In contrast, engineers can provision Always-On sandboxes at any time.
- Cuckoo Sandbox. This is an open source sandbox for automated malware and suspicious file analysis. Network team engineers and developers can analyze configurations here as well.
- FortiSandbox. Developed by Fortinet, FortiSandbox is available via a license that enables AI features. Network teams can use AI and machine learning to detect threats in real time. Once threats are found, the sandbox isolates and analyzes them.
- SandBlast Threat Emulation. Known for its advanced threat prevention, Check Point's SandBlast software aids network teams in analyzing their configurations. It can also emulate threats and tasks before they enter a real production environment.
- Symantec Content Analysis and Sandboxing. This tool has rich features for network security teams. It can identify indicators of compromise and seamlessly share this information with endpoint technologies.
Best practices for network sandboxing
Network sandboxing and testing remain paramount in the industry. As AI use grows and massive cyberattacks increase, it's important for network teams to prepare. The following best practices are crucial for an effective sandbox experience:
- Isolate the sandbox from the main network. VLANs enable engineers to implement the logical separation.
- Implement access control to limit who can access the sandbox and for better security.
- Implement virtualization to use VMs or containers to create isolated environments.
- Practice network monitoring to track all the activity in the sandbox.
- Update all software regularly to ensure it's up to date with the latest security patches.
- Keep concise documentation for the sandbox and all the activities performed within.
By following these best practices, teams can create network sandboxes that effectively isolate potential threats and protect network infrastructure.
Verlaine Muhungu is a self-taught tech enthusiast, DevNet advocate and aspiring Cisco Press author, focused on network automation, penetration testing and secure coding practices. He was recognized as a Cisco top talent in sub-Saharan Africa during the 2016 NetRiders IT Skills Competition.