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10 edge computing quiz questions
Edge computing isn't new, but it has grown in popularity due to 5G and the influx of IoT devices. This quiz covers edge computing basics, such as pros, cons and differentiators.
Enterprise networks produce and consume substantial amounts of data across distributed workers and environments. Networks now require improvements -- such as faster speeds, higher capacity, improved bandwidth and less latency -- for optimal operation. 5G delivers these improvements, but it can't do it alone.
That's where edge computing -- a computing paradigm that helps networks process data more efficiently -- comes in. While not a new concept, edge computing is an emerging architecture that describes the mechanism of processing data from where it generates, which is typically near the end user. Edge computing has risen in popularity largely due to the growth of IoT devices.
Edge computing is also a critical element of 5G networks. Because edge computing processes data at its originating location, it can process this data at higher speeds and in greater quantity. This, in turn, helps reduce latency, improve bandwidth usage and increase reliability, among other improvements. In short, 5G needs edge computing to deliver many of its anticipated promises.
But edge computing can still be difficult to understand. Edge computing joins the list of many terms in the networking industry with the words edge and computing, such as network edge, fog computing and cloud computing. However, edge computing differs from the rest, and it's important to understand the distinctions.
The following 10 questions explore some of the top considerations about edge computing and compares the similarities and differences between edge computing and the previously mentioned technologies and approaches.
Test your knowledge about edge computing, its key terms, its relationships with other technologies and its role in modern networking.