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Problem solve
Get help with specific problems with your technologies, process and projects.
Cradlepoint router boosts network flexibility for dance group
Connecting an audience to the motion and music of a dance production takes more than dance and musical skills. For one professor, it required network flexibility and the Cradlepoint AER2100 router. Continue Reading
Network edge switch upgrades hinge on WLAN deployments
Network edge switch upgrades depend on a variety of factors, but one of the most critical is taking a look at your future WLAN deployment strategies. Continue Reading
How can network analytics tools be used to improve performance?
With pressure and expectations for network and enterprise performance rising, IT professionals are turning to network analytics tools that use machine learning to remain ahead of the game. Continue Reading
How can I prevent a DDoS attack program?
DDoS programs overwhelm networks with a torrent of requests. How can you prevent a DDoS attack, and what are the steps you can take to keep your networking environment secure? Continue Reading
How IPv6 networks create DNS configuration problems
DNS data is among the most basic and crucial information required for network connectivity, but configuring DNS recursive servers in IPv6-only networks can pose challenges. Continue Reading
What's automation's role in network provisioning resources?
IT is embracing network automation, but complications with integration disrupt the process. Using automation for provisioning resources can improve efficiency, but reduce the need for IT personnel.Continue Reading
How can you use perfect forward secrecy for mobile security?
How can companies increase data protection in mobile communications environments and enhance perfect forward secrecy to safeguard user activity?Continue Reading
IBN: Enablement for a configuration management process?
How realistic are claims about intent-based networking helping organizations to enhance the network configuration management process?Continue Reading
Users want hybrid cloud networking to be simple
As more services move to the cloud and become more mobile, if the network is invisible and performs well, IT pros are doing their jobs in users' eyes.Continue Reading
How to use traceroute to troubleshoot network problems
Traceroute is a tool that can provide more insight than you might think. Learn how to use traceroute to troubleshoot network issues.Continue Reading
How types of noise in data communication systems affect the network
Learn about the different types of noise in data communication -- including thermal, intermodulation, cross-talk, impulse and shot noise -- and how they can affect your network.Continue Reading
Networked cloud emerges to meet evolving infrastructure needs
Some enterprise network managers are beginning to move networking out to the cloud, as they sort out how to best meet their organizations' evolving infrastructure needs.Continue Reading
IP subnetting: How to calculate subnet masks
Check out IP subnetting shortcuts on how to do subnet mask calculations and break down IP address classes to route traffic within your network.Continue Reading
Comparing cable types: Fiber vs. copper twisted pair
What's the difference in fiber vs. copper cables? Key differences include cost, speed and more when it comes to fiber optic and copper twisted-pair cabling options.Continue Reading
What is the difference between bit rate and baud rate?
Learn how to understand the difference between bit rate and baud rate in this expert answer.Continue Reading
How can my company reap the advantages of SDN if its culture is risk-averse?
SDN expert Will Murrell discusses how the advantages of SDN will speak to cautious companies only when network engineers can make a case for SDN's lower cost and high functionality.Continue Reading
How to troubleshoot iPhone and iPad connection problems
As iPhone and iPad Wi-Fi clients proliferate in the enterprise, IT must troubleshoot Wi-Fi connection problems. Here's how to solve basic iPhone and iPad connection problems.Continue Reading
Common network errors and their causes
Network not behaving? Learn how to identify the most common network errors -- like discards and collisions -- and how to implement solutions to get your network humming again.Continue Reading
How to troubleshoot Android Wi-Fi connection problems
Android smartphone and tablet users now abound in the enterprise, making Android Wi-Fi connection troubleshooting a key element of enterprise wireless network connection management.Continue Reading
How can enterprises manage the cybersecurity skills gap?
Due to the demand for professionals with backgrounds in both computer science and networking, filling cybersecurity jobs is difficult. Technology will have to play a bigger role.Continue Reading
What's the best way to handle end-of-sale devices on your network?
A majority of organizations have end-of-sale and end-of-life devices on their networks. What's the best way to ensure your equipment is up to date?Continue Reading
OPM hack two months later: What was learned?
Network security expert Michele Chubirka shares her thoughts about June's OPM hack and what steps IT should take to fend off future attacks.Continue Reading
Hyper-V networking: The three virtual switches that fuel connectivity
In this Hyper-V networking primer, learn about the three virtual switches behind Microsoft virtualization connectivity.Continue Reading
Are there alternatives to the OpenFlow protocol?
Jason Edelman explains OpenFlow protocol alternatives and what's important in determining which southbound protocol will work for you.Continue Reading
Centralized vs. decentralized SDN architecture: Which works for you?
Two SDN architecture models -- centralized and decentralized -- have much in common, but key differences center on the use of the OpenFlow protocol.Continue Reading
How do I disable VPN passthrough? What are the pros and cons to disabling it?
In this Ask the Expert response, Rainer Enders explains how to disable VPN passthrough and what the benefits and drawbacks are.Continue Reading
Multiple access point configuration: Distinguish transmitted signals
Lisa Phifer explains multiple access point configuration when a device tries to differentiate transmitted signals from each point and explains potential issues.Continue Reading
Using virtual appliances and desktop virtualization
IT organizations are implementing desktop virtualization and virtual appliances for virtual WAN optimization and virtual application delivery, but there are challenges to overcome along the way.Continue Reading
Difference between circuit-switching and packet-switching in examples
What is the difference between a circuit switching and packet switching? Our networking fundamentals expert gives examples of packet switching and circuit switching in this response.Continue Reading
VLANs versus IP subnets: Why use a VLAN over IP subnetting?
A virtual local area network (VLAN) is better than IP subnetting because its advantage is security. Learn what a VLAN is and how it differs from creating IP subnets, in this expert response from our networking fundamentals expert.Continue Reading
Troubleshooting remote scripting using Network Monitor 3.0 -- Managing Windows networks using script
Learn how to use Network Monitor 3.0 for troubleshooting a remote scripting error in this tip originally published on Reading
Optical networks: Core network design best practices
Core optical network design must take into consideration network requirements specific to the core, including a high degree of aggregation, low reconfigurability, and large geographic scope, while confronting such challenges as router adjacency, ...Continue Reading
What equipment do I use to connect two LANs in different cities? What are the steps?
How do you connect two LANS from different cities? VPN expert Sampath Ramaswami notes the steps to be taken, in this Q&A.Continue Reading
Cisco wireless access point configuration from scratch
Learn what the Cisco 1242 wireless access point can do for you and how to configure one from scratch. This tip covers basic security settings, enabling the wireless radios, and how to make a successful connection. The 1242AG is a powerful ...Continue Reading
What is the relationship between network cable frequency and its bandwidth?
Learn about the relationship between the network cable's frequency and its bandwidth capacity, the frequency formula and its physics in this expert response by Carrie Higbie.Continue Reading
LAN administration guide
LAN administration is an arduous task and your responsibilities often involve many different aspects and may include many tasks. This guide will help you with each step and task.Continue Reading
Half duplex vs. full duplex Ethernet 10BASE-T topologies
Ever wonder why half duplex Ethernet 10BASE-T topologies have a slower data transmission rate than full duplex Ethernet 10BASE-Ttopologies? Find out in this expert response by Lindi Horton.Continue Reading
What are the fundamental principles of CDMA?
In this Q&A, our expert, Lindi Horton gives us an explanation of what CDMA is and what some of its fundamental principles are.Continue Reading
Intrusion detection vs. intrusion prevention
Our expert, Puneet Mehta, tells us what the key difference is between intrusion detection and intrusion prevention, in this expert response.Continue Reading
IP addressing and subnetting: Calculate a subnet mask using the subnet's formula
IP addressing and subnetting are an important part of networks. Learn how the subnet's formula works and why it's important to know how to calculate the subnet mask "longhand."Continue Reading
System engineer vs. network administrator
Our Cisco certifications expert, David Minutella, answers what the responsibilities of a system engineer and network administrator are and what makes the two jobs different.Continue Reading
VPN client alternatives: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) over IPsec
This month, Lisa Phifer discusses a robust VPN client alternative: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) over IPsec.Continue Reading
Network test plan: Checklist for architecture changes
For every change you make to your network architecture, you should have a test plan and a backout plan. In this tip, learn how to build a test plan and review a sample checklist of things to include.Continue Reading
How SSL and TLS secure network transactions
SSL and TLS are protocols that were developed primarily to protect Web transactions, but they can be used to protect any type of network traffic that utilizes TCP at the transport layer, including the popular SSL VPN. In this tip, learn how SSL and ...Continue Reading
The most commonly used network operating system
In this Q&A, Lindi Horton answers the question "What network operating system is more currently and commonly used?"Continue Reading
OSI: Securing the stack, Layer 2 -- Understanding the role of ARP
Security expert Michael Gregg continues his layer-by-layer discussion of OSI model network security with this tip on the vulnerabilities present in Layer 2, the Data Link Layer, and specifically addresses the Address Resolution Protocol.Continue Reading
OSI: Securing the stack, Layer 1 -- Physical security threats
Security expert Michael Gregg kicks off his layer-by-layer discussion of OSI model network security with this tip on securing Layer 1 against physical security threats.Continue Reading
Duplex mismatch
What is duplex, and what is the difference between half and full duplex? What is a duplex mismatch? How can autonegotiation help or hurt your network? How can you resolve duplex conflicts? In this tip, David Davis helps networking engineers and ...Continue Reading
IPSec and NAT incompatibility
Learn why Authentication Header (AH) doesn't work with Network Address Translation (NAT) or Port Address Translation (PAT) and that Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) is also incompatible with PAT.Continue Reading
VPNs for disaster recovery: IPsec vs. SSL
Using a VPN as a failover mechanism when a primary communications link may be unavailable due to a disaster can be a smart move -- as well as an easy one to implement. In this tip, learn about the pros and cons of IPsec and SSL VPN options for ...Continue Reading
DNS for a wireless network: Router Expert
DNS services are essential for building a secure wireless LAN. Our Router Expert provides complete instructions for setting up a DNS server, including implementing BIND, configuring a non-authoritative server and creating zone files.Continue Reading
T1 vs. VoIP for branch office connectivity
Learn how to decide between a T1, fractional T1 and VoIP for connecting branch offices.Continue Reading
WAN optimization and bottlenecks: Is the WAN really the weakest link?
"How much traffic" is no longer a good enough measure of WAN bandwidth. In this tip, Carrie Higbie looks at how today's ever-increasing expectations for data transfer rates require increased attention to WAN optimization, and suggests how ...Continue Reading
How to move an SSL certificate between Exchange servers contributor Serdar Yegulalp provides step-by-step instructions on how to move an SSL certificate from one Exchange server to another, and explains a couple of gotchas to watch out for during the process.Continue Reading
Security and the TCP/IP stack
Each layer of TCP/IP has security mechanisms, protocols, and applications. This tip describes the more popular ones that are associated with each layer of TCP/IP.Continue Reading
Five steps to stamp out unsafe Wi-Fi use
Lisa Phifer helps dispel the top myths of wireless security and explains five steps that network administrators can take to lead their users toward safer Wi-Fi usage.Continue Reading
SMB wireless LAN setup
Advice for setting up a WLAN for a SMB.Continue Reading
OpenNMS, an introduction: Affordable network management
Open source expert Maria Winslow brings network managers up to speed about the free open source enterprise-grade network-management system OpenNMS.Continue Reading
Why is the cable supporting my LAN experiencing abnormal attenuation?
Why is the cable supporting my LAN experiencing abnormal attenuation?Continue Reading
Configuring and troubleshooting wireless LAN clients
An understanding of wireless LAN (WLAN) client and WLAN access point communication mechanisms is critical to anyone attempting to initially connect or troubleshoot a WLAN connection. In this tip, Robbie Harrell discusses some of the issues that can ...Continue Reading
Understanding network traffic flow analysis
Network traffic flow is often compared to highway traffic flow. In this tip, Lindi Horton shows parallels between those two worlds and explains why traffic flow analysis is such an essential piece of knowledge for engineering a network.Continue Reading
Best practices for network management in the non-profit world
Discover how the Washington, D.C.-based National Parks Conservation Association developed their network management solution to ensure network uptime and availability.Continue Reading
IP network design, part 4: LAN design
This final section of the IP network design series relates to the issues encountered with campus LAN design. The benefits of Ethernet switching over a traditional hub environment are first explained. The motivation behind the deployment of virtual ...Continue Reading
Certifications that will earn you the most money
Ed Tittel takes a look at the five network certifications that earned the most money in 2005.Continue Reading
IP network design, part 3: Designing the WAN
The wide area network (WAN) is the single biggest contributor to a corporate network's cost of ownership. Therefore, this is the area where the cost-versus-performance tradeoff is most pronounced and most critical. This article explores the various ...Continue Reading
Implementing software restriction policies
This tip explains how you can use software restriction policies to keep your workstations in pristine shape and cut down on help desk calls at the same time.Continue Reading
Router Expert: Initial configuration of a Cisco 1200 802.11g WLAN access point
Our router expert continues his series on building a secure wireless LAN with a Linux base. This article explains how to utilize a single Cisco 1200 series access point to provide access to three different IP network segments using VLANs and ...Continue Reading
LAN connectivity problem: Blame DNS, NIC or firewall?
ITKnowledge Exchange member "BinooDas1234" had connectivity issues with a troublesome LAN, and fellow techies jumped in to help out. But does the answer lie in the DNS configuration, the NIC drivers or elsewhere? Here is a portion of the ...Continue Reading
IP network design, part 2: The IP addressing plan
The IP addressing plan is the foundation upon which a successful logical design is built. Part two of this tip explains how to formulate a scalable IP addressing plan that can support the network as it grows.Continue Reading
OSI: Securing the Stack, Layer 5 -- session hijacking
To help secure your systems against session hijacking, this tip walks you through the steps hackers use to hijack active sessions and take over your network. You'll also learn how to detect and prevent session hijacking attacks, a major security ...Continue Reading
VRFs and routing
Doug Downer continues his series about VPN routing and forwarding instances focused on the task of configuring and verifying a VRF scenario with a requirement for separate customers on a shared device. In this tip, he shows how to configure a method...Continue Reading
Router Expert: Building VLAN interfaces in Linux and IOS
Segmenting a wireless LAN with VLANs can increase security. Find out from our router expert how to support VLAN interfaces in Linux and Cisco IOS.Continue Reading
Why do we need the MAC address if all Ethernet connections are done via IP address?
Cache poisoning attacks and how to prevent them
Want something scary to think about? A compromise of your name servers could cut you off from the Internet or redirect your customers to a competitor. It could even shunt sensitive electronic mail through an intermediate mail server or reroute your ...Continue Reading
What is difference between a WINS server and a DNS server?
VPN security: Where are the vulnerabilities?
SOX compliance mandates have pushed organizations to deliver end-to-end VPN security. This means that the VPN itself is no longer enough. Robbie Harrell explains how organizations can apply security policies to the VPN in this tip.Continue Reading
How do I open port 177 on my router so that other clients can get a GUI display of my server remotel
Router Expert: Building 802.11Q VLANs
Network segmentation can be a great way to increase security. This article covers segmenting with VLANs and the 802.1Q standard.Continue Reading
Understanding the differences between IDS and IPS
We all know that the Internet is a haven for cyber criminals who use the connectivity to launch an unprecedented number of attacks against enterprise networks. IDS and IPS have been developed to combat these threats, but they are not one in the same...Continue Reading
How do I set up two or more wireless adapters on the same computer to work together?
Placement of the firewall
In this expert response, Puneet Mehta tells us where the placement of the firewall should be architecturally.Continue Reading
Router Expert: Standard interface configuration for a WLAN proxy server
Our router expert continues his series on building a secure WLAN with a Linux base. This article covers standard interface configuration of the http proxy server.Continue Reading
Troubleshooting Windows VPN servers
There are several aspects of the Windows remote access server that can create issues when a VPN client connects. This article focuses on some common trouble spots on the server side and offers steps to help pinpoint the problem.Continue Reading
Can you please explain the following, common Ethernet errors?
In a LAN environment, which is better: Token Ring or Ethernet and why?
What is a collision domain? How does replacing a hub with a switch affect collision?
Since DNS uses UDP instead of TCP, if a packet is lost, there is no automatic recovery?
Can I connect two networks, one wired, one wireless, so that I can access the Internet through the s
Wireless LAN deployment and federal regulations
A look at the bare minimum requirements to keep your WLAN compliant with federal regulations.Continue Reading
Secure WLAN best practices and topology
Expert Michael Martin provides a list of wireless security "dos and don'ts" and a sample topology for a secure WLAN.Continue Reading
I need help adding a central MAC address authentication server to our current WLAN.
What does the term "stackable switches" means?
What is the difference between a managed and an unmanaged switch?
How do I connect to my LAN from the Internet?
Router Expert: Filtering with MAC addresses
This month our router expert discuss some strategies for controlling host network access using MAC address filtering.Continue Reading
Focus Windows port scanning with the netscan command
How to use the netscan command to focus Windows port scanning.Continue Reading
What are the basic features of CIDR and what are its advantages and disadvantages compared to IPv6?
Can I connect two computers through Ethernet on a WAN?
Can I connect two computers through Ethernet on a WAN?Continue Reading
What costs I can expect when designing A LAN? How can I keep costs to a minimum?
How do you interpret a bandwidth utilization graph?