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Wireless networking technology helps craft IT modernization

This article is part of the Network Evolution issue of April 2018, Vol. 9, No. 2
Healthcare systems have undergone a transformation in the last decade, making greater strides to bring specialized care to patients who find themselves in hospitals or long-term facilities. That's part of the reason Schlegel Villages, with locations across Ont., Canada, refers to its long-term care and residential homes as neighborhoods or communities. Schlegel, with 4,800 employees across 19 communities, is also going through a technology transformation as it updates its wireless network technology to accommodate an electronic health record (EHR) implementation and more mobile devices at the point of care. This IT modernization plan includes 1,600 access points from Aruba Networks, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, and about 70 HPE switches so medical staff, residents and visitors will have Wi-Fi access at the communities from the moment they park their cars. The deployment is expected to be complete in mid-2018. When it's finished, all the healthcare teams throughout Schlegel will be able to use iPads and other Apple ...
Features in this issue
Network analytics tools deepen with machine learning and AI
Network analytics tools that utilize machine learning and AI can help IT pros with monitoring and performance evaluation, and provide business insight. But a holistic view of the network using analytics is still on the horizon.
Networking elements of a digital transformation framework
Establishing a digital transformation framework includes adopting advanced technologies. Networking pros play a crucial role in managing this new wave of innovation.
Columns in this issue
Network data analytics must work alongside human ingenuity
Network data analytics offer a key tool in the arsenal of monitoring and understanding network behavior. But network professionals can't forget another crucial element -- themselves.
Wireless networking technology helps craft IT modernization
A long-term care business looks to wireless network technology and Active Directory to kick off its IT modernization plan and business growth.