How to sideload iOS apps and why it's dangerous
IT professionals might think the hassle of jailbreaking a device deters users from sideloading iOS apps. Learn the other methods users turn to and why it's still dangerous. Continue Reading
Could the iPhone 15's USB-C port drive device consolidation?
With the coming of the new iPhone with the USB-C port, organizations might look at this new compatibility feature as the impetus for some changes to their device policies. Continue Reading
A fresh look at business use cases for AR and VR
AR and VR have matured over the years as technologies, but the business use cases haven't been as sticky. However, the future could hold an unexpected use case -- desktops. Continue Reading
Apple debuts multi-user iPadOS sessions for enterprise users
Shared iPad, previously exclusive to education, brings multi-user concepts to enterprise iPad use cases, and Apple admins should learn how it can support their organization. Continue Reading
A look at MTD vendor Zimperium, and their new product suite, MAPS
Zimperium's MAPS provide organizations with a way to protect apps from development to after it hits app stores. Continue Reading
The enterprise angle on the 2020 MacBook Air and iPadOS 13.4 trackpad support
Both the iPad software and hardware are moving closer to the realm of laptop territory, while staying true to their tablet roots. Is this the ultimate 2-in-1? Continue Reading
What Wi-Fi 6 phones and tablets can provide organizations
The latest generation of Wi-Fi technology, Wi-Fi 6, can enable improved mobile UX for workers that rely on kiosks, smartphones and tablets for their daily on-premises tasks. Continue Reading
What IT needs to know about FIDO2 iOS and Android standards
The FIDO2 standard can help organizations go passwordless, but IT should understand how exactly an application or website offers this possibility through the WebAuthn API. Continue Reading
What’s the deal with Microsoft Defender for Android and iOS?
AV in 2020 on a mobile device sure does sound funny, so what is it really? Continue Reading
Android 11 Developer Preview is out. What does the enterprise need to know?
The updates are mostly incremental, but that’s a sign of Android Enterprise maturity. Continue Reading
Will the enterprise adopt dual-screen or foldable devices? Count me among the skeptics
Granted, vendors might not care at the moment and simply want consumers to pick these up. But, we had these same questions about the iPad. Continue Reading
The employee experience includes dark mode. What enterprise apps have added it?
Dark mode is popular with users, so it behooves any EUC vendor following the employee experience trend to add it to their apps. Continue Reading
What did 2019 see for mobile security? More Punycode phishing, and jailbreaking returns
I previously spent several months examining 2018 in depth, so let’s see what the first couple of mobile security reports show for 2019. Continue Reading
Apple’s walled garden leads to #FreeTheSandbox initiative. What is it?
Maybe we’re starting to see more vocal pushback from the security community around iOS and Android security. Continue Reading
A look at how Lookout integrates with Microsoft, Google, and VMware for unmanaged devices
Working with the likes of Microsoft, Google, and VMware is a coup for Lookout. Continue Reading
Infographic: When to use MDM, MAM, and other EMM techniques
A visual guide to how Android Enterprise, iOS MDM, and mobile threat defense apply to BYOD, COPE, embedded devices, and the extended enterprise. Continue Reading
Imprivata acquires GroundControl, the unique iOS management tool that augments MDM
GroundControl can “image” iOS devices and configure settings that MDM can’t touch, and enables shared device usage. Continue Reading
BYOD and using MDM is still an important decision!
Yes, it’s been a long time since BYOD was the top buzzword in our industry, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to worry about it anymore.! Continue Reading
No one ever talks about Siri in the workplace. Does Apple’s assistant have a place?
Digital assistants keep making more and more appearances in platform software. Continue Reading
Appdome study: Internal mobile apps in public app stores are becoming common. What does this mean?
Putting your internal mobile apps out there for anyone to download might not seem like the obvious thing to do, but it brings distinct advantages and is in line with zero trust trends. Continue Reading
Making sense of Apple’s enterprise app distribution changes
For in-house apps, Apple is now pushing the Custom Apps program (formerly the B2B program) as an alternative to enterprise-signed apps. Continue Reading
From the notebook: EBF Onboarder for MDM migration
MDM migrations can be tricky, so EBF Migrator helps keep everything in sync. Continue Reading
iOS 13.3 adds support for NFC, USB, and Lightning security keys
Android has had this feature forever and finally Apple catches up, or does it? Continue Reading
BlackBerry UEM is now in on zero trust, user behavior analytics, and mobile threat defense
A look at BlackBerry Intelligent Security, BlackBerry Enterprise Identity, and CylancePROTECT for Mobile. Continue Reading
New Apple MDM terms iOS admins should know
Apple introduced a new BYOD-friendly management mode for iOS and macOS and renamed the existing Apple MDM modes. Get up to speed with the three new terms. Continue Reading
Why organizations of any size should consider IDaaS
The risks of poor identity management are well known. Identity-as-a-service offerings can solve many identity-management-related issues. For companies that haven't yet, now is the time to get started. Continue Reading
A quick look at the Exodus MDM migration tool
A bunch of former AirWatch folks built an MDM migration tool, which could be useful as companies contemplate EMM refreshes, update deployments, or go through organizational changes. Continue Reading
NIST offers mobility best practices guide based on COPE deployments
Mobility isn’t a new concept, but it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start if you don’t have a framework in place, which is where NIST guidelines come in. Continue Reading
Safari 13 brings WebAuthn and drops legacy browser extensions
You can finally use hardware security keys, plus Apple does what Google has tried to do with extensions. Continue Reading
iOS 13 is out – Here’s what the enterprise needs to know
What does Apple need to do put the final polish on User Enrollment? Where will it be useful? What do the new iPhones mean? All this, and other notes. Continue Reading
iOS jailbreaks and hacks in the news: Here’s what you need to know
Yes, it’s significant, but no, it doesn’t completely upend our mobile security model. Either way, it’s a good opportunity to go over security lessons. Continue Reading
Why BYOD management is a moving target
Mixing work and personal usage on one device is a fundamental challenge that technology can only do so much to solve. Decide how to handle BYOD, or if you can nix it altogether. Continue Reading
Why EMM is the key to any enterprise mobility strategy
Now is the time to start incorporating EMM into enterprise mobility strategies. Here's why EMM is important and how organizations can take advantage of its benefits. Continue Reading
Mobility management systems evolve from MDM to EMM to UEM
Driven by the cloud, evolving mobile devices, unification and the need for better security, companies are vacating the premises and embracing unified endpoint management. Continue Reading
iOS 13 and Android Q show mobile OSes handle security, privacy issues better than Windows used to
Apple and Google can lock down their operating systems with much more ease than Windows. This makes our lives easier (most of the time!). Continue Reading
VMware Boxer’s new FastSync tech could usher in a better third-party email experience
Jon Towles explains how VMware Boxer uses key escrow to solve this long-time problem in a thoughtful and secure way. Continue Reading
Google Cloud Print – A poor man’s printing solution, or is it?
Bas van Kaam’s printing series continues with one of the less-discussed options. Continue Reading
iOS 13 will dramatically improve MDM for BYOD. Hello User Enrollment!
Now updated with Part 2! – The new privacy-focused User Enrollment mode for MDM is just what we’ve been waiting for. Continue Reading
Blue Cedar launches BlackBerry Accelerator for automatic MAM SDK integration
Mobile app management SDKs and app wrapping are a large total addressable market in the enterprise. The BlackBerry Accelerator joins other tech for automatic SDK integration. Continue Reading
Conditional access (zero trust) is the most important EUC movement since mobile and cloud
How do we put together the “any-any-any” message we’ve been hearing for years? With access policies that take the device, user, app, risks, and other factors into account. Continue Reading
A short review of the Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus
Smartphones continue to mature, making us wonder whether it’s worth releasing yearly iterations. Continue Reading
Citrix and VMware are all in on ‘workflow’ apps. So, what is a workflow app?
Workflow apps that help improve productivity on mobile devices (though useful on desktop, too). Continue Reading
Samsung Knox will support OEMConfig, and is eyeing more IoT support
Samsung outlines their tactical and strategic plans to continue the success of Knox. Continue Reading
What we learned about mobile security from real-world mobile threat defense customer data
Malware installs remain low, sideloading is surprisingly high, everyone agrees phishing is a threat, but there’s little consensus on network threats. Continue Reading
Zimperium mobile threat data shows malware is a worry but still impacts few devices
Zimperium found that the greatest share of mobile threats is device based. Continue Reading
Why UEM could overshadow the EMM market
As IT has been overwhelmed with too many tools to manage devices, UEM attempts to simplify the situation. Here's what to expect and what organizations should do. Continue Reading
VMware acquires AetherPal for mobile support via screen viewing/remote control
An important tool to keep mission-critical mobile use cases running in the field. Continue Reading
Mobile SSO: “It works on PC” just isn’t good enough
Jon Towles explains how to make seamless SSO work on iOS and shares a few thoughts on his favorite identity platforms. Continue Reading
Enterprise-signed iOS apps on unmanaged devices is a pain. How should we proceed?
It’s worth it to see if you can make the alternatives (public distribution or avoiding BYOD) work instead for your enterprise apps for iOS. Continue Reading
Google announces Android Enterprise Recommended program for EMM vendors
Initial EMM vendors include Blackberry, Google Cloud, I3 Systems, IBM, Microsoft, MobileIron, SoftBank, SOTI, and VMware. Continue Reading
How do you block sideloaded app installation on iOS or Android?
It’s super easy for someone to download sideloaded apps onto their devices these days, so is it easy for corporations to block them, too? Continue Reading
iOS MDM needs to get better at BYOD, but Apple might make it harder (December 2018 update)
The iOS MDM experience for BYOD has fallen behind the latest versions of Android, and some customer needs aren’t being met. It’s time for some big changes in iOS device management. Continue Reading
Wandera mobile security data shows locked-down corporate policies help lessen risk
It’s important to contextualize all the data to ensure everyone understands and doesn’t just try to dunk on one another. Continue Reading
Why identity management matters to mobility engineers
The next phase of your career can be paved by identity and access management. Continue Reading
What's driving the next-generation mobile user experience
Mobile users expect more from their employers these days. Thankfully, new technologies are making it possible for organizations to ride the latest evolution in mobile experiences. Continue Reading
How bad are mobile security threats? Our look at the numbers starts with Google and Lookout
Every vendor or company publishing mobile security data has an angle; let’s ditch that and just look at the numbers. Continue Reading
How to plan your mobile threat defense deployment
Practical advice on how to layer a mobile threat defense solution on top of your EMM, for single purpose, COPE, and BYOD devices. Continue Reading
Even basics like email & Wi-Fi make mobile device management worth doing
Some companies may not have a do-or-die security or workflow use case for MDM, but a good reason to use it might still be right under their nose! Continue Reading
Intune Win32 app management & more EUC news from Microsoft Ignite 2018
Here are more end user computing announcements that caught our attention at Microsoft Ignite, including Desktop App Assure and new AutoPilot features. Continue Reading
What mobile device analytics can do for you
The hype around analytics is real. When it comes to mobile, this technology can help IT administrators glean more information about users, business processes and more. Continue Reading
“Workflow” apps are a way to do mobile app security for SaaS
Where MDM isn’t possible, building workflows into other enterprise apps gives us a hook for security and management policies. Continue Reading
Mobile threat defense vendors are taking on phishing, a rising concern on mobile devices
The chances of getting malware on your phone are pretty slim, but social media and messaging apps make phishing a mobile threat to be concerned about. Continue Reading
Fortnite will require Android users to allow unknown sources. Time to rethink MTD and EMM policies?
If consumers get in the habit of installing Android apps from unknown sources, some of our assumptions around Android BYOD, management, and security will have to change. Continue Reading
How virtual assistant technology will affect the enterprise
Mobile devices with AI and virtual assistants will affect the enterprise, as well as consumers. Learn how to prep your organization for the future. Continue Reading
BYOD & privacy: Don’t settle for less than Android Enterprise in 2018
Jason Bayton knows Android management inside and out. Today, he outlines the strong case for switching to Android Enterprise work profiles in BYOD scenarios. Continue Reading
IBM MaaS360 built a voice-based AI assistant into their email app
With the MaaS360 Assistant, potentially increase employee mobile productivity. Continue Reading
Microsoft Surface Go holds promise for the enterprise
Microsoft has failed in the tablet market before, but the Surface Go could be a promising second chance for the company. Learn its features and pricing that set it apart. Continue Reading
Should IT monitor mobile device usage for work-life balance?
Work-related email and other communications have spilled over into after-work hours for many employees today. But should the IT department get involved in monitoring that? Continue Reading
Unpack the role of Google's Flutter app dev framework
Google's new cross-platform framework, Flutter, could threaten Android's existence. Explore three theories about why the company developed its new tool. Continue Reading
Ruggedized devices face a mobile-fueled transition
The next generation of smartphones is more rugged than ever, and this trend will change the ruggedized device market. Learn how and know what to expect in the next few years. Continue Reading
What’s Leostream up to? Their wide-ranging broker is just as valuable in today’s cloud world.
Leostream just released version 9.0 of their connection broker, and since we last caught up, they’re now offering a gateway. Continue Reading
Hey Siri: How does Apple MDM keep you from accessing corporate data?
Digital assistants and access in the workplace are a constant struggle. How difficult is it for the enterprise to keep Siri under control on BYOD or COPE devices? Continue Reading
Cross-platform mobile app development is more viable than ever
Organizations today support such a variety of devices that they need a way to deliver apps more seamlessly. Cross-platform development is a new reality that can help. Continue Reading
Mobility strategies shift toward UEM, IAM in 2018
IT is changing priorities when it comes to fitting mobile management into end-user computing strategies. Learn what some recent stats show about the new age of mobile. Continue Reading
How IT can prevent mobile phishing attacks
Mobile devices enable users to make crucial security decisions. Here's how IT can obtain more control to prevent phishing attacks from occurring in the first place. Continue Reading
Are digital assistants ready for serious enterprise use yet?
For now, the uses cases still seem to just involve basic productivity. Continue Reading
IT must seek identity management tools with AI, biometrics
The current identity management market is evolving, but it isn't yet fully formed. Discover the technologies that will change ID management and how to use them. Continue Reading
IT must prep for enterprise AI software
AI technology is growing fast, and end-user computing administrators need to be prepared for the multitude of benefits it can bring IT and employees. Continue Reading
Decide when to support the iPad Pro for work
Don't assume that the iPad Pro always works for the enterprise. IT pros should first evaluate when it's best to use an iPad rather than a PC or laptop. Continue Reading
Make room for AI for mobile in the future
AI is one of the hottest new technologies in mobile. Evaluate the AI market and determine how your organization can take advantage of the latest advances in mobile tech. Continue Reading
AI, security shape mobile app development trends in 2018
As demand for smarter mobile apps continues to rise, developers will embrace artificial intelligence, augmented reality and more robust security models to fill that gap in 2018. Continue Reading
The complete guide to mobile application management: Understanding different MAM techniques
MAM is essential, yet challenging and confusing; this series of articles covers everything you need to know. Part 2 takes a deep look at AppConfig MAM, stand alone MAM, and other MAM techniques. Continue Reading
Design thinking ensures a better mobile user experience
The best IT shops know how to apply design thinking to the mobile app development process, keeping the mobile user experience at the forefront. Continue Reading
How mobile antivirus software works and how to know if you need it
Whether you require users to have mobile antivirus software on their devices depends on how much control you have and which devices workers use. Continue Reading