- WEBINARDeloitte 2020 Human Capital Trends: Evolving the workplace and workforce experience for the next era
- WEBINARThe Employee Experience Digital Summit
- WEBINARReturn to Workplace: Contact Tracing Webinar
- WEBINARThe Evolution of HRSD and HR Shared Services
- WebinarRebounding with Charm: Fireside Chat with Kendra Scott
- WEBINARRestarting America with the Safe Workplace Applications
- WEBINARNow on Now: How ServiceNow is ensuring its own safe return to the workplace
- WebinarThe Return to Workplace Experience: Managing Culture, Care, and Workforce Safety
Deloitte 2020 Human Capital Trends: Evolving the workplace and workforce experience for the next era
For years, organizations viewed human and social concerns as separate from the business. It’s time to challenge this view that technology and humanity remain in different domains.Read More
The Employee Experience Digital Summit
During the height of global shutdowns, two organizations embarked on an HR digital transformation journey to keep their employees connected, engaged, and productive amid uncertainty.Read More
Return to Workplace: Contact Tracing Webinar
Contact tracing allows organizations to rapidly identify employees potentially exposed to COVID-19. Read More
The Evolution of HRSD and HR Shared Services
Work is rapidly evolving. And it’s clear from Leapgen’s 2020 Workforce Experience and Service Delivery Practices Survey findings that a digital employee experience platform will be a foundational element—shaping up to be the “fourth wave” in the evolution of HR service delivery. Does your digital HR strategy have what’s required for success?Read More
Rebounding with Charm: Fireside Chat with Kendra Scott
Companies are looking for new ways to engage customers and re-open their doors while supporting the well-being and safety of their workforce. Read More
Restarting America with the Safe Workplace Applications
As quarantine measures are slowly relaxing across many states, organizations are planning a carefully calculated process for re-entry to workplace. A key priority today for many leaders is to find a risk-aware digital solution to iteratively and safely reopen businesses, while continuing to manage the ever-present threat posed by COVID-19.Read More
Now on Now: How ServiceNow is ensuring its own safe return to the workplace
Like other organizations, ServiceNow rapidly shifted to a remote workforce in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. As we navigate the complexities of returning to the workplace, our strategy will require thoughtful ways to address employee safety and concerns, while keeping empathy and compassion at the heart of our efforts. We’re also using our own solutions to effectively manage employee health and workplace safety as we return to the workplace. Read More
The Return to Workplace Experience: Managing Culture, Care, and Workforce Safety
COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of work, making the employee experience more important than ever before. Watch this webinar on-demand to learn the essential strategies to drive your Return to Workplace experience while supporting the well-being and safety of your workforce.Read More
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