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CHIME Recognizes 18 Healthcare Orgs as 2022 Digital Health Most Wired
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the CHIME Digital Health Most Wired survey grew by 20 percent in 2022 and represents over healthcare facilities from 10 countries.
The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) has awarded 18 healthcare organizations the highest level of the CHIME Digital Health Most Wired Survey with level 10 certification for their commitment to digital health transformation.
To be certified at level 10, organizations must demonstrate an outstanding record of leveraging health IT within a visionary corporate strategy.
“We are excited to recognize those in the forefront of digital excellence,” H. Stephen Lieber, chief analytics officer at CHIME, noted in a press release. “Their pioneering performance inspires other organizations by example.”
“Patients in communities around the world receive better care because these providers drive change through digital transformation, as they have proven through their success in this rigorous survey,” Lieber continued.
CHIME also recognized additional qualified healthcare organizations from levels 7 through 9 and above for demonstrating their dedication to digital health.
This year, the survey grew by 20 percent, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and represents over 38,000 facilities from 10 countries. Participating organizations include acute care, ambulatory care, and long-term/post-acute care (LTPAC).
“This is a story that reaches far beyond the achievements of Digital Health Most Wired’s top-performing organizations,” said Russ Branzell, president and CEO of CHIME. “Deeper analysis of the data shows the major efforts underway to transform the way we deliver care as facilities up their digital game in areas such as patient engagement, clinical quality, security, and data analytics.”
Each participating organization receives a customized benchmarking report, an overall score, and scores for individual levels in eight segments: infrastructure, security, administrative/supply chain, analytics/data management, interoperability/population health, patient engagement, innovation, and clinical quality/safety.
The 2022 survey also included an unscored section on digital transformation to allow for data gathering on responses to emerging digital health trends without impact to an organization’s rating.
A list of the highest-achieving healthcare organizations in level 7-10 presented by category can be found here.